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CDBaseChartMBS.kDashLine = &h0505

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the line modes.

A constant equals to 00000505 (in hex) to represent a dash line pattern for use in dash colors.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kDataColor = &hFFFF0008

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the special color constants.

A constant equals to FFFF0008 (in hex) to represent the starting index of automatic data color.
The array is in a format that can be directly used in BaseChart.setColors and DrawArea.setColorTable.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kDefaultShading = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
A constant equals to 0 to represent default sector shading style.

Default shading

CDBaseChartMBS.kDepth = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the data combine method constants.

A constant equals to 2 to represent the "Depth" data representation method for multiple data sets.
This constant is used in XYChart.addBarLayer, XYChart.addAreaLayer, and Layer.setDataCombineMethod.

CDBaseChartMBS.kDiamondPointer = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the pointer constants.

A constant equals to 0 to represent the diamond style meter pointer.
This constant is used in MeterPointer.setShape.

CDBaseChartMBS.kDiamondShape = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
A constant equals to 2 to represent a diamond shape.

Please refer to Shape Specification for samples and more information on using shapes in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kDiamondSymbol = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the symbol constants.


CDBaseChartMBS.kDirectionHorizontal = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the direction constants.

A constant equals to 0 to represent that the zoom and/or scroll orientation is horizontal.
This constant is used in CChartViewer.setZoomDirection and CChartViewer.setScrollDirection.

CDBaseChartMBS.kDirectionHorizontalVertical = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the direction constants.

A constant equals to 2 to represent that the zoom and/or scroll orientation can be both horizontal and vertical.
This constant is used in CChartViewer.setZoomDirection and CChartViewer.setScrollDirection.

CDBaseChartMBS.kDirectionVertical = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the direction constants.

A constant equals to 1 to represent that the zoom and/or scroll orientation is vertical.
This constant is used in CChartViewer.setZoomDirection and CChartViewer.setScrollDirection.

CDBaseChartMBS.kDotDashLine = &h05050205

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the line modes.

A constant equals to 05050205 (in hex) to represent a dot-dash line pattern for use in dash colors.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kDotLine = &h0202

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the line modes.

A constant equals to 00000202 (in hex) to represent a dot-line pattern for use in dash colors.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kEndPoints = 3

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
One of the scale constants.

A constant equals to 3 to represent that the vector lengths and directions are measured by specifying the end points.

CDBaseChartMBS.kErrorDiffusion = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
A constant equals to 2 to represent that the error diffusion dithering method should be used if dithering is required.

Error Diffusion
This constant is used in DrawArea.setDitherMethod.

CDBaseChartMBS.kExponentialRegression = -1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
One of the regression modes.

A constant equals to -1 to represent that exponential regression be used to draw a trend line.

CDBaseChartMBS.kFlatShading = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
A constant equals to 1 to represent flat sector shading style.

Flat shading

CDBaseChartMBS.kForcePalette = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
A constant equals to 1 to represent that palette based image format should always be used (dither the image if necessary).

Force palette.
This constant is used in DrawArea.setPaletteMode.

CDBaseChartMBS.kGaussianFilter = 9

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the filter modes.

A constant equals to 9 to represent a Gaussian graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kGIF = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
A constant equals to 1 to represent the GIF image format.

The GIF format.
This constant is used in BaseChart.makeChart.

CDBaseChartMBS.kGlassSphere2Shape = 16

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
A constant equals to 16 to represent a bright glass sphere.

Glas Sphere 2

CDBaseChartMBS.kGlassSphereShape = 15

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
A constant equals to 15 to represent a glass sphere.

Glas Sphere

CDBaseChartMBS.kGlobalGradientShading = 3

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 9.2
A constant equals to 3 to represent global gradient sector shading style.

Global gradient shading

CDBaseChartMBS.kGridLinesZ = &h2000

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the Z-Levels

A constant equals to 2000 (in hex) to represent the z-order of the grid lines of the chart.
This constant is used in Box.setZOrder, Line.setZOrder and MeterPointer.setZOrder.

CDBaseChartMBS.kHammingFilter = 11

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the filter modes.

A constant equals to 11 to represent a Hamming graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kHanningFilter = 10

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the filter modes.

A constant equals to 10 to represent a Hanning graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kHermiteFilter = 4

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the filter modes.

A constant equals to 4 to represent a Hermite graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.

CDBaseChartMBS.kHLOCDefault = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the HLOC constants.

A constant equals to 0 to represent that the HLOC symbols should be drawn using the same color.
This constant is used in XYChart.addHLOCLayer and HLOCLayer.setColorMethod.

CDBaseChartMBS.kHLOCOpenClose = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the HLOC constants.

A constant equals to 1 to represent that the HLOC symbols should be drawn using two alternative colors based on whether the closing price is higher than the opening price.
This constant is used in XYChart.addHLOCLayer and HLOCLayer.setColorMethod.

CDBaseChartMBS.kHLOCUpDown = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
One of the HLOC constants.

A constant equals to 2 to represent that the HLOC symbols should be drawn using two alternative colors based on whether the closing price is higher than the previous closing price.
This constant is used in XYChart.addHLOCLayer and HLOCLayer.setColorMethod.

CDBaseChartMBS.kInvertedTriangleShape = 6

Type Topic Plugin Version
const ChartDirector MBS ChartDirector Plugin 8.2
A constant equals to 6 to represent a triangle pointing downwards.

Inverted Triangle
Please refer to Shape Specification for samples and more information on using shapes in ChartDirector.

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The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS ChartDirector Plugin.

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