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AVPlayerLooperMBS.Constructor(player as AVQueuePlayerMBS, item as AVPlayerItemMBS)

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method AVFoundation MBS AVFoundation Plugin 22.3 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Returns an instance of AVPlayerLooper to loop specified AVPlayerItem with specified AVQueuePlayerMBS.

Equivalent to other constructor and passing in kCMTimeRangeInvalid for timeRange parameter.

See also:

AVPlayerLooperMBS.Constructor(player as AVQueuePlayerMBS, item as AVPlayerItemMBS, loopRange as CMTimeRangeMBS)

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method AVFoundation MBS AVFoundation Plugin 22.3 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Returns an instance of AVPlayerLooper to loop specified AVPlayerItem within the specified time range with specified AVQueuePlayerMBS.

loopRange: Playback time range in [0, itemToLoop's duration]. kCMTimeRangeInvalid means [0, itemToLoop's duration].

The specified AVPlayerItem will be used as a template to generate at least 3 AVPlayerItem replicas and the replicas will be inserted into specified AVQueuePlayer's play queue to accomplish the looping playback. The specified AVPlayerItem should have its asset's duration property loaded beforehand so looping setup work would not be blocked until the duration value is known. Otherwise, AVPlayerLooper's status property is AVPlayerLooperStatusUnknown until the duration property is loaded. The specified AVPlayerItem will not be used in the actual looping playback. Furthermore, AVPlayerItem replicas will be generated at initialization time so any changes made to the specified AVPlayerItem's property afterwards will not be reflected in the replicas used for looping playback. Specified CMTimeRange will limit each item loop iteration to playing within the specified time range. To play from beginning and the whole duration of the item, specify kCMTimeRangeInvalid for the range parameter. Time range will be accomplished by seeking to range start time and setting AVPlayerItem's forwardPlaybackEndTime property on the looping item replicas. Client should not modify AVQueuePlayer's play queue while AVPlayerLooper is performing the looping. AVPlayerLooper will insert the replica items before any existing items in the specified AVQueuePlayer's play queue and change the actionAtItemEnd to AVPlayerActionAtItemEndAdvance if required. AVQueuePlayer's play queue and actionAtItemEnd will be restored when disableLooping method is called and then current looping item replicas completes playback or when AVPlayerLooper is destroyed. While AVPlayerLooper is being initialized, the specified AVQueuePlayer will be paused (rate of 0.0) if necessary and the original player rate will be restored after initialization completes. The client shall set the specified AVQueuePlayer's rate to 0 beforehand if additional set-up work needs to be performed after AVPlayerLooper initialization and before starting looping playback. An NSInvalidArgumentException will be raised if the player and template item are not specified or the template item has a 0 duration. An NSInvalidArgumentException will be raised if a valid time range has a duration of 0 or is not contained within time 0 and duration of the templateItem.

See also:


Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method AVFoundation MBS AVFoundation Plugin 22.3 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Disables the item looping.

AVPlayerLooper will stop performing player queue operations for looping and let the current looping item replica play to the end. The player's original actionAtItemEnd property will be restored afterwards. After this method is called, the value of the receiver's status property will be AVPlayerLooperStatusCancelled.

AVPlayerLooperMBS.loopingPlayerItems as AVPlayerItemMBS()

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method AVFoundation MBS AVFoundation Plugin 22.3 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Returns an array containing replicas of specified AVPlayerItem used to accomplish the looping.

AVPlayerLooper creates replicas of the template AVPlayerItem using -copyWithZone: and inserts the replicas in the specified AVQueuePlayer to accomplish the looping. The AVPlayerItem replicas are for informational purposes and to allow the client to apply properties that are not transferred from the template AVPlayerItem to the replicas. The client can determine the number of replicas created and can listen for notifications and property changes from the replicas if desired. AVPlayerItemOutputs and AVPlayerItemMediaDataCollectors are not transferred to the replicas so the client should add them to each replica if desired. The client shall not modify the properties on the replicas that would disrupt looping playback. Examples of such properties are playhead time/date, selected media option, and forward playback end time. This property is key value observable.

Returns an array containing replicas of specified AVPlayerItem.

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