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CDBarLayerMBS class
Super class: CDLayerMBS
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | ChartDirector | MBS ChartDirector Plugin | 8.2 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | All |
Subclass of the CDLayerMBS class.
This is a subclass of an abstract class. You can't create an instance, but you can get one from various plugin functions.
- 11 methods
- method setBarGap(barGap as Double)
- method setBarGap(barGap as Double, subBarGap as Double)
- method setBarShape(shape as Integer, dataGroup as Integer = -1, dataItem as Integer = -1)
- method setBarShape(shape() as Integer, dataGroup as Integer = -1, dataItem as Integer = -1)
- method setBarWidth(barWidth as Integer, subBarWidth as Integer = -1)
- method setIconSize(height as Integer, width as Integer = -1)
- method setMinImageMapSize(s as Integer)
- method setMinLabelSize(s as Integer)
- method setOverlapRatio(overlapRatio as Double, firstOnTop as boolean=true)
- method setRoundedCorners
- method setRoundedCorners(r1 as Integer, r2 as Integer = -2147483647, r3 as Integer = -2147483647, r4 as Integer = -2147483647)
Super class CDLayerMBS
- 58 methods
- method addCustomAggregateLabel(dataItem as Integer, label as string, font as string = "", fontSize as Double = 8, fontColor as Integer = &hffff0002, fontAngle as Double = 0) as CDTextBoxMBS
- method addCustomAggregateLabel(dataItem as Integer, label as string, font as string, fontSize as Double, fontColor as color, fontAngle as Double = 0) as CDTextBoxMBS
- method addCustomDataLabel(dataSet as Integer, dataItem as Integer, label as string, font as string = "", fontSize as Double = 8, fontColor as Integer = &hffff0002, fontAngle as Double = 0) as CDTextBoxMBS
- method addCustomDataLabel(dataSet as Integer, dataItem as Integer, label as string, font as string, fontSize as Double, fontColor as color, fontAngle as Double = 0) as CDTextBoxMBS
- method addCustomGroupLabel(dataGroup as Integer, dataItem as Integer, label as string, font as string ="", fontSize as Double = 8, fontColor as Integer = &hffff0002, fontAngle as Double = 0) as CDTextBoxMBS
- method addCustomGroupLabel(dataGroup as Integer, dataItem as Integer, label as string, font as string, fontSize as Double, fontColor as color, fontAngle as Double = 0) as CDTextBoxMBS
- method addDataGroup(name as string)
- method addDataSet(data as CDArrayMBS, colorvalue as color, name as string = "") as CDDataSetMBS
- method addDataSet(data as CDArrayMBS, colorvalue as Integer = -1, name as string = "") as CDDataSetMBS
- method addDataSet(data() as Double, colorvalue as color, name as string = "") as CDDataSetMBS
- method addDataSet(data() as Double, colorvalue as Integer = -1, name as string = "") as CDDataSetMBS
- method addExtraField(numbers() as Double)
- method addExtraField(texts() as string)
- method alignLayer(layer as CDLayerMBS, dataSet as Integer)
- method Constructor Private
- method getDataSet(dataSet as Integer) as CDDataSetMBS
- method getDataSetByZ(z as Integer) as CDDataSetMBS
- method getDataSetCount as Integer
- method getHTMLImageMap(url as string, queryFormat as string = "", extraAttr as string = "", offsetX as Integer = 0, offsetY as Integer = 0) as string
- method getImageCoor(dataSet as Integer, dataItem as Integer = &h80000001, offsetX as Integer = 0, offsetY as Integer = 0) as string
- method getImageCoor2(dataItem as Integer, offsetX as Integer = 0, offsetY as Integer = 0) as string
- method getLegendIcon(dataSetNo as Integer) as string
- method getNearestXValue(target as Double) as Double
- method getXCoor(value as Double) as Integer
- method getXIndexOf(xValue as Double, tolerance as Double = 0) as Integer
- method getXPosition(i as Integer) as Double
- method getYCoor(value as Double, axis as boolean=true) as Integer
- method getYCoor(value as Double, axis as CDAxisMBS) as Integer
- method moveBack(layer as CDLayerMBS=nil)
- method moveFront(layer as CDLayerMBS=nil)
- method set3D(d as Integer = -1, zGap as Integer = 0)
- method setAggregateLabelFormat(formatString as string)
- method setAggregateLabelStyle(font as string = "", fontSize as Double = 8, fontcolor as Integer = &hffff0002, fontAngle as Double = 0) as CDTextBoxMBS
- method setAggregateLabelStyle(font as string, fontSize as Double, fontcolor as color, fontAngle as Double = 0) as CDTextBoxMBS
- method setBaseLine(BaseLine as Double)
- method setBorderColor(colorvalue as color, lightingEffect as Integer = 0)
- method setBorderColor(colorvalue as Integer, lightingEffect as Integer = 0)
- method setDataCombineMethod(m as Integer)
- method setDataLabelFormat(formatString as string)
- method setDataLabelStyle(font as string = "", fontSize as Double = 8, fontcolor as color, fontAngle as Double = 0) as CDTextBoxMBS
- method setDataLabelStyle(font as string = "", fontSize as Double = 8, fontcolor as Integer = &hffff0002, fontAngle as Double = 0) as CDTextBoxMBS
- method setHTMLImageMap(url as string, queryFormat as string = "", extraAttr as string = "")
- method setLegend(m as Integer)
- method setLegendOrder(dataSetOrder as Integer, layerOrder as Integer = -1)
- method setLineWidth(w as Integer)
- method setUseYAxis(axis as CDAxisMBS)
- method setUseYAxis2(b as boolean=true)
- method setXData(data as CDArrayMBS)
- method setXData(data() as Double)
- method setXData(dates() as date)
- method setXData(dates() as dateTime)
- method setXData(minValue as Double, maxValue as Double)
- method xZoneColor(threshold as Double, belowColor as color, aboveColor as color) as Integer
- method xZoneColor(threshold as Double, belowColor as Integer, aboveColor as Integer) as Integer
- method yZoneColor(threshold as Double, belowColor as color, aboveColor as color, yAxis as boolean=true) as Integer
- method yZoneColor(threshold as Double, belowColor as color, aboveColor as color, yAxis as CDAxisMBS) as Integer
- method yZoneColor(threshold as Double, belowColor as Integer, aboveColor as Integer, yAxis as boolean=true) as Integer
- method yZoneColor(threshold as Double, belowColor as Integer, aboveColor as Integer, yAxis as CDAxisMBS) as Integer
This class has no sub classes.
Some methods using this class:
- CDFinanceChartMBS.addBarIndicator(chart as CDXYChartMBS, data() as Double, ColorValue as color, name as string) as CDBarLayerMBS
- CDFinanceChartMBS.addBarIndicator(chart as CDXYChartMBS, data() as Double, ColorValue as Integer, name as string) as CDBarLayerMBS
- CDFinanceChartMBS.addVolBars(height as Integer, upColor as color, downColor as color, flatColor as color) as CDBarLayerMBS
- CDFinanceChartMBS.addVolBars(height as Integer, upColor as Integer, downColor as Integer, flatColor as Integer) as CDBarLayerMBS
- CDXYChartMBS.addBarLayer(data() as Double, colors() as color, depth as Integer = 0) as CDBarLayerMBS
- CDXYChartMBS.addBarLayer(data() as Double, colors() as color, names() as string, depth as Integer = 0) as CDBarLayerMBS
- CDXYChartMBS.addBarLayer(data() as Double, colors() as Integer, depth as Integer = 0) as CDBarLayerMBS
- CDXYChartMBS.addBarLayer(data() as Double, colors() as Integer, names() as string, depth as Integer = 0) as CDBarLayerMBS
- CDXYChartMBS.addBarLayer(data() as Double, colorvalue as Integer = -1, name as string = "", depth as Integer = 0) as CDBarLayerMBS
- CDXYChartMBS.addBarLayer(dataCombineMethod as Integer = 3, depth as Integer = 0) as CDBarLayerMBS
Some examples using this class:
- /ChartDirector/animated bar
- /ChartDirector/dualhbar
- /ChartDirector/fontxy
- /ChartDirector/glasslightbar
- /ChartDirector/glassmultibar
- /ChartDirector/hbar
- /ChartDirector/High Resolution Chart Examples/softlightbar
- /ChartDirector/overlapbar
- /ChartDirector/posnegbar
- /ChartDirector/threedbar
Blog Entries
- Create a Bar Chart in Xojo with the ChartDirector
- Chart Diagrams with Xojo
- Beware of the plugin limit in Real Studio
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 7.4, page 31: Easy Charts and Graphs, Using the ChartDirector Plugin
- 17.2, page 37: More Beyond JSON, Develop APIs That Generate Barcodes, Charts, and More by Timothy Dietrich
- 17.2, page 35: More Beyond JSON, Develop APIs That Generate Barcodes, Charts, and More by Timothy Dietrich
- 17.2, page 33: More Beyond JSON, Develop APIs That Generate Barcodes, Charts, and More by Timothy Dietrich
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS ChartDirector Plugin.