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AVPlayerViewControllerMBS class New in 25.0
Super class: UIViewControllerMBS
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | AVFoundation | MBS iOS Plugin | 25.0 | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No | ✅ Yes | iOS only |
A player view controller makes it simple to add media playback capabilities to your app that match the styling and features of the native system players. Using this object also means that your app automatically adopts the new features and styling of future operating system releases.
see also
Subclass of the UIViewControllerMBS class.
- 10 events
- event DidStartPictureInPicture
- event DidStopPictureInPicture
- event failedToStartPictureInPicture(error as NSErrorMBS)
- event restoreUserInterfaceForFullScreenExit
- event RestoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStop
- event ShouldAutomaticallyDismissAtPictureInPictureStart as Boolean
- event willBeginFullScreenPresentation
- event willEndFullScreenPresentation
- event WillStartPictureInPicture
- event WillStopPictureInPicture
- 15 properties
- property allowsPictureInPicturePlayback as Boolean
- property allowsVideoFrameAnalysis as Boolean
- property canStartPictureInPictureAutomaticallyFromInline as Boolean
- property contentOverlayView as NSViewMBS
- property entersFullScreenWhenPlaybackBegins as Boolean
- property exitsFullScreenWhenPlaybackEnds as Boolean
- property player as Variant
- property readyForDisplay as Boolean
- property requiresLinearPlayback as Boolean
- property selectedSpeed as AVPlaybackSpeedMBS
- property showsPlaybackControls as Boolean
- property showsTimecodes as Boolean
- property updatesNowPlayingInfoCenter as Boolean
- property videoBounds as NSRectMBS
- property videoGravity as String
- 4 methods
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method selectSpeed(speed as AVPlaybackSpeedMBS)
- method speeds as AVPlaybackSpeedMBS()
- 3 shared methods
- shared method VideoGravityResize as String
- shared method VideoGravityResizeAspect as String
- shared method VideoGravityResizeAspectFill as String
Super class UIViewControllerMBS
- 11 properties
- property className as String
- property classPath as String
- property isBeingDismissed as Boolean
- property isBeingPresented as Boolean
- property isViewLoaded as Boolean
- property parentViewController as UIViewControllerMBS
- property prefersStatusBarHidden as Boolean
- property presentedViewController as UIViewControllerMBS
- property presentingViewController as UIViewControllerMBS
- property Title as String
- property View as NSViewMBS
- shared property currentViewController as UIViewControllerMBS
- 4 methods
- method Constructor
- method dismissViewController(animated as boolean)
- method loadView
- method presentViewController(ViewController as UIViewControllerMBS, animated as Boolean)
Super class NSResponderMBS
- 3 properties
- property Handle as Integer
- property menu as NSMenuMBS
- property nextResponder as NSResponderMBS
- 124 methods
- method beginGestureWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS)
- method cancelOperation
- method capitalizeWord
- method centerSelectionInVisibleArea
- method changeCaseOfLetter
- method complete
- method Constructor Private
- method cursorUpdate(e as NSEventMBS)
- method deleteBackward
- method deleteBackwardByDecomposingPreviousCharacter
- method deleteForward
- method deleteToBeginningOfLine
- method deleteToBeginningOfParagraph
- method deleteToEndOfLine
- method deleteToEndOfParagraph
- method deleteToMark
- method deleteWordBackward
- method deleteWordForward
- method endGestureWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS)
- method flagsChanged(e as NSEventMBS)
- method flushBufferedKeyEvents
- method helpRequested(e as NSEventMBS)
- method indent
- method insertBacktab
- method insertContainerBreak
- method insertDoubleQuoteIgnoringSubstitution
- method insertLineBreak
- method insertNewline
- method insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor
- method insertParagraphSeparator
- method insertSingleQuoteIgnoringSubstitution
- method insertTab
- method insertTabIgnoringFieldEditor
- method keyDown(e as NSEventMBS)
- method keyUp(e as NSEventMBS)
- method lowercaseWord
- method magnifyWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS)
- method makeBaseWritingDirectionLeftToRight
- method makeBaseWritingDirectionNatural
- method makeBaseWritingDirectionRightToLeft
- method makeTextWritingDirectionLeftToRight
- method makeTextWritingDirectionNatural
- method makeTextWritingDirectionRightToLeft
- method mouseDown(e as NSEventMBS)
- method mouseDragged(e as NSEventMBS)
- method mouseEntered(e as NSEventMBS)
- method mouseExited(e as NSEventMBS)
- method mouseMoved(e as NSEventMBS)
- method mouseUp(e as NSEventMBS)
- method moveBackward
- method moveBackwardAndModifySelection
- method moveDown
- method moveDownAndModifySelection
- method moveForward
- method moveForwardAndModifySelection
- method moveLeft
- method moveLeftAndModifySelection
- method moveParagraphBackwardAndModifySelection
- method moveParagraphForwardAndModifySelection
- method moveRight
- method moveRightAndModifySelection
- method moveToBeginningOfDocument
- method moveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection
- method moveToBeginningOfLine
- method moveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection
- method moveToBeginningOfParagraph
- method moveToBeginningOfParagraphAndModifySelection
- method moveToEndOfDocument
- method moveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection
- method moveToEndOfLine
- method moveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection
- method moveToEndOfParagraph
- method moveToEndOfParagraphAndModifySelection
- method moveToLeftEndOfLine
- method moveToLeftEndOfLineAndModifySelection
- method moveToRightEndOfLine
- method moveToRightEndOfLineAndModifySelection
- method moveUp
- method moveUpAndModifySelection
- method moveWordBackward
- method moveWordBackwardAndModifySelection
- method moveWordForward
- method moveWordForwardAndModifySelection
- method moveWordLeft
- method moveWordLeftAndModifySelection
- method moveWordRight
- method moveWordRightAndModifySelection
- method otherMouseDown(e as NSEventMBS)
- method otherMouseDragged(e as NSEventMBS)
- method otherMouseUp(e as NSEventMBS)
- method pageDown
- method pageDownAndModifySelection
- method pageUp
- method pageUpAndModifySelection
- method performMnemonic(theString as string) as boolean
- method presentError(e as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method rightMouseDown(e as NSEventMBS)
- method rightMouseDragged(e as NSEventMBS)
- method rightMouseUp(e as NSEventMBS)
- method rotateWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS)
- method scrollLineDown
- method scrollLineUp
- method scrollPageDown
- method scrollPageUp
- method scrollToBeginningOfDocument
- method scrollToEndOfDocument
- method scrollWheel(e as NSEventMBS)
- method selectAll
- method selectLine
- method selectParagraph
- method selectToMark
- method selectWord
- method setMark
- method showContextHelp
- method showWritingTools
- method swapWithMark
- method swipeWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS)
- method tabletPoint(e as NSEventMBS)
- method tabletProximity(e as NSEventMBS)
- method transpose
- method transposeWords
- method undoManager as NSUndoManagerMBS
- method uppercaseWord
- method yank
This class has no sub classes.
Some examples using this class:
Blog Entries
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 25.0
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 25.0
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 24.6pr1
Release notes
- Version 25.0
- Added AVPlayerViewControllerMBS class.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS iOS Plugin, MBS MacBase Plugin.
AVPlayerTimeObserverMBS - AVQueuePlayerMBS