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NSHTTPCookieMBS class
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | Cocoa Networking | MBS MacControls Plugin | 11.1 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No | Desktop, Console & Web |
It's an immutable object initialized from a dictionary containing the cookie attributes.
Two versions of cookies are supported:
Version 0: This version refers to "traditional" or "old-style" cookies, the original cookie format defined by Netscape. The majority of cookies encountered are in this format.
Version 1: This version refers to cookies as defined in RFC 2965, HTTP State Management Mechanism.
- 14 properties
- property comment as string
- property commentURL as string
- property domain as string
- property expiresDate as date
- property expiresDateTime as dateTime
- property Handle as Integer
- property isHTTPOnly as boolean
- property isSecure as boolean
- property isSessionOnly as boolean
- property name as string
- property path as string
- property properties as dictionary
- property value as string
- property version as Integer
- 2 methods
- method Constructor(properties as dictionary)
- method portList as Integer()
- 17 shared methods
- shared method cookiesWithResponseHeaderFields(headerFields as dictionary, URL as string) as NSHTTPCookieMBS()
- shared method cookieWithProperties(dic as dictionary) as NSHTTPCookieMBS
- shared method NSHTTPCookieComment as string
- shared method NSHTTPCookieCommentURL as string
- shared method NSHTTPCookieDiscard as string
- shared method NSHTTPCookieDomain as string
- shared method NSHTTPCookieExpires as string
- shared method NSHTTPCookieMaximumAge as string
- shared method NSHTTPCookieName as string
- shared method NSHTTPCookieOriginURL as string
- shared method NSHTTPCookiePath as string
- shared method NSHTTPCookiePort as string
- shared method NSHTTPCookieSecure as string
- shared method NSHTTPCookieSetByJavaScript as string New in 25.0
- shared method NSHTTPCookieValue as string
- shared method NSHTTPCookieVersion as string
- shared method requestHeaderFieldsWithCookies(cookies() as NSHTTPCookieMBS) as dictionary
This class has no sub classes.
Some methods using this class:
- NSHTTPCookieStorageMBS.cookies as NSHTTPCookieMBS()
- NSHTTPCookieStorageMBS.cookiesForURL(URL as string) as NSHTTPCookieMBS()
- NSHTTPCookieStorageMBS.cookiesToArray(cookies() as NSHTTPCookieMBS) as Integer
- NSHTTPCookieStorageMBS.deleteCookie(cookie as NSHTTPCookieMBS)
- NSHTTPCookieStorageMBS.setCookie(cookie as NSHTTPCookieMBS)
- NSHTTPCookieStorageMBS.setCookies(cookies() as NSHTTPCookieMBS, URL as string, mainDocumentURL as string)
- WKHTTPCookieStoreMBS.AllCookies as NSHTTPCookieMBS()
- WKHTTPCookieStoreMBS.deleteCookie(cookie as NSHTTPCookieMBS, wait as boolean = true)
- WKHTTPCookieStoreMBS.setCookie(cookie as NSHTTPCookieMBS, wait as boolean = true)
Blog Entries
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 24.6pr5
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 20.6pr1
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 20.5pr7
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 20.1
- Cookies in HTMLViewer
- MBS Plugins 11.1 Release notes
- MBS REALbasic Plugins, version 11.1pr3
Release notes
- Version 25.0
- Added NSHTTPCookieSetByJavaScript shared method to NSHTTPCookieMBS class.
- Version 21.0
- Fixed AllCookies function in NSHTTPCookieMBS to not freeze app.
- Version 20.5
- Changed properties in NSDatePickerMBS and NSHTTPCookieMBS classes to be debugger visible.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MacControls Plugin.
NSHelpManagerMBS - NSHTTPCookieStorageMBS