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CoreAudioMBS class
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | Audio | MBS MacOSX Plugin | 4.0 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ✅ Yes | All |
Currently not finished for the 4.0 release.
- 82 properties
- property kAudioDeviceProcessorOverload as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyActualSampleRate as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyAvailableNominalSampleRates as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSizeRange as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSize as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSizeRange as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyClockSource as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyClockSourceNameForID as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyClockSourceNameForIDCFString as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyClockSources as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDataSource as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDataSourceNameForID as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDataSourceNameForIDCFString as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDataSources as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceCanBeDefaultDevice as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceCanBeDefaultSystemDevice as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsAlive as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunning as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunningSomewhere as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceManufacturer as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceManufacturerCFString as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceNameCFString as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceUID as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDriverShouldOwniSub as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyHogMode as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyIOProcStreamUsage as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyJackIsConnected as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyLatency as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyMute as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThru as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyPlugIn as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyPreferredChannelsForStereo as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyRegisterBufferList as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertySafetyOffset as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyStreamConfiguration as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormatMatch as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormats as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormatSupported as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyStreams as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertySubMute as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeDecibels as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeDecibelsToScalar as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeRangeDecibels as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeScalar as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeScalarToDecibels as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertySupportsMixing as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyTransportType as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyUsesVariableBufferFrameSizes as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeDecibels as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeDecibelsToScalar as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeRangeDecibels as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeScalar as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeScalarToDecibels as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeDecibels as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeDecibelsToScalar as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeRangeDecibels as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeScalar as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeScalarToDecibels as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultInputDevice as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultSystemOutputDevice as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyDeviceForUID as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyRunLoop as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertySleepingIsAllowed as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyUnloadingIsAllowed as String
- property kAudioPropertyWildcardChannel as Integer
- property kAudioPropertyWildcardPropertyID as String
- property kAudioPropertyWildcardSection as Integer
- property kAudioStreamPropertyDirection as String
- property kAudioStreamPropertyOwningDevice as String
- property kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormat as String
- property kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormatMatch as String
- property kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormats as String
- property kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormatSupported as String
- property kAudioStreamPropertyStartingChannel as String
- property kAudioStreamPropertyTerminalType as String
- property Lasterror as Integer
- 36 methods
- method AudioDeviceGetPropertyCFString(AudioDeviceID as Integer, channel as Integer, isinput as boolean, propertyID as string) as string
- method AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo(AudioDeviceID as Integer, channel as Integer, isinput as boolean, propertyID as string, byref size as Integer, byref writeable as boolean)
- method AudioDeviceGetPropertyMemory(AudioDeviceID as Integer, channel as Integer, isinput as boolean, propertyID as string) as memoryblock
- method AudioDeviceGetPropertyString(AudioDeviceID as Integer, channel as Integer, isinput as boolean, propertyID as string) as string
- method AudioDeviceSetPropertyMemory(AudioDeviceID as Integer, when as memoryblock, channel as Integer, isinput as boolean, propertyID as string, data as memoryblock, offset as Integer, length as Integer)
- method AudioDeviceSetPropertyString(AudioDeviceID as Integer, when as memoryblock, channel as Integer, isinput as boolean, propertyID as string, data as string)
- method AudioHardwareGetPropertyCFString(propertyID as string) as string
- method AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfo(propertyID as string, byref size as Integer, byref writeable as boolean)
- method AudioHardwareGetPropertyMemory(propertyID as string) as memoryblock
- method AudioHardwareGetPropertyString(propertyID as string) as string
- method AudioHardwareSetPropertyMemory(propertyID as string, data as memoryblock, offset as Integer, length as Integer)
- method AudioHardwareSetPropertyString(propertyID as string, data as string)
- method AudioObjectGetPropertyData(inObjectID as Integer, AddressSelector as UInt32, AddressScope as UInt32, AddressElement as UInt32, QualifierData as memoryblock = nil, InputData as Memoryblock = nil) as memoryblock
- method AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize(inObjectID as Integer, AddressSelector as UInt32, AddressScope as UInt32, AddressElement as UInt32, QualifierData as memoryblock = nil) as UInt32
- method AudioObjectSetPropertyData(inObjectID as Integer, AddressSelector as UInt32, AddressScope as UInt32, AddressElement as UInt32, Data as Memoryblock, QualifierData as memoryblock = nil)
- method AudioOutputUnitStart(componenthandle as Integer) as Integer
- method AudioOutputUnitStop(componenthandle as Integer) as Integer
- method AudioStreamGetPropertyCFString(AudioStreamID as Integer, channel as Integer, propertyID as string) as string
- method AudioStreamGetPropertyInfo(AudioStreamID as Integer, channel as Integer, propertyID as string, byref size as Integer, byref writeable as boolean)
- method AudioStreamGetPropertyMemory(AudioStreamID as Integer, channel as Integer, propertyID as string) as memoryblock
- method AudioStreamGetPropertyString(AudioStreamID as Integer, channel as Integer, propertyID as string) as string
- method AudioStreamSetPropertyMemory(AudioStreamID as Integer, when as memoryblock, channel as Integer, propertyID as string, data as memoryblock, offset as Integer, length as Integer)
- method AudioStreamSetPropertyString(AudioStreamID as Integer, when as memoryblock, channel as Integer, propertyID as string, data as string)
- method AudioUnitGetParameter(AudioUnit as Integer, ParameterID as Integer, AudioUnitScope as Integer, AudioUnitElement as Integer) as single
- method AudioUnitGetPropertyCFString(AudioUnit as Integer, propertyID as Integer, AudioUnitScope as Integer, AudioUnitElement as Integer) as string
- method AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo(AudioUnit as Integer, propertyID as Integer, AudioUnitScope as Integer, AudioUnitElement as Integer, byref size as Integer, byref writeable as boolean)
- method AudioUnitGetPropertyMemory(AudioUnit as Integer, propertyID as Integer, AudioUnitScope as Integer, AudioUnitElement as Integer) as memoryblock
- method AudioUnitGetPropertyString(AudioUnit as Integer, propertyID as Integer, AudioUnitScope as Integer, AudioUnitElement as Integer) as string
- method AudioUnitInitialize(componenthandle as Integer) as Integer
- method AudioUnitReset(componenthandle as Integer, scope as Integer, element as Integer) as Integer
- method AudioUnitSetParameter(AudioUnit as Integer, ParameterID as Integer, AudioUnitScope as Integer, AudioUnitElement as Integer, value as single, BufferOffsetInFrames as Integer)
- method AudioUnitSetPropertyMemory(AudioUnit as Integer, propertyID as Integer, AudioUnitScope as Integer, AudioUnitElement as Integer, data as memoryblock, offset as Integer, length as Integer)
- method AudioUnitSetPropertyString(AudioUnit as Integer, propertyID as Integer, AudioUnitScope as Integer, AudioUnitElement as Integer, data as string)
- method AudioUnitUninitialize(componenthandle as Integer) as Integer
- method CloseComponent(componenthandle as Integer)
- method OpenDefaultComponent(type as string, subtype as string) as Integer
- 5 shared methods
- shared method CoreAudioConvertHostTimeToNanosMBS(inHostTime as UInt64) as UInt64
- shared method CoreAudioConvertNanosToHostTimeMBS(inNanos as UInt64) as UInt64
- shared method CoreAudioGetCurrentHostTimeMBS as UInt64
- shared method CoreAudioGetHostClockFrequencyMBS as Double
- shared method GetHostClockMinimumTimeDeltaMBS as Integer
This class has no sub classes.
Some examples using this class:
Blog Entries
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 23.0pr8
- MBS Real Studio Plugins, version 11.4pr2
- MBS Plugins 11.1 Release notes
- MBS Real Studio Plugins, version 11.1pr11
Release notes
- Version 23.0
- Changed CoreAudioMBS methods to allocate bigger memory blocks to make sure NULL bytes can be included.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MacOSX Plugin.
CoreAudioListenerMBS - CoreAudioPlayerMBS