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CDBaseChartMBS.kOverlay = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the data combine method constants.

A constant equals to 0 to represent the "Overlay" data representation method for multiple data sets.
This constant is used in XYChart.addBarLayer, XYChart.addAreaLayer, and Layer.setDataCombineMethod.

CDBaseChartMBS.kPalette = &hFFFF0000

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the special color constants.

A constant equals to FFFF0000 (in hex) to represent the starting index of the color palette.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kPDF = 7

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 15.1
A constant equals to 7 to represent the AGF image format.

The PDF format.

CDBaseChartMBS.kPencilPointer = 5

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the pointer constants.

A constant equals to 5 to represent the pencil style meter pointer.
This constant is used in MeterPointer.setShape.

CDBaseChartMBS.kPercentage = 4

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the data combine method constants.

A constant equals to 4 to represent the "Percentage" data representation method for multiple data sets.
This constant is used in XYChart.addBarLayer, XYChart.addAreaLayer and Layer.setDataCombineMethod.

CDBaseChartMBS.kPixelScale = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the scale constants.

A constant equals to 0 to represent that the size is measured in pixels.
This constant is used in LineLayer.setSymbolScale, PolarLayer.setSymbolScale, XYChart.addVectorLayer, PolarChart.addVectorLayer, VectorLayer.setVector and PolarVectorLayer.setVector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kPlotAreaZ = &h1000

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the Z-Levels

A constant equals to 1000 (in hex) to represent the z-order of the plot area back surface of the chart.
This constant is used in Box.setZOrder, Line.setZOrder and MeterPointer.setZOrder.

CDBaseChartMBS.kPNG = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
A constant equals to 0 to represent the PNG image format.

The PNG format.
This constant is used in BaseChart.makeChart.

CDBaseChartMBS.kQTIMG = 9

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 15.1
A constant equals to 9 to represent the AGF image format.

The QT Image format.

CDBaseChartMBS.kQuadraticFilter = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
A constant equals to 2 to represent  a Quadratic graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kQuantize = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
A constant equals to 0 to represent that the quantize dithering method should be used if dithering is required.

This constant is used in DrawArea.setDitherMethod.

CDBaseChartMBS.kRadialAxisScale = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the scale constants.

A constant equals to 2 to represent that the size is measured using the radial-axis scale.
This constant is used in PolarLayer.setSymbolScale, PolarChart.addVectorLayer and PolarVectorLayer.setVector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kRadialShading = 7

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
A constant equals to 7 to represent radial sector shading style.

Radial shading

CDBaseChartMBS.kRectangularFrame = 4

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
A constant equals to 4 to represent rectangular frame only surface shading style.

CDBaseChartMBS.kRectangularShading = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
A constant equals to 2 to represent rectangular surface shading style.

Rectangular sharing

CDBaseChartMBS.kReducedGlare = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the glare modes.

A constant equals to 2 to represent using reduced glare strength in CDBaseChartMBS.glassEffect shading style.

CDBaseChartMBS.kReverseLegend = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the legend modes.

A constant equals to 1 to represent that the legend keys order is the reverse of the creation order of the data sets.
This constant is used in Layer.setLegendOrder.

CDBaseChartMBS.kRight = 6

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the alignments.

A constant equals to 6 to represent the right position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.

CDBaseChartMBS.kRightTriangleShape = 4

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
A constant equals to 4 to represent a triangle pointing rightwards.

Please refer to Shape Specification for samples and more information on using shapes in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kRightTriangleSymbol = 4

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the symbol constants.

Right Triangle

CDBaseChartMBS.kRingShading = 8

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
A constant equals to 8 to represent ring sector shading style.

Ring shading

CDBaseChartMBS.kRoundedEdgeNoGlareShading = 5

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
One constant for shadings.

Rounded edge and no glare

CDBaseChartMBS.kRoundedEdgeShading = 6

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
A constant equals to 6 to represent rounded edge sector shading style.

Rounded Edge

CDBaseChartMBS.kSameAsMainColor = &hFFFF0007

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the special color constants.

A constant equals to FFFF0007 (in hex) to represent the current main color.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kSide = 3

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the data combine method constants.

A constant equals to 3 to represent the "Side" data representation method for multiple data sets.
This constant is used in XYChart.addBarLayer, XYChart.addAreaLayer and Layer.setDataCombineMethod.

CDBaseChartMBS.kSideLayout = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
A constant equals to 0 to represent the side label layout method for pie/donut charts.

Side Layout
This constant is used in PieChart.setLabelLayout.

CDBaseChartMBS.kSincFilter = 7

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
A constant equals to 7 to represent  a Sinc graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kSmoothShading = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
A constant equals to 0 to represent smooth surface shading style.


CDBaseChartMBS.kSolidSphereShape = 17

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
A constant equals to 17 to represent a solid sphere.

Solid shape

CDBaseChartMBS.kSquareShape = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
A constant equals to 1 to represent a square.

Square shape
Please refer to Shape Specification for samples and more information on using shapes in ChartDirector.

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