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MPNowPlayingInfoCenterMBS class New in 25.0
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | MediaPlayer | MBS iOS Plugin | 25.0 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ✅ Yes | All |
If your app also provides Now Playing information containing information about the current track, use this object to update that information at appropriate times. This object contains a nowPlayingInfo dictionary describing the playing item.
- 3 properties
- property Handle as Integer
- property nowPlayingInfo as Dictionary
- property playbackState as Integer
- method Constructor
- 36 shared methods
- shared method defaultCenter as MPNowPlayingInfoCenterMBS
- shared method MediaItemPropertyAlbumTitle as String
- shared method MediaItemPropertyAlbumTrackCount as String
- shared method MediaItemPropertyAlbumTrackNumber as String
- shared method MediaItemPropertyArtist as String
- shared method MediaItemPropertyArtwork as String
- shared method MediaItemPropertyComposer as String
- shared method MediaItemPropertyDiscCount as String
- shared method MediaItemPropertyDiscNumber as String
- shared method MediaItemPropertyGenre as String
- shared method MediaItemPropertyMediaType as String
- shared method MediaItemPropertyPersistentID as String
- shared method MediaItemPropertyPlaybackDuration as String
- shared method MediaItemPropertyTitle as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoCollectionIdentifier as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyAdTimeRanges as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyAssetURL as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyAvailableLanguageOptions as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyChapterCount as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyChapterNumber as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyCreditsStartTime as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyCurrentLanguageOptions as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyCurrentPlaybackDate as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyDefaultPlaybackRate as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyElapsedPlaybackTime as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyExcludeFromSuggestions as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyExternalContentIdentifier as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyExternalUserProfileIdentifier as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyInternationalStandardRecordingCode as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyIsLiveStream as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyMediaType as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackProgress as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackQueueCount as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackQueueIndex as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackRate as String
- shared method NowPlayingInfoPropertyServiceIdentifier as String
- 8 constants
Media Types
Constant | Value | Description |
MediaTypeAudio | 1 |
The now playing media item is an audio item. |
MediaTypeNone | 0 |
There is no now playing media item. |
MediaTypeVideo | 2 |
The now playing media item is a video item. |
Playback states
Constant | Value | Description |
PlaybackStateInterrupted | 4 |
The app has been interrupted during playback. |
PlaybackStatePaused | 2 |
The app is currently paused. |
PlaybackStatePlaying | 1 |
The app is currently playing a media item. |
PlaybackStateStopped | 3 |
The app has stopped playing. |
PlaybackStateUnknown | 0 |
The current state of the app is unknown. |
This class has no sub classes.
Some examples using this class:
Blog Entries
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 25.0
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 25.0
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 24.6pr3
Release notes
- Version 25.0
- Added MPNowPlayingInfoCenterMBS and MPMediaItemArtworkMBS classes.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS iOS Plugin.
MPMediaItemArtworkMBS - MutexMBS