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NSSharingServiceMBS class
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | Social | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 12.3 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No | Desktop only |
For example, items can be: NSURL objects, NSString objects, NSImage objects, video (through file URLs), or any object which implements the NSPasteboardWriting protocol.
For any item or group of items, the NSSharingServiceMBS will display a sharing sheet to allow the user to pre-visualize what will be shared to the service. A sharing service can: create a post on a social network like Twitter or Facebook, send a message by email or iMessage, upload videos to viewing services, or send a file by AirDrop.
- 9 properties
- property accountName as String
- property alternateImage as NSImageMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property image as NSImageMBS
- property menuItemTitle as String
- property messageBody as String
- property permanentLink as String
- property subject as String
- property title as string
- 9 methods
- method attachmentFileURLs as String()
- method canPerformWithItems(items as NSSharingServiceItemsMBS) as Boolean
- method Close
- method Constructor(name as string)
- method Destructor
- method performWithItems(items as NSSharingServiceItemsMBS)
- method recipients as String()
- method SetDelegate(DelegateHandler as NSSharingServiceDelegateMBS)
- method setRecipients(recipients() as String)
- 19 shared methods
- shared method Available as boolean
- shared method NSSharingServiceNameAddToAperture as string
- shared method NSSharingServiceNameAddToIPhoto as string
- shared method NSSharingServiceNameAddToSafariReadingList as string
- shared method NSSharingServiceNameCloudSharing as string
- shared method NSSharingServiceNameComposeEmail as string
- shared method NSSharingServiceNameComposeMessage as string
- shared method NSSharingServiceNamePostImageOnFlickr as string
- shared method NSSharingServiceNamePostOnFacebook as string
- shared method NSSharingServiceNamePostOnSinaWeibo as string
- shared method NSSharingServiceNamePostOnTwitter as string
- shared method NSSharingServiceNamePostVideoOnTudou as string
- shared method NSSharingServiceNamePostVideoOnVimeo as string
- shared method NSSharingServiceNamePostVideoOnYouku as string
- shared method NSSharingServiceNameSendViaAirDrop as string
- shared method NSSharingServiceNameUseAsDesktopPicture as string
- shared method NSSharingServiceNameUseAsTwitterProfileImage as string
- shared method sharingServiceNamed(name as string) as NSSharingServiceMBS
- shared method sharingServicesForItems(items as NSSharingServiceItemsMBS) as NSSharingServiceMBS()
Sub classes:
Some events using this class:
- NSSharingServiceDelegateMBS.didCompleteForItems(service as NSSharingServiceMBS, items as NSSharingServiceItemsMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- NSSharingServiceDelegateMBS.didSaveShare(service as NSSharingServiceMBS, share as Variant)
- NSSharingServiceDelegateMBS.didStopSharing(service as NSSharingServiceMBS, share as Variant)
- NSSharingServiceDelegateMBS.optionsForSharingService(service as NSSharingServiceMBS, provider as Variant) as Integer
- NSSharingServiceDelegateMBS.sourceWindowForShareItems(service as NSSharingServiceMBS, items as NSSharingServiceItemsMBS, scope as Integer) as NSWindowMBS
- NSSharingServiceDelegateMBS.transitionImageForShareItem(service as NSSharingServiceMBS, item as Variant, contentRect as NSRectMBS) as NSImageMBS
- NSSharingServiceDelegateMBS.willShareItems(service as NSSharingServiceMBS, items as NSSharingServiceItemsMBS)
- NSSharingServicePickerMBS.delegateForSharingService(service as NSSharingServiceMBS) as NSSharingServiceDelegateMBS
- NSSharingServicePickerMBS.didChooseSharingService(service as NSSharingServiceMBS)
- NSSharingServicePickerMBS.sharingServicesForItems(items as NSSharingServiceItemsMBS, proposedServices() as NSSharingServiceMBS) as NSSharingServiceMBS()
Some examples using this class:
Blog Entries
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 21.3
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 21.2
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 21.2
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 21.2pr1
Release notes
- Version 21.2
- Added more properties for NSSharingServiceMBS class.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MacFrameworks Plugin.
NSSharingServiceItemsMBS - NSSharingServicePickerMBS