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Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | Cocoa Networking | MBS MacBase Plugin | 15.2 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ✅ Yes | All |
An NSURL object represents a URL that can potentially contain the location of a resource on a remote server, the path of a local file on disk, or even an arbitrary piece of encoded data.
Please also review Apples documentation on this class:
MBS Plugin only includes a part of the original class. EMail us if you miss something.
- 81 properties
- property absoluteString as String
- property absoluteURL as NSURLMBS
- property AddedToDirectoryDate as Date
- property AddedToDirectoryDateTime as DateTime
- property AttributeModificationDate as Date
- property AttributeModificationDateTime as DateTime
- property baseURL as NSURLMBS
- property ContentAccessDate as Date
- property ContentAccessDateTime as DateTime
- property ContentModificationDate as Date
- property ContentModificationDateTime as DateTime
- property CreationDate as Date
- property CreationDateTime as DateTime
- property DocumentIdentifier as String
- property EffectiveIcon as Variant
- property filePathURL as NSURLMBS
- property fileReferenceURL as NSURLMBS
- property FileResourceIdentifier as String
- property FileResourceType as String
- property fileSystemRepresentation as String
- property fragment as String
- property GenerationIdentifier as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property HasHiddenExtension as Boolean
- property host as String
- property IsAlias as Boolean
- property IsDirectory as Boolean
- property IsExcludedFromBackup as Boolean
- property IsExecutable as Boolean
- property isFileReferenceURL as Boolean
- property isFileURL as Boolean
- property IsHidden as Boolean
- property IsMountTrigger as Boolean
- property IsPackage as Boolean
- property IsReadable as Boolean
- property IsRegularFile as Boolean
- property IsSymbolicLink as Boolean
- property IsSystemImmutable as Boolean
- property IsUbiquitousItem as Boolean
- property IsUserImmutable as Boolean
- property IsVolume as Boolean
- property IsWritable as Boolean
- property Item as FolderItem
- property LabelColor as Variant
- property LabelNumber as Integer
- property lastPathComponent as String
- property LinkCount as Integer
- property LocalizedLabel as String
- property LocalizedName as String
- property LocalizedTypeDescription as String
- property Name as String
- property parameterString as String
- property ParentDirectoryURL as NSURLMBS
- property password as String
- property path as String
- property pathExtension as String
- property port as Integer
- property PreferredIOBlockSize as Integer
- property QuarantineProperties as Dictionary
- property query as String
- property relativePath as String
- property relativeString as String
- property resourceSpecifier as String
- property scheme as String
- property standardizedURL as NSURLMBS
- property TypeIdentifier as String
- property UbiquitousItemContainerDisplayName as String
- property UbiquitousItemDownloadingError as NSErrorMBS
- property UbiquitousItemDownloadingStatus as String
- property UbiquitousItemDownloadRequested as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemHasUnresolvedConflicts as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemIsDownloaded as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemIsDownloading as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemIsExcludedFromSync as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemIsShared as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemIsUploaded as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemIsUploading as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemUploadingError as NSErrorMBS
- property user as String
- property VolumeIdentifier as String
- property VolumeURL as NSURLMBS
- 28 methods
- method checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError as NSErrorMBS
- method Constructor(item as folderitem)
- method Constructor(scheme as string, host as string, path as string)
- method Constructor(url as string)
- method Constructor(url as string, baseURL as NSURLMBS)
- method copy as NSURLMBS
- method getResourceValue(byref value as Variant, key as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method isEqual(other as NSURLMBS) as boolean
- method Items(byref error as NSErrorMBS, VisibleItemsOnly as boolean = false) as NSURLMBS()
- method Items(VisibleItemsOnly as boolean = false) as NSURLMBS()
- method pathComponents as string()
- method removeAllCachedResourceValues
- method removeCachedResourceValueForKey(key as string)
- method resourceValuesForKeys(keys() as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Dictionary
- method resourceValuesForKeys(keys() as string, targetDelegate as ResourceValuesForKeysDelegateMBS, tag as Variant = nil, PrecacheIcons as boolean = false)
- method setResourceValue(value as Variant, key as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method setResourceValues(keyedValues as Dictionary, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method setTemporaryResourceValue(value as Variant, key as string)
- method startAccessingSecurityScopedResource as boolean
- method stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource
- method TagNames as string()
- method URLByAppendingPathComponent(pathComponent as string) as NSURLMBS
- method URLByAppendingPathComponent(pathComponent as string, isDirectory as boolean) as NSURLMBS
- method URLByAppendingPathExtension(PathExtension as string) as NSURLMBS
- method URLByDeletingLastPathComponent as NSURLMBS
- method URLByDeletingPathExtension as NSURLMBS
- method URLByResolvingSymlinksInPath as NSURLMBS
- method URLByStandardizingPath as NSURLMBS
- 137 shared methods
- shared method fileURLWithFileSystemRepresentation(path as string, isDirectory as boolean, relativeToURL as NSURLMBS) as NSURLMBS
- shared method fileURLWithPath(path as string) as NSURLMBS
- shared method fileURLWithPath(path as string, isDirectory as boolean) as NSURLMBS
- shared method fileURLWithPathComponents(components() as string) as NSURLMBS
- shared method mountedVolumeURLs(SkipHidden as boolean = true) as NSURLMBS()
- shared method NSThumbnail1024x1024SizeKey as string
- shared method NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey as string
- shared method NSURLAttributeModificationDateKey as string
- shared method NSURLContentAccessDateKey as string
- shared method NSURLContentModificationDateKey as string
- shared method NSURLCreationDateKey as string
- shared method NSURLCustomIconKey as string
- shared method NSURLDocumentIdentifierKey as string
- shared method NSURLEffectiveIconKey as string
- shared method NSURLFileAllocatedSizeKey as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceIdentifierKey as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeBlockSpecial as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeCharacterSpecial as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeDirectory as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeKey as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeNamedPipe as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeRegular as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeSocket as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeSymbolicLink as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeUnknown as string
- shared method NSURLFileScheme as string
- shared method NSURLFileSecurityKey as string
- shared method NSURLFileSizeKey as string
- shared method NSURLGenerationIdentifierKey as string
- shared method NSURLHasHiddenExtensionKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsAliasFileKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsDirectoryKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsExecutableKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsHiddenKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsMountTriggerKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsPackageKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsReadableKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsRegularFileKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsSymbolicLinkKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsSystemImmutableKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsUbiquitousItemKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsUserImmutableKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsVolumeKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsWritableKey as string
- shared method NSURLKeysOfUnsetValuesKey as string
- shared method NSURLLabelColorKey as string
- shared method NSURLLabelNumberKey as string
- shared method NSURLLinkCountKey as string
- shared method NSURLLocalizedLabelKey as string
- shared method NSURLLocalizedNameKey as string
- shared method NSURLLocalizedTypeDescriptionKey as string
- shared method NSURLNameKey as string
- shared method NSURLParentDirectoryURLKey as string
- shared method NSURLPathKey as string
- shared method NSURLPreferredIOBlockSizeKey as string
- shared method NSURLQuarantinePropertiesKey as string
- shared method NSURLTagNamesKey as string
- shared method NSURLThumbnailDictionaryKey as string
- shared method NSURLThumbnailKey as string
- shared method NSURLTotalFileAllocatedSizeKey as string
- shared method NSURLTotalFileSizeKey as string
- shared method NSURLTypeIdentifierKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemContainerDisplayNameKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingErrorKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusCurrent as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusDownloaded as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusNotDownloaded as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadRequestedKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemHasUnresolvedConflictsKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemIsDownloadedKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemIsDownloadingKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemIsExcludedFromSyncKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemIsSharedKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemIsUploadedKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemIsUploadingKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemPercentDownloadedKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemPercentUploadedKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemUploadingErrorKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemCurrentUserPermissionsKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemCurrentUserRoleKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemMostRecentEditorNameComponentsKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemOwnerNameComponentsKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemPermissionsReadOnly as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemPermissionsReadWrite as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemRoleOwner as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemRoleParticipant as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityForImportantUsageKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityForOpportunisticUsageKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeCreationDateKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIdentifierKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsAutomountedKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsBrowsableKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsEjectableKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsEncryptedKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsInternalKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsJournalingKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsLocalKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsReadOnlyKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsRemovableKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsRootFileSystemKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeLocalizedFormatDescriptionKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeLocalizedNameKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeMaximumFileSizeKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeNameKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeResourceCountKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsAccessPermissionsKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsAdvisoryFileLockingKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsCasePreservedNamesKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsCaseSensitiveNamesKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsCompressionKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsExclusiveRenamingKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsExtendedSecurityKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsFileCloningKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsFileProtectionKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsHardLinksKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsImmutableFilesKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsJournalingKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsPersistentIDsKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsRenamingKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsRootDirectoryDatesKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsSparseFilesKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsSwapRenamingKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsSymbolicLinksKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsVolumeSizesKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsZeroRunsKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeTotalCapacityKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeURLForRemountingKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeURLKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeUUIDStringKey as string
- shared method URLsResourceValuesForKeys(URLs() as NSURLMBS, keys() as string, targetDelegate as URLsResourceValuesForKeysDelegateMBS, tag as Variant = nil, PrecacheIcons as boolean = false)
- shared method URLWithHandle(Handle as Integer) as NSURLMBS
- shared method URLWithItem(Item as FolderItem) as NSURLMBS
- shared method URLWithString(URL as string) as NSURLMBS
- shared method URLWithString(URL as string, baseURL as NSURLMBS) as NSURLMBS
- 2 delegates
- delegate ResourceValuesForKeysDelegateMBS(URL as NSURLMBS, keys() as String, Values as Dictionary, Error as NSErrorMBS, tag as variant)
- delegate URLsResourceValuesForKeysDelegateMBS(URLs() as NSURLMBS, keys() as String, Values() as Dictionary, Errors() as NSErrorMBS, tag as variant)
This class has no sub classes.
Some methods using this class:
- DesktopWKWebViewControlMBS.runOpenPanelWithParametersCompleted(URLs() as NSURLMBS)
- WKWebViewControlMBS.runOpenPanelWithParametersCompleted(URLs() as NSURLMBS)
Some properties using for this class:
- NSURLMBS.standardizedURL as NSURLMBS
Some examples using this class:
Blog Entries
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 22.6pr1
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 22.1
- Tip of the day: Count files in upload for iCloud
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 22.1pr3
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 21.2pr3
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 20.5pr6
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 20.3pr6
- MBS Xojo / Real Studio Plugins, version 16.4pr4
- MBS Xojo / Real Studio Plugins, version 15.2pr1
Release notes
- Version 23.0
- Changed EffectiveIcon and LabelColor in NSURLMBS to return variant to reduce dependencies.
- Version 22.1
- Added UbiquitousItemIsExcludedFromSync, UbiquitousItemUploadingError, UbiquitousItemIsUploading, UbiquitousItemIsUploaded, UbiquitousItemIsShared, UbiquitousItemIsDownloading, UbiquitousItemIsDownloaded, UbiquitousItemHasUnresolvedConflicts, UbiquitousItemDownloadRequested, UbiquitousItemDownloadingStatus, UbiquitousItemDownloadingError, UbiquitousItemContainerDisplayName and IsUbiquitousItem properties to NSURLMBS class.
- Version 21.5
- Added NSURLUbiquitousItemIsExcludedFromSyncKey to NSURLMBS class.
- Version 21.2
- Added more key getters for NSURLMBS class.
- Version 20.5
- Version 20.3
- Fixed VolumeIdentifier and FileResourceIdentifier properties in NSURLMBS to return data as hex string.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MacBase Plugin.
NSURLDownloadMBS - NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS