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AVPlayerItemMBS class

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
class AVFoundation MBS AVFoundation Plugin 13.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
An AVPlayerItem represents the presentation state of an asset that's played by an AVPlayer object, and lets you observe that state.

A object carries a reference to an AVAsset object and presentation settings for that asset, including track enabled state. If you need to inspect the media assets themselves, you should message the AVAsset object itself.

You can initialize a player item using an URL (playerItemWithURL and Constructor); the resource types referenced by the URL may include, but aren't necessarily limited to, those with the following corresponding UTIs:

kUTTypeQuickTimeMovie, (.mov, .qt)
kUTTypeMPEG4 (.mp4)
"public.3gpp" (.3gp, .3gpp)
kUTTypeMPEG4Audio (.m4a)
"" (.caf)
"" (.wav)
"public.aiff-audio" (.aif)
"public.aifc-audio" (also .aif)
"org.3gpp.adaptive-multi-rate-audio" (.amr)

If you want to play an asset more than once within a sequence of items, you must create independent instances of AVPlayerItem for each placement in the player's queue.

Authorization Status

Constant Value Description
AVContentAuthorizationBusy 4 The last call to request content authorization could not be completed because another asset is currently attempting authorization.
AVContentAuthorizationCancelled 2 The last call to request content authorization was cancelled by the user.
AVContentAuthorizationCompleted 1 The last completed call to request content authorization completed.
AVContentAuthorizationNotAvailable 5 The last call to request content authorization could not be completed because there was no known mechanism by which to attempt authorization.
AVContentAuthorizationNotPossible 6 The last call to request content authorization could not be completed in a non-recoverable way (for example, a newer version of iTunes is required).
AVContentAuthorizationTimedOut 3 The last call to request content authorization was cancelled because the timeout interval was reached.
AVContentAuthorizationUnknown 0 No call to request content authorization has completed yet.

Status Constants

Constant Value Description
AVPlayerItemStatusFailed 2 The item cannot be played.
AVPlayerItemStatusReadyToPlay 1 The item is ready to play.
AVPlayerItemStatusUnknown 0 The item's status is unknown.

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The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS AVFoundation Plugin.

AVPlayerItemLegibleOutputMBS   -   AVPlayerItemOutputMBS

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