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ABAddressBookMBS constants


Constant Value Description
kABArrayProperty 5 One of the property type constants. Array object.
kABBitsInBitFieldMatch 11 One of the search comparison modes. Supported in Mac OS X 10.3 and newer versions.
kABContainsSubString 7 One of the search comparison modes.
kABContainsSubStringCaseInsensitive 8 One of the search comparison modes.
kABDataProperty 7 One of the property type constants. Data object.
kABDateComponentsProperty 8 One of the property type constants. Available on Mac OS X 10.7 or later.
Date component.
kABDateProperty 4 One of the property type constants. Date.
kABDefaultNameOrdering 0 One of the flags constants for the integer value stored in the properrty kABPersonFlags.
kABDictionaryProperty 6 One of the property type constants. Dictionary.
kABDoesNotContainSubString 12 One of the search comparison modes. Supported in Mac OS X 10.4 and newer versions.
kABDoesNotContainSubStringCaseInsensitive 13 One of the search comparison modes. Supported in Mac OS X 10.4 and newer versions.
kABEqual 0 One of the search comparison modes.
kABEqualCaseInsensitive 6 One of the search comparison modes.
kABErrorInProperty 0 One of the property type constants. Invalid property.
kABFirstNameFirst &h40 One of the flags constants for the integer value stored in the properrty kABPersonFlags.
kABGreaterThan 4 One of the search comparison modes.
kABGreaterThanOrEqual 5 One of the search comparison modes.
kABIntegerProperty 2 One of the property type constants. Integer.
kABLastNameFirst &h20 One of the flags constants for the integer value stored in the properrty kABPersonFlags.
kABLessThan 2 One of the search comparison modes.
kABLessThanOrEqual 3 One of the search comparison modes.
kABMultiArrayProperty 261 One of the property type constants. Multiple arrays.
kABMultiDataProperty 263 One of the property type constants. Multiple data values.
kABMultiDateComponentsProperty 264 One of the property type constants. Available on Mac OS X 10.7 or later.
Date components.
kABMultiDateProperty 260 One of the property type constants. Multiple date values.
kABMultiDictionaryProperty 262 One of the property type constants.
kABMultiIntegerProperty 258 One of the property type constants. Multiple integer values.
kABMultiRealProperty 259 One of the property type constants. Multiple floating point values.
kABMultiStringProperty 257 One of the property type constants. Multiple strings
kABMultiValueMask &h100 One of the property type constants. This value is combined with other values to define multi value defined.
kABNameOrderingMask &h70 One of the flags constants for the integer value stored in the properrty kABPersonFlags.
kABNotEqual 1 One of the search comparison modes.
kABNotEqualCaseInsensitive 14 One of the search comparison modes. Supported in Mac OS X 10.4 and newer versions.
kABNotWithinIntervalAroundToday 19 One of the search comparison modes. Supported in Mac OS X 10.4 and newer versions.
kABNotWithinIntervalAroundTodayYearless 20 One of the search comparison modes. Supported in Mac OS X 10.4 and newer versions.
kABNotWithinIntervalFromToday 23 One of the search comparison modes. Supported in Mac OS X 10.4 and newer versions.
kABNotWithinIntervalFromTodayYearless 24 One of the search comparison modes. Supported in Mac OS X 10.4 and newer versions.
kABPrefixMatch 9 One of the search comparison modes.
kABPrefixMatchCaseInsensitive 10 One of the search comparison modes.
kABRealProperty 3 One of the property type constants. a floating point number
kABSearchAnd 0 A search conjunction.
kABSearchOr 1 A search conjunction.
kABShowAsCompany 1 One of the flags constants for the integer value stored in the properrty kABPersonFlags.
kABShowAsMask 7 One of the flags constants for the integer value stored in the properrty kABPersonFlags.
kABShowAsPerson 0 One of the flags constants for the integer value stored in the properrty kABPersonFlags.
kABShowAsResource 2 One of the flags constants for the integer value stored in the properrty kABPersonFlags. for Mac OS X 10.6.
kABShowAsRoom 3 One of the flags constants for the integer value stored in the properrty kABPersonFlags. for Mac OS X 10.6.
kABStringProperty 1 One of the property type constants. String
kABSuffixMatch 15 One of the search comparison modes. Supported in Mac OS X 10.4 and newer versions.
kABSuffixMatchCaseInsensitive 16 One of the search comparison modes. Supported in Mac OS X 10.4 and newer versions.
kABWithinIntervalAroundToday 17 One of the search comparison modes. Supported in Mac OS X 10.4 and newer versions.
kABWithinIntervalAroundTodayYearless 18 One of the search comparison modes. Supported in Mac OS X 10.4 and newer versions.
kABWithinIntervalFromToday 21 One of the search comparison modes. Supported in Mac OS X 10.4 and newer versions.
kABWithinIntervalFromTodayYearless 22 One of the search comparison modes. Supported in Mac OS X 10.4 and newer versions.

Error codes.

Constant Value Description
ABAddRecordsError 1001
ABPropertyReadOnlyError 1014
ABPropertyUnsupportedBySourceError 1013
ABPropertyValueValidationError 1012
ABRemoveRecordsError 1002

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