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CDBaseChartMBS.kSquareSymbol = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the symbol constants.


CDBaseChartMBS.kStack = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the data combine method constants.

A constant equals to 1 to represent the "Stack" data representation method for multiple data sets.
This constant is used in XYChart.addBarLayer, XYChart.addAreaLayer and Layer.setDataCombineMethod.

CDBaseChartMBS.kSVG = 5

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
A constant equals to 5 to represent the SVG image format.

The SVG format.

CDBaseChartMBS.kSVGZ = 6

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
A constant equals to 5 to represent the compressed SVG image format.

The compressed SVG format.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTextColor = &hFFFF0002

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the special color constants.

A constant equals to FFFF0002 (in hex) to represent the default text color.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTop = 8

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the alignments.

A constant equals to 8 to represent the top position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTopCenter = 8

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the alignments.

A constant equals to 8 to represent the top center position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTopLeft = 7

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the alignments.

A constant equals to 7 to represent the top left position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTopLeft2 = 10

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the alignments.

A constant equals to 10 to represent the alternative exterior top left position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTopRight = 9

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the alignments.

A constant equals to 9 to represent the top right position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTopRight2 = 11

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the alignments.

A constant equals to 11 to represent the alternative exterior top right position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent = &hFF000000

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the special color constants.

A constant equals to FF000000 (in hex) to represent the transparent color.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTreeMapBinaryByMid = 5

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 21.2
One of the layout method used to layout the child nodes.

Same as TreeMapBinaryBySize except that the nodes will be partitioned so that the count of nodes are as equal as possible.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTreeMapBinaryBySize = 4

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 21.2
One of the layout method used to layout the child nodes.

Without changing the ordering of the nodes, the nodes will be partitioned into two groups so that their sizes are as equal as possible. The two groups will then become two rectangular region. If the width of the plot area is not smaller than its height, the two groups will be placed at the left and right sides of plot area, otherwise they will be placed at the top and bottom sides of the plot area. The splitting then recursively apply to each group to partition them, until each subgroup contains only one node and can no longer be partitioned.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTreeMapNoLayout = 6

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 21.2
One of the layout method used to layout the child nodes.

No layout.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTreeMapSliceAndDice = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 21.2
One of the layout method used to layout the child nodes.

This method is intended for multi-level tree maps. Assume the layout direction is TopLeft, the first level nodes will flow from left to right. The second level nodes will flow from top to bottom. If there are more levels, they will alternate between left/right and top/bottom flow directions. The layoutDirection argument can be used to specify other layout directions.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTreeMapSquarify = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 21.2
One of the layout method used to layout the child nodes.

The nodes will be layout so that they are as close to a square as possible. This method may sort the nodes, so the ordering of the nodes on the chart may be different from the ordering in the data array.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTreeMapStrip = 3

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 21.2
One of the layout method used to layout the child nodes.

The nodes will flow according to the layoutDirection argument. The default is TopLeft, which means the nodes will flow from left to right and top to bottom like text. The number of nodes in each row will be such that on average, they are as close to squares as possible.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTriangleShape = 3

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
A constant equals to 3 to represent a triangle pointing upwards.

Please refer to Shape Specification for samples and more information on using shapes in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTriangleSymbol = 3

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the symbol constants.


CDBaseChartMBS.kTriangularFrame = 3

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
A constant equals to 3 to represent triangular frame only surface shading style.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTriangularPointer = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the pointer constants.

A constant equals to 1 to represent the triangular style meter pointer.
This constant is used in MeterPointer.setShape.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTriangularPointer2 = 6

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 15.1
One of the pointer constants.

A constant equals to 6 to represent the new triangular style meter pointer.

CDBaseChartMBS.kTriangularShading = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
A constant equals to 1 to represent triangular surface shading style.


CDBaseChartMBS.kTryPalette = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
A constant equals to 0 to represent that palette based image format should be used if the image contains 256 colors or less.

Try palette.
This constant is used in DrawArea.setPaletteMode.

CDBaseChartMBS.kWMP = 3

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
A constant equals to 3 to represent the WAP bitmap image format.

The WAP bitmap format.
This constant is used in BaseChart.makeChart.

CDBaseChartMBS.kXAxisAtOrigin = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the constants where to put origin.

A constant equals to 1 to represent that the x-axis should intersect with the zero point of the y-axis if it exists on the chart.
This constant is used in XYChart.setAxisAtOrigin.

CDBaseChartMBS.kXAxisScale = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the scale constants.

A constant equals to 1 to represent that the size is measured using the x-axis scale.
This constant is used in LineLayer.setSymbolScale, XYChart.addVectorLayer and VectorLayer.setVector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kXAxisSymmetric = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the symmetric modes.

A constant equals to 1 to represent that the x-axis should be symmetrical about the origin.
This constant is used in XYChart.setAxisAtOrigin.

CDBaseChartMBS.kXAxisSymmetricIfNeeded = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the symmetric modes.

A constant equals to 2 to represent that the x-axis should be symmetrical about the origin if the data contain both positive and negative values.
This constant is used in XYChart.setAxisAtOrigin.

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