Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
PhidgetLCDMBS class
Super class: PhidgetMBS
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | Phidgets | MBS Phidgets Plugin | 22.1 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | Desktop, Console & Web |
It offers control of displayed text as well as screen settings and custom character creation.
Subclass of the PhidgetMBS class.
- 10 events
- event clearAsyncCompleted(ReturnCode as integer)
- event copyAsyncCompleted(ReturnCode as integer)
- event drawLineAsyncCompleted(ReturnCode as integer)
- event drawPixelAsyncCompleted(ReturnCode as integer)
- event drawRectAsyncCompleted(ReturnCode as integer)
- event flushAsyncCompleted(ReturnCode as integer)
- event saveFrameBufferAsyncCompleted(ReturnCode as integer)
- event setCharacterBitmapAsyncCompleted(ReturnCode as integer)
- event writeBitmapAsyncCompleted(ReturnCode as integer)
- event writeTextAsyncCompleted(ReturnCode as integer)
- 14 properties
- property AutoFlush as Boolean New in 25.0
- property Backlight as Double
- property Contrast as Double
- property CursorBlink as Boolean
- property CursorOn as Boolean
- property FrameBuffer as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- property MaxBacklight as Double
- property MaxContrast as Double
- property MinBacklight as Double
- property MinContrast as Double
- property ScreenSize as Integer
- property Sleeping as Boolean
- property Width as Integer
- 25 methods
- method Clear
- method ClearAsync
- method Constructor
- method copy(sourceFramebuffer as Integer, destFramebuffer as Integer, sourceX1 as Integer, sourceY1 as Integer, sourceX2 as Integer, sourceY2 as Integer, destX as Integer, destY as Integer, inverted as Integer)
- method copyAsync(sourceFramebuffer as Integer, destFramebuffer as Integer, sourceX1 as Integer, sourceY1 as Integer, sourceX2 as Integer, sourceY2 as Integer, destX as Integer, destY as Integer, inverted as Integer)
- method drawLine(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, x2 as Integer, y2 as Integer)
- method drawLineAsync(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, x2 as Integer, y2 as Integer)
- method drawPixel(x as Integer, y as Integer, pixelState as Integer)
- method drawPixelAsync(x as Integer, y as Integer, pixelState as Integer)
- method drawRect(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, x2 as Integer, y2 as Integer, filled as Integer, inverted as Integer = 0)
- method drawRectAsync(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, x2 as Integer, y2 as Integer, filled as Integer, inverted as Integer = 0)
- method Flush
- method FlushAsync
- method getFontSize(Font as Integer, byref Width as Integer, byref Height as Integer)
- method Initialize
- method MaxCharacters(font as Integer) as Integer
- method saveFrameBuffer(frameBuffer as Integer)
- method saveFrameBufferAsync(frameBuffer as Integer)
- method setCharacterBitmap(Font as Integer, Character as String, Bitmap as MemoryBlock)
- method setCharacterBitmapAsync(Font as Integer, Character as String, Bitmap as MemoryBlock)
- method setFontSize(Font as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer)
- method writeBitmap(xPosition as Integer, yPosition as Integer, xSize as Integer, ySize as Integer, Bitmap as MemoryBlock)
- method writeBitmapAsync(xPosition as Integer, yPosition as Integer, xSize as Integer, ySize as Integer, Bitmap as MemoryBlock)
- method writeText(Font as Integer, xPosition as Integer, yPosition as Integer, Text as String)
- method writeTextAsync(Font as Integer, xPosition as Integer, yPosition as Integer, Text as String)
- 21 constants
Constant | Value | Description |
kFont5x8 | 4 |
5px by 8px font |
kFont6x10 | 3 |
6px by 10px font |
kFont6x12 | 5 |
6px by 12px font |
kFontUser1 | 1 |
User-defined font #1 |
kFontUser2 | 2 |
User-defined font #2 |
Pixel States
Constant | Value | Description |
kPixelStateInvert | 2 |
Invert the pixel state |
kPixelStateOff | 0 |
Pixel off state |
kPixelStateOn | 1 |
Pixel on state |
Screen Sizes
Constant | Value | Description |
kScreenSize1x16 | 4 |
1x16, One row, 16 column text screen |
kScreenSize1x40 | &ha |
1x40, One row, 40 column text screen |
kScreenSize1x8 | 2 |
1x8, One row, eight column text screen |
kScreenSize2x16 | 5 |
2x16, Two row, 16 column text screen |
kScreenSize2x20 | 7 |
2x20, Two row, 20 column text screen |
kScreenSize2x24 | 9 |
2x24, Two row, 24 column text screen |
kScreenSize2x40 | &hb |
2x40, Two row, 40 column text screen |
kScreenSize2x8 | 3 |
2x8, Two row, eight column text screen |
kScreenSize4x16 | 6 |
4x16, Four row, 16 column text screen |
kScreenSize4x20 | 8 |
4x20, Four row, 20 column text screen. |
kScreenSize4x40 | &hc |
4x40, Four row, 40 column text screen |
kScreenSize64x128 | &hd |
64x128, 64px by 128px graphic screen |
kScreenSizeNone | 1 |
No Screen, Screen size unknown. |
Super class PhidgetMBS
- 4 events
- event Attached
- event Detached
- event Error(errorCode as Integer, errorString as String)
- event PropertyChanged(propertyName as String)
- 43 properties
- property Attached as Boolean
- property Channel as Integer
- property ChannelClass as Integer
- property ChannelClassName as String
- property ChannelName as String
- property ChannelSubclass as Integer
- property ClientVersionMajor as Integer
- property ClientVersionMinor as Integer
- property DataInterval as UInt32
- property DataRate as Double New in 25.0
- property DeviceClass as Integer
- property DeviceClassName as String
- property DeviceID as Integer
- property DeviceLabel as String
- property DeviceName as String
- property DeviceSerialNumber as Integer
- property DeviceSKU as String
- property DeviceVersion as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property Hub as PhidgetMBS
- property HubPort as Integer
- property HubPortCount as Integer
- property HubPortSpeed as UInt32 New in 25.0
- property HubPortSupportsAutoSetSpeed as Boolean New in 25.0
- property HubPortSupportsSetSpeed as Boolean New in 25.0
- property IsChannel as Boolean
- property IsHubPortDevice as Boolean
- property IsLocal as Boolean
- property IsOpen as Boolean New in 25.0
- property IsRemote as Boolean
- property MaxDataInterval as UInt32 New in 25.0
- property MaxDataRate as Double New in 25.0
- property MaxHubPortSpeed as UInt32 New in 25.0
- property MeshMode as Integer
- property MinDataInterval as UInt32 New in 25.0
- property MinDataRate as Double New in 25.0
- property Parent as PhidgetMBS
- property ServerHostname as String
- property ServerName as String
- property ServerPeerName as String
- property ServerUniqueName as String
- property ServerVersionMajor as Integer
- property ServerVersionMinor as Integer
- 3 shared properties
- shared property InstanceCount as Integer New in 24.5
- shared property LibraryVersion as String
- shared property LibraryVersionNumber as String
- 8 methods
- method ChildDevices as PhidgetMBS()
- method close
- method Constructor Private
- method Destructor
- method DeviceChannelCount(ChannelClass as Integer) as Integer
- method open
- method openWaitForAttachment(timeoutMs as UInt32 = 1000)
- method writeDeviceLabel(deviceLabel as String)
- 3 shared methods
- shared method finalize(flags as Integer = 0) New in 24.5
- shared method Poll
- shared method resetLibrary
- 317 constants
This class has no sub classes.
Some examples using this class:
Blog Entries
Release notes
- Version 25.0
- Added more properties and methods to PhidgetSpatialMBS, PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS, PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS, PhidgetDCMotorMBS, PhidgetMBS, PhidgetLCDMBS and PhidgetHubMBS classes.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Phidgets Plugin.
PhidgetIRMBS - PhidgetLightSensorMBS