Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
CDBaseChartMBS class
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | ChartDirector | MBS ChartDirector Plugin | 8.2 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | All |
This is an abstract class. You can't create an instance, but you can get one from various plugin functions.
- 2 properties
- shared property ScaleFactor as Double
- 91 methods
- method addExtraField(numbers() as Double)
- method addExtraField(paths() as folderitem)
- method addExtraField(texts() as string)
- method addLegend(x as Integer, y as Integer, noOfCols as Integer, font as string = "", fontsize as Double = 10) as CDLegendBoxMBS
- method addLegend(x as Integer, y as Integer, vertical as boolean=true, font as string = "", fontsize as Double = 10) as CDLegendBoxMBS
- method addLine(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, x2 as Integer, y2 as Integer, colorvalue as color, lineWidth as Integer = 1) as CDLineMBS
- method addLine(x1 as Integer, y1 as Integer, x2 as Integer, y2 as Integer, colorvalue as Integer = &hffff0001, lineWidth as Integer = 1) as CDLineMBS
- method addTable(x as Integer, y as Integer, alignment as Integer, col as Integer, row as Integer) as CDMLTableMBS
- method addText(x as Integer, y as Integer, text as string, font as string = "", fontsize as Double = 8, fontcolor as Integer = &hffff0002, alignment as Integer = 7, angle as Double = 0, vertical as boolean=false) as CDTextBoxMBS
- method addText(x as Integer, y as Integer, text as string, font as string, fontsize as Double, fontcolor as color, alignment as Integer = 7, angle as Double = 0, vertical as boolean=false) as CDTextBoxMBS
- method addTitle(alignment as Integer, text as string, font as string = "", fontsize as Double = 12, fontColor as Integer = &hffff0002, bgColor as Integer = &hff000000, edgeColor as Integer = &hff000000) as CDTextBoxMBS
- method addTitle(alignment as Integer, text as string, font as string, fontsize as Double, fontColor as color, bgColor as color, edgeColor as color) as CDTextBoxMBS
- method addTitle(text as string, font as string = "", fontsize as Double = 12, fontColor as Integer = &hffff0002, bgColor as Integer = &hff000000, edgeColor as Integer = &hff000000) as CDTextBoxMBS
- method addTitle(text as string, font as string, fontsize as Double, fontColor as color, bgColor as color, edgeColor as color) as CDTextBoxMBS
- method adjustBrightness(ColorValue as color, brightness as Double) as Integer
- method adjustBrightness(ColorValue as Integer, brightness as Double) as Integer
- method Constructor Private
- method dashLineColor(colorvalue as color, patternCode as Integer = &h0505) as Integer
- method dashLineColor(colorvalue as Integer, patternCode as Integer = &h0505) as Integer
- method Destructor
- method formatValue(value as Double, formatstring as string) as string
- method getAbsOffsetX as Integer
- method getAbsOffsetY as Integer
- method getChartMetrics as string
- method getColor(index as Integer) as Integer
- method getDrawArea as CDDrawAreaMBS
- method getHeight as Integer
- method getHTMLImageMap(url as string, queryFormat as string = "", extraAttr as string = "", offsetX as Integer = 0, offsetY as Integer = 0) as string
- method getLegend as CDLegendBoxMBS
- method getWidth as Integer
- method gradientColor(colors() as color, angle as Double = 90, scale as Double = 1.0, startX as Integer = 0, startY as Integer = 0) as Integer
- method gradientColor(colors() as Integer, angle as Double = 90, scale as Double = 1.0, startX as Integer = 0, startY as Integer = 0) as Integer
- method gradientColor(startX as Integer, startY as Integer, endX as Integer, endY as Integer, startColor as color, endColor as color) as Integer
- method gradientColor(startX as Integer, startY as Integer, endX as Integer, endY as Integer, startColor as Integer, endColor as Integer) as Integer
- method halfColor(c as Integer) as Integer
- method initDynamicLayer as CDDrawAreaMBS
- method layout
- method layoutLegend as CDLegendBoxMBS
- method linearGradientColor(startX as Integer, startY as Integer, endX as Integer, endY as Integer, colors() as color, periodic as boolean=false) as Integer
- method linearGradientColor(startX as Integer, startY as Integer, endX as Integer, endY as Integer, colors() as Integer, periodic as boolean=false) as Integer
- method linearGradientColor(startX as Integer, startY as Integer, endX as Integer, endY as Integer, startColor as color, endColor as color, periodic as boolean=false) as Integer
- method linearGradientColor(startX as Integer, startY as Integer, endX as Integer, endY as Integer, startColor as Integer, endColor as Integer, periodic as boolean=false) as Integer
- method makeChart as CDDrawAreaMBS
- method makeChart(format as Integer) as string
- method makeChart(path as folderitem) as boolean
- method makeChartPicture as picture
- method patternColor(colorvalues() as color, height as Integer, startX as Integer = 0, startY as Integer = 0) as Integer
- method patternColor(colorvalues() as Integer, height as Integer, startX as Integer = 0, startY as Integer = 0) as Integer
- method patternColor(file as folderitem, startX as Integer = 0, startY as Integer = 0) as Integer
- method patternColor(path as string, startX as integer = 0, startY as integer = 0) as integer
- method patternColor(pic as picture, startX as Integer = 0, startY as Integer = 0) as Integer
- method radialGradientColor(cx as Integer, cy as Integer, rx as Integer, ry as Integer, data() as Integer, periodic as boolean=false) as Integer
- method radialGradientColor(cx as Integer, cy as Integer, rx as Integer, ry as Integer, startColor as color, endColor as color, periodic as boolean=false) as Integer
- method radialGradientColor(cx as Integer, cy as Integer, rx as Integer, ry as Integer, startColor as Integer, endColor as Integer, periodic as boolean=false) as Integer
- method removeDynamicLayer
- method setAMPM(am as string, pm as string)
- method setAntiAlias(shapeAntiAlias as Boolean, textAntiAlias as Integer)
- method setBackground(colorvalue as color, edgeColor as color, raisedEffect as Integer = 0)
- method setBackground(colorvalue as Integer, edgeColor as Integer = &hff000000, raisedEffect as Integer = 0)
- method setBgImage(img as string, align as Integer = 5)
- method setBorder(colorvalue as color)
- method setBorder(colorvalue as Integer)
- method setColor(paletteEntry as Integer, colorvalue as color)
- method setColor(paletteEntry as Integer, colorvalue as Integer)
- method setColors(numbers() as color)
- method setColors(numbers() as Integer)
- method setColors(paletteEntry as Integer, numbers() as color)
- method setColors(paletteEntry as Integer, numbers() as Integer)
- method setDefaultColors(paletteEntry as Integer = 0)
- method setDefaultFonts(normal as string, bold as string, italic as string, boldItalic as string)
- method setDropShadow(ColorValue as color, OffsetX as Integer = 5, OffsetY as Integer = &h7fffffff, blurRadius as Integer = 5)
- method setDropShadow(ColorValue as Integer = &hAAAAAA, OffsetX as Integer = 5, OffsetY as Integer = &h7fffffff, blurRadius as Integer = 5)
- method setFontTable(index as Integer, font as string)
- method setMonthNames(names() as string)
- method setNumberFormat(thousandSeparator as string = "~", decimalPointChar as string = ".", signChar as string = "-")
- method setOutputOptions(options as string)
- method setResource(id as string, data as MemoryBlock)
- method setResource(id as string, data as string)
- method setResource(id as string, DataArea as CDDrawAreaMBS)
- method setRoundedFrame(extColor as color, r1 as Integer = 10, r2 as Integer = -1, r3 as Integer = -1, r4 as Integer = -1)
- method setRoundedFrame(extColor as Integer = &hFFFFFF, r1 as Integer = 10, r2 as Integer = -1, r3 as Integer = -1, r4 as Integer = -1)
- method setSearchPath(path as string)
- method setSize(width as Integer, height as Integer)
- method setThickFrame(thickness as Integer, frameColor as Integer = -1, outerEdgeColor as Integer = -1, innerEdgeColor as Integer = -1)
- method setTransparentColor(c as color)
- method setTransparentColor(c as Integer)
- method setTransparentColors(paletteEntry as Integer = 0)
- method setWallpaper(img as folderitem)
- method setWeekDayNames(names() as string)
- method setWhiteOnBlackColors(paletteEntry as Integer = 0)
- 67 shared methods
- shared method AllPassFilter as Integer
- shared method ArrowShape(angle as Double = 0.0, widthRatio as Double = 1, stemWidthRatio as Double = 0.5, stemLengthRatio as Double = 0.5) as Integer
- shared method barLighting(startBrightness as Double = 0.75, endBrightness as Double = 1.5) as Integer
- shared method blueMetalGradient as Integer()
- shared method brushedGoldColor(texture as Integer = 2, angle as Integer = 90) as Integer
- shared method brushedMetalColor(c as Integer, texture as Integer = 2, angle as Integer = 90) as Integer
- shared method brushedSilverColor(texture as Integer = 2, angle as Integer = 90) as Integer
- shared method bSearch(values() as Double, value as Double) as Double
- shared method chartTime(t as Integer) as Double
- shared method chartTime(year as Integer, month as Integer, day as Integer, hour as Integer = 0, minute as Integer = 0, second as Integer = 0) as Double
- shared method ClearTypeColor(gamma as Double = 0) as Integer
- shared method ClearTypeMono(gamma as Double = 0) as Integer
- shared method ColorToInteger(c as color, alpha as Integer = 0) as Integer
- shared method Cross2Shape(width as Double = 0.5) as Integer
- shared method CrossShape(width as Double = 0.5) as Integer
- shared method cylinderEffect(orientation as Integer = 5, ambientIntensity as Double = 0.5, diffuseIntensity as Double = 0.5, specularIntensity as Double = 0.75, shininess as Integer = 8) as Integer
- shared method defaultPalette as Integer()
- shared method flatBorder(thickness as Integer) as Integer
- shared method getChartWeekDay(t as Double) as Integer
- shared method getChartYMD(t as Double) as Integer
- shared method getCopyright as string
- shared method getDescription as string
- shared method GetPath(path as folderitem) as string
- shared method getVersion as Integer
- shared method glassEffect(glareSize as Integer = 3, glareDirection as Integer = 8, raisedEffect as Integer = 5) as Integer
- shared method goldColor(angle as Integer = 90) as Integer
- shared method goldGradient as Integer()
- shared method greenMetalGradient as Integer()
- shared method kDataBound as Double
- shared method kLinearTick as Double
- shared method kLogTick as Double
- shared method kMicroTickOnly as Double
- shared method kMinorTickOnly as Double
- shared method kNoValue as Double
- shared method kTickInc as Double
- shared method kTouchBar as Double
- shared method metalColor(c as Integer, angle as Integer = 90) as Integer
- shared method NonePassFilter as Integer
- shared method phongLighting(ambientIntensity as Double = 0.5, diffuseIntensity as Double = 0.5, specularIntensity as Double = 0.75, shininess as Integer = 8) as Integer
- shared method Polygon2Shape(slide as Integer) as Integer
- shared method PolygonShape(slide as Integer) as Integer
- shared method PolynomialRegression(n as Integer) as Integer
- shared method redMetalGradient as Integer()
- shared method RegularSpacingFilter(labelStep as Integer = 1, initialMargin as Integer = 0) as Integer
- shared method RGB(r as Integer, g as Integer, b as Integer, a as Integer = 0) as Integer
- shared method SelectItemFilter(item as Integer) as Integer
- shared method SetFontSearchPath(path as folderitem)
- shared method SetFontSearchPath(path as string)
- shared method setLicenseCode(n as string, enddate as Integer, v1 as Integer, v2 as Integer)
- shared method setResourceGlobal(id as string, data as MemoryBlock)
- shared method setResourceGlobal(id as string, data as string)
- shared method setResourceGlobal(id as string, DrawArea as CDDrawAreaMBS)
- shared method silverColor(angle as Integer = 90) as Integer
- shared method silverGradient as Integer()
- shared method softLighting(direction as Integer = 8, raisedEffect as Integer = 4) as Integer
- shared method StarShape(slide as Integer) as Integer
- shared method StartOfDayFilter(labelStep as Integer = 1, initialMargin as Double = 0.05) as Integer
- shared method StartOfHourFilter(labelStep as Integer = 1, initialMargin as Double = 0.05) as Integer
- shared method StartOfMinuteFilter(labelStep as Integer = 1, initialMargin as Double = 0.05) as Integer
- shared method StartOfMonthFilter(labelStep as Integer = 1, initialMargin as Double = 0.05) as Integer
- shared method StartOfSecondFilter(labelStep as Integer = 1, initialMargin as Double = 0.05) as Integer
- shared method StartOfWeekFilter(labelStep as Integer = 1, initialMargin as Double = 0.05) as Integer
- shared method StartOfYearFilter(labelStep as Integer = 1, initialMargin as Double = 0.05) as Integer
- shared method testFont(font as string, fontIndex as Integer, fontHeight as Double, fontWidth as Double, angle as Double, byref buffer as string) as boolean
- shared method transparentPalette as Integer()
- shared method whiteOnBlackPalette as Integer()
- shared method xySize(x as Integer, y as Integer) as Integer
- 186 constants
Sub classes:
- class CDBaseMeterMBS
- class CDMultiChartMBS
- class CDPieChartMBS
- class CDPolarChartMBS
- class CDPyramidChartMBS
- class CDThreeDChartMBS
- class CDTreeMapChartMBS
- class CDXYChartMBS
Some methods using this class:
- CDMultiChartMBS.addChart(x as Integer, y as Integer, c as CDBaseChartMBS)
- CDMultiChartMBS.getChart(index as Integer) as CDBaseChartMBS
- CDMultiChartMBS.setMainChart(c as CDBaseChartMBS)
- CDMultiPagePDFMBS.addPage(chart as CDBaseChartMBS)
- CDViewPortManagerMBS.commitPendingSyncAxis(baseChart as CDBaseChartMBS)
Some properties using for this class:
- CDViewPortControlBaseMBS.Chart as CDBaseChartMBS
Some examples using this class:
- /ChartDirector/ChartDirector Control Retina
- /ChartDirector/circularbarmeter
- /ChartDirector/heatmapcelllabels
- /ChartDirector/simpleline realtime
- /ChartDirector/squareameter
- /ChartDirector/surfacecolor
- /ChartDirector/symbolline zoom improved
- /ChartDirector/Tracking Cursor/Track Box with Legend
- /ChartDirector/Tracking Cursor/Track Line with Axis Labels
- /ChartDirector/Tracking Cursor/Track Line with Legend
Blog Entries
- HiDPI for ChartDirector
- Scintilla in Xojo for Linux 64-bit on ARM
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 21.2
- Track Line with Data Labels Retina
- Register MBS Xojo Plugins
- Tip of Day: ChartTime back to date object
- YZoneColor
- MBS REALbasic Plugins Version 10.4 release notes
- New ChartDirector Control
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS REALbasic plug-ins 9.2
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 7.5, pages 32 to 33: Easy Charts and Graphs Part 2, Using the ChartDirector Plugin
- 7.4, page 35: Easy Charts and Graphs, Using the ChartDirector Plugin
- 21.6, pages 84 to 86: From 0 to 100, Creating Gauges with MBS and ChartDirector by Stefanie Juchmes
- 21.6, page 82: From 0 to 100, Creating Gauges with MBS and ChartDirector by Stefanie Juchmes
- 20.4, page 42: PDF Pie Charts, Adding Xojo Charts to Your PDFs by Stefanie Juchmes
- 20.4, page 36: PDF Pie Charts, Adding Xojo Charts to Your PDFs by Stefanie Juchmes
- 20.1, pages 45 to 46: Cool Charts and Heatmaps, Using Monkeybread Software's ChartDirector Plugin by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.5, pages 77 to 78: Xojo Charts, Charts in Xojo with the MBS Xojo ChartDirector plugin by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.5, pages 69 to 72: Xojo Charts, Charts in Xojo with the MBS Xojo ChartDirector plugin by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.5, page 67: Xojo Charts, Charts in Xojo with the MBS Xojo ChartDirector plugin by Stefanie Juchmes
Release notes
- Version 20.3
- Fixed setDefaultColors, setTransparentColors and setWhiteOnBlackColors for CDBaseChartMBS to work in 64-bit applications.
- Version 19.1
- Fixed crash with CDBaseChartMBS.addExtraField function.
- Version 18.5
- Added setResource methods to CDDrawAreaMBS and CDBaseChartMBS classes.
- Changed CDBaseChartMBS.MakeChartPicture to set resolution of picture to ScaleFactor * 72 dpi.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS ChartDirector Plugin.
CDBaseBoxLayerMBS - CDBaseMeterMBS