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NSErrorMBS class
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | Cocoa | MBS Main Plugin | 7.7 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ✅ Yes | All |
- 8 properties
- property code as Integer
- property description as string
- property domain as string
- property Handle as Integer
- property localizedDescription as string
- property localizedFailureReason as string
- property localizedRecoverySuggestion as string
- property userInfo as dictionary
- 2 methods
- method Constructor(Domain as String, Code as Integer, UserInfo as dictionary = nil)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- 14 shared methods
- shared method error(Domain as String, Code as Integer, UserInfo as dictionary = nil) as NSErrorMBS
- shared method NSCocoaErrorDomain as String
- shared method NSFilePathErrorKey as String
- shared method NSLocalizedDescriptionKey as String
- shared method NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey as String
- shared method NSLocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey as String
- shared method NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey as String
- shared method NSMachErrorDomain as String
- shared method NSOSStatusErrorDomain as String
- shared method NSPOSIXErrorDomain as String
- shared method NSRecoveryAttempterErrorKey as String
- shared method NSStringEncodingErrorKey as String
- shared method NSUnderlyingErrorKey as String
- shared method NSURLErrorKey as String
This class has no sub classes.
Some methods using this class:
- AVMutableCompositionMBS.insert(asset as AVAssetMBS, startTime as CMTimeMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- AVMutableMovieMBS.movieWithURL(URL as String, Options as Dictionary = nil, byref Error as NSErrorMBS) as AVMovieMBS
- CWWiFiClientMBS.stopMonitoringAllEvents(byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- GADRewardedAdMBS.canPresent(byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Boolean
- MLFeatureValueMBS.featureValueWithDictionary(value as Dictionary, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as MLFeatureValueMBS
- MLModelMBS.parameterValueForKey(key as MLParameterKeyMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Variant
- NSFileCoordinatorMBS.prepareForReadingItemsAtURLs(readingFiles() as folderitem, readingOptions as Integer, writingItemsAtFiles() as folderitem, writingOptions as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant = nil)
- NSFileManagerMBS.attributesOfItemAtPath(item as folderitem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Dictionary
- NSSpeechSynthesizerMBS.setObjectForProperty(value as Variant, PropertyName as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- OSAScriptMBS.Constructor(Data as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS, URL as String, LanguageInstance as OSALanguageInstanceMBS, storageOptions as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
Some properties using for this class:
- AVAssetExportSessionMBS.error as NSErrorMBS
- AVPlayerItemMBS.error as NSErrorMBS
- AVPlayerMBS.error as NSErrorMBS
- MKMapSnapshotterMBS.Error as NSErrorMBS
- MLTaskMBS.Error as NSErrorMBS
- NSURLSessionTaskMBS.error as NSErrorMBS
- PHPhotoLibraryMBS.unavailabilityReason as NSErrorMBS
- SFSpeechRecognitionTaskMBS.Error as NSErrorMBS
- SKDownloadMBS.error as NSErrorMBS
- SKPaymentTransactionMBS.error as NSErrorMBS
Some events using this class:
- CBPeripheralMBS.DidDiscoverDescriptorsForCharacteristic(characteristic as CBCharacteristicMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- CKContainerMBS.statusForApplicationPermissionCompleted(applicationPermissionStatus as Integer, accountStatus as Integer, error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant)
- CKDiscoverUserIdentitiesOperationMBS.discoverUserIdentitiesCompleted(operationError as NSErrorMBS)
- CKFetchRecordZonesOperationMBS.fetchRecordZonesCompleted(recordZonesByZoneID as Dictionary, operationError as NSErrorMBS)
- CLLocationManagerMBS.monitoringDidFailForRegion(region as CLRegionMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- GameKitMBS.loadFriendsCompleted(localPlayer as GKLocalPlayerMBS, friends() as string, error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant)
- GameKitMBS.loadPhotoForSizeCompleted(player as GKPlayerMBS, size as Integer, photo as NSImageMBS, error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant)
- NSURLDownloadMBS.didFailWithError(error as NSErrorMBS)
- SKReceiptRefreshRequestMBS.didFailWithError(error as NSErrorMBS)
- SUUpdaterMBS.didAbortWithError(error as NSErrorMBS)
Some examples using this class:
- /AVFoundation/Add text to video
- /AVFoundation/Extract video frames
- /AVFoundation/Merge and Crop Videos
- /AVFoundation/Simply Sound Play
- /MacCloud/iCloud Example/iCloud Example
- /MacCocoa/Lion Persistence
- /MacCocoa/NSURLConnection test
- /MacFrameworks/DetectDocumentSegmentationRequest
- /MacFrameworks/MapKit/MapKit Route
- /Picture/Export Image to Photo Album/Export Image to Photo Album
Blog Entries
- Find computer location
- Managing File Access in Xojo with NSFileCoordinator
- Picking picture on macOS
- Send email message in iOS Xojo App
- Print dialogs for iOS in Xojo
- Contacts history for Xojo
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 21.1
- Write audio file with samples using AVFoundation
- Automated video editing with Xojo
- MBS REALbasic plug-in 9.6
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 22.4, page 57: Text Recognition, Using Apple's Vision to Extract Text from an Image by Stefanie Juchmes-Simonis
- 18.6, page 71: MapKit Part 7, Implementing Maps in Xojo desktop apps with the MapKitMBS plugin by Markus Winter
- 18.3, page 80: Xojo Maps, Part 4, Finding and Displaying Addresses with the MapKitMBS plugin by Markus Winter
- 18.3, page 72: Xojo Maps, Part 4, Finding and Displaying Addresses with the MapKitMBS plugin by Markus Winter
- 12.6, page 35: Writing OS X Apps for Game Center, Part 3: Turn-Based Games by Tom Baumgartner
- 12.6, page 27: Writing OS X Apps for Game Center, Part 3: Turn-Based Games by Tom Baumgartner
- 12.6, page 25: Writing OS X Apps for Game Center, Part 3: Turn-Based Games by Tom Baumgartner
- 12.5, pages 31 to 32: Writing OS X Apps for Game Center, Part 2: Requesting a Match by Tom Baumgartner
- 12.4, page 31: Writing OS X Apps for Game Center, Getting started by authenticating the local player with the Game Center Sandbox testing facility by Tom Baumgartner
- 12.2, pages 45 to 46: Moving to AVFoundation, Leaving QuickTime behind by Christian Schmitz
Release notes
- Version 18.5
- Added more NSErrorMBS methods to create custom error objects.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Main Plugin.