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XMPMetaMBS.AppendArrayItem(schemaNS as string, arrayName as string, arrayOptions as Integer, itemValue as string, options as Integer=0)

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
Appends an item to an array.

AppendArrayItem simplifies construction of an array by not requiring that you pre-create an empty array. The array that is assigned is created automatically if it does not yet exist. Each call to AppendArrayItem appends an item to the array. The corresponding parameters have the same use as SetArrayItem. The arrayOptions parameter is used to specify what kind of array. If the array exists, it must have the specified form.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the array. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
arrayName The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as propPath in GetProperty.
arrayOptions Option flags describing the array form. The only valid bits are those that are part of kXMP_PropArrayFormMask: kXMP_PropValueIsArray (&h200), kXMP_PropArrayIsOrdered (&h400), kXMP_PropArrayIsAlternate (&h800), or kXMP_PropArrayIsAltText (&h1000).
itemValue An UTF-8 string that is the value of the array item, if the array item has a value. Has the same usage as propValue in GetProperty.
itemOptions Option flags describing the item.

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.CatenateArrayItems(schemaNS as string, arrayName as string, separator as string, quotes as string, options as Integer) as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
Create a single edit string from an array of strings.

xmpObjThe XMP object containing the array to be catenated.
schemaNSThe schema namespace URI for the array. Must not be an empty string.
arrayNameThe name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be an empty string. Each item in the array must be a simple string value.
separatorThe string to be used to separate the items in the catenated string. Defaults to "; ", ASCII semicolon and space (U+003B, U+0020).
quotesThe characters to be used as quotes around array items that contain a separator. Defaults to '"', ASCII quote (U+0022).
optionsOption flags to control the catenation.
returns the string with the catenated array items.

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.Clone as XMPMetaMBS

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method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
Creates a copy of the XMPMeta Object.

Deep copy, not just a new reference.
Returns nil on any error.


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method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
Default constructor, creates an empty object.

See also:

XMPMetaMBS.Constructor(data as memoryblock, Offset as Integer, Size as Integer)

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
Construct an object and parse one buffer of RDF into it.

This constructor creates a new TXMPMeta object and populates it with metadata from a buffer containing serialized RDF. This buffer must be a complete RDF parse stream. Pass "" to construct an empty XMPMetaMBS object. The result of an actual parse is identical to creating an empty object then calling XMPMetaMBS.ParseFromBuffer. The RDF must be complete. If you need to parse with multiple buffers, create an empty object and use XMPMetaMBS.ParseFromBuffer.

See also:

XMPMetaMBS.Constructor(data as string)

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
Construct an object and parse one buffer of RDF into it.

This constructor creates a new TXMPMeta object and populates it with metadata from a buffer containing serialized RDF. This buffer must be a complete RDF parse stream. Pass "" to construct an empty XMPMetaMBS object. The result of an actual parse is identical to creating an empty object then calling XMPMetaMBS.ParseFromBuffer. The RDF must be complete. If you need to parse with multiple buffers, create an empty object and use XMPMetaMBS.ParseFromBuffer.

See also:

XMPMetaMBS.CountArrayItems(schemaNS as string, arrayName as string) as Integer

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
Counts array items of given array.

Returns 0 on any error.

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.DeleteArrayItem(schemaNS as string, arrayName as string, itemIndex as Integer)

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
DeleteArrayItem deletes the given XMP subtree rooted at the given array item.

It is not an error if the array item does not exist.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the array. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
arrayName The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not "". Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in GetProperty.
itemIndex The index of the desired item. Arrays in XMP are indexed from 1. The constant kXMP_ArrayLastItem (-1) always refers to the last existing array item.

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.DeleteLocalizedText(schemaNS as string="", altTextName as string="", genericLang as string="", specificLang as string="")

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 11.0 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
Deletes localized text.

XMPMetaMBS.DeleteProperty(schemaNS as string, propName as string)

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
DeleteProperty deletes the given XMP subtree rooted at the given property.

It is not an error if the property does not exist.

schemaNSThe namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propNameThe name of the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.

XMPMetaMBS.DeleteQualifier(schemaNS as string, structName as string, qualNS as string, qualName as string)

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
DeleteQualifier deletes the given XMP subtree rooted at the given qualifier.

It is not an error if the qualifier does not exist.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the struct. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propName The name of the property to which the qualifier is attached. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
qualNS The namespace URI for the qualifier. Has the same URI and prefix usage as the schemaNS parameter.
qualName The name of the qualifier. Must be a single XML name, must not be "" Has the same namespace prefix usage as the propName parameter.

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.DeleteStructField(schemaNS as string, structName as string, fieldNS as string, fieldName as string)

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
DeleteStructField deletes the given XMP subtree rooted at the given struct field.

It is not an error if the field does not exist.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the struct. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
structName The name of the struct. May be a general path expression, must not be "". Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in GetProperty.
fieldNS The namespace URI for the field. Has the same URI and prefix usage as the schemaNS parameter.
fieldName The name of the field. Must be a single XML name, must not be "". Has the same namespace prefix usage as the structName parameter.

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.DoesArrayItemExist(schemaNS as string, arrayName as string, itemIndex as Integer) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
DoesArrayItemExist tells if the array item exists.

Returns true if the array item exists.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the array. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
arrayName The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be "". Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in GetProperty.
itemIndex The index of the desired item. Arrays in XMP are indexed from 1. The constant kXMP_ArrayLastItem (-1) always refers to the last existing array item.

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.DoesPropertyExist(schemaNS as string, propName as string) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
DoesPropertyExist tells if the property exists.

Returns true if the property exists.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propName The name of the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.DoesQualifierExist(schemaNS as string, structName as string, qualNS as string, qualName as string) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
DoesQualifierExist tells if the qualifier exists.

Returns true if the qualifier exists.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the struct. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propName The name of the property to which the qualifier is attached. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
qualNS The namespace URI for the qualifier. Has the same URI and prefix usage as the schemaNS parameter.
qualName The name of the qualifier. Must be a single XML name, must not be "". Has the same namespace prefix usage as the propName parameter.

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.DoesStructFieldExist(schemaNS as string, structName as string, fieldNS as string, fieldName as string) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
DoesStructFieldExist tells if the struct field exists.

Returns true if the field exists.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the struct. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
structName The name of the struct. May be a general path expression, must not be "". Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in GetProperty.
fieldNS The namespace URI for the field. Has the same URI and prefix usage as the schemaNS parameter.
fieldName The name of the field. Must be a single XML name, must not be "". Has the same namespace prefix usage as the structName parameter.

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.DumpObject(output as XMPTextOutputMBS) as Integer

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
DumpObject dumps the content of an XMP object.

Returns status code. (0=success and -1=error)

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.DuplicateSubtree(dest as XMPMetaMBS, sourceNS as string, sourceRoot as string, destNS as string="", destRoot as string="", options as Integer=0)

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
Replicate a subtree from one XMP object into another, possibly at a different location.


selfThe source XMP object.
destThe destination XMP object.
sourceNSThe schema namespace URI for the source subtree.
sourceRootThe root location for the source subtree. May be a general path expression, must not be null or the empty string.
destNSThe schema namespace URI for the destination. Defaults to the source namespace.
destRootThe root location for the destination. May be a general path expression. Defaults to the source location.
optionsOption flags to control the separation.

Some examples using this method:


Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 9.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
Restores the object to a "just constructed" state.

XMPMetaMBS.GetArrayItem(schemaNS as string, arrayName as string, itemIndex as Integer, byref itemValue as string, byref options as Integer) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
GetArrayItem provides access to items within an array.

The index is passed as an integer, you need not worry about the path string syntax for array items, convert a loop index to a string, etc.

Returns true if the array item exists.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the array. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
arrayName The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must not be "". Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in GetProperty.
itemIndex The index of the desired item. Arrays in XMP are indexed from 1. The constant kXMP_ArrayLastItem (-1) always refers to the last existing array item.
itemValue A string that is assigned the value of the array item, if the array item has a value. Arrays and non-leaf levels of structs do not have values.
options An integer variable that is assigned option flags describing the array item.

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.GetLocalizedText(schemaNS as string, altTextName as string, genericLang as string, specificLang as string, byref actualLang as string, byref itemValue as string, byref options as Integer) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
GetLocalizedText returns information about a selected item in an alt-text array.

The array item is selected according to the rules given above.

Returns true if an appropriate array item exists.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the alt-text array. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
altTextName The name of the alt-text array. May be a general path expression, must not be "". Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in GetProperty.
genericLang The name of the generic language as an RFC 3066 primary subtag. May be "" if no generic language is wanted.
specificLang The name of the specific language as an RFC 3066 tag. Must not be null or the empty string.
actualLang A string that is assigned the language of the selected array item, if an appropriate array item is found.
itemValue A string that is assigned the value of the array item, if an appropriate array item is found.
options An integer variable that is assigned option flags describing the array item.

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.GetProperty(schemaNS as string, propName as string, byref propValue as string, byref options as Integer) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
GetProperty is the simplest property getter, mainly for top level simple properties or after using the path composition functions.

Returns true if the property exists.

schemaNSThe namespace URI for the property. May be an empty string if the first component of the propName path contains a namespace prefix. The URI must be for a registered namespace.
propName The name of the property. May be a general path expression, must not be an empty string. Using a namespace prefix on the first component is optional. If present without a schemaNS value then the prefix specifies the namespace. The prefix must be for a registered namespace. If both a schemaNS URI and propName prefix are present, they must be corresponding parts of a registered namespace.
propValue A string that is assigned the value of the property, if the property has a value. Arrays and non-leaf levels of structs do not have values.
options An integer variable that is assigned option flags describing the property.

XMPMetaMBS.GetPropertyBoolean(schemaNS as string, propName as string, byref propValue as boolean) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 11.3 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
GetPropertyBoolean returns the value of a Boolean property as a boolean.

Returns true if the property exists.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propName The name of the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propValue A boolean variable that is assigned the value of the property.
options Optional, an integer variable that is assigned option flags describing the property.

See also:

XMPMetaMBS.GetPropertyBoolean(schemaNS as string, propName as string, byref propValue as boolean, byref options as Integer) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
GetPropertyBoolean returns the value of a Boolean property as a boolean.

Returns true if the property exists.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propName The name of the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propValue A boolean variable that is assigned the value of the property.
options Optional, an integer variable that is assigned option flags describing the property.

See also:

XMPMetaMBS.GetPropertyDate(schemaNS as string, propName as string, byref propValue as XMPDateTimeMBS, byref options as Integer) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
GetProperty_Date returns the value of a date/time property as an XMPDateTimeMBS object.

Returns true if the property exists.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propName The name of the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propValue A XMPDateTimeMBS variable that is assigned the value of the property.
options An integer variable that is assigned option flags describing the property.

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.GetPropertyFloat(schemaNS as string, propName as string, byref propValue as Double) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 11.3 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
GetPropertyFloat returns the value of a flaoting point property as a double value.

Returns true if the property exists.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propName The name of the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propValue A double variable that is assigned the value of the property.
options Optional, an integer variable that is assigned option flags describing the property.

See also:

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.GetPropertyFloat(schemaNS as string, propName as string, byref propValue as Double, byref options as Integer) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
GetPropertyFloat returns the value of a flaoting point property as a double value.

Returns true if the property exists.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propName The name of the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propValue A double variable that is assigned the value of the property.
options Optional, an integer variable that is assigned option flags describing the property.

See also:

XMPMetaMBS.GetPropertyInt64Double(schemaNS as string, propName as string, byref propValue as Double, byref options as Integer) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
GetPropertyInt64Double returns the value of a 64 bit integer property as a double value.

Returns true if the property exists.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propName The name of the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propValue A double variable that is assigned the value of the property.
options An integer variable that is assigned option flags describing the property.

XMPMetaMBS.GetPropertyInteger(schemaNS as string, propName as string, byref propValue as Integer) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 11.3 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
GetPropertyInteger returns the value of an integer property as an integer.

Returns true if the property exists.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propName The name of the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propValue An integer variable that is assigned the value of the property.
options Optional, an integer variable that is assigned option flags describing the property.

See also:

XMPMetaMBS.GetPropertyInteger(schemaNS as string, propName as string, byref propValue as Integer, byref options as Integer) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
GetPropertyInteger returns the value of an integer property as an integer.

Returns true if the property exists.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propName The name of the property. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propValue An integer variable that is assigned the value of the property.
options Optional, an integer variable that is assigned option flags describing the property.

See also:

XMPMetaMBS.GetPropertyInteger64(schemaNS as string, propName as string, byref propValue as Int64, byref options as Integer) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 9.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
Retrieves the value of an integer property as an Int64.

Reports whether a property exists, and retrieves its binary value and property type information.

schemaNS: The namespace URI; see GetProperty().
propName: The name of the property. Can be a general path expression, must not be empty string; see GetProperty() for namespace prefix usage.

propValue: A variable in which to return the binary value.

options: A variable in which to return the option flags describing the property, a logical OR of allowed bit-flag constants; see kPropValueIsStruct and following.

Returns true if the property exists.

XMPMetaMBS.GetQualifier(schemaNS as string, propName as string, qualNS as string, qualName as string, byref qualValue as string, byref options as Integer) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
GetQualifier provides access to a qualifier attached to a property.

The namespace for the qualifier is passed as a URI, you need not worry about the path string syntax. In many regards qualifiers are like struct fields.

The names of qualifiers should be XML qualified names, that is within an XML namespace. The path syntax for a qualified name uses the namespace prefix. This is unreliable since the prefix is never guaranteed. The URI is the formal name, the prefix is just a local shorthand in a given sequence of XML text.

Note: Qualifiers are only supported for simple leaf properties at this time. (in the XMP SDK)

Returns true if the qualifier exists.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the struct. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
propName The name of the property to which the qualifier is attached. May be a general path expression, must not be an empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as in GetProperty.
qualNS The namespace URI for the qualifier. Has the same URI and prefix usage as the schemaNS parameter.
qualName The name of the qualifier. Must be a single XML name, must not be an empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as the propName parameter.
qualValue A string variable that is assigned the value of the qualifier, if the qualifier has a value. Arrays and non-leaf levels of structs do not have values.
options An integer variable that is assigned option flags describing the qualifier.

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.GetStructField(schemaNS as string, structName as string, fieldNS as string, fieldName as string, byref itemValue as string, byref options as Integer) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
GetStructField provides access to fields within a nested structure.

The namespace for the field is passed as a URI, you need not worry about the path string syntax.

The names of fields should be XML qualified names, that is within an XML namespace. The path syntax for a qualified name uses the namespace prefix. This is unreliable since the prefix is never guaranteed. The URI is the formal name, the prefix is just a local shorthand in a given sequence of XML text.

Returns true if the field exists.

schemaNS The namespace URI for the struct. Has the same usage as in GetProperty.
structName The name of the struct. May be a general path expression, must not be an empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as propName in GetProperty.
fieldNS The namespace URI for the field. Has the same URI and prefix usage as the schemaNS parameter.
fieldName The name of the field. Must be a single XML name, must not be an empty string. Has the same namespace prefix usage as the structName parameter.
fieldValue An string variable that is assigned the value of the field, if the field has a value. Arrays and non-leaf levels of structs do not have values.
options An integer variable that is assigned option flags describing the field. May be null if the flags are not wanted.

Some examples using this method:

XMPMetaMBS.Iterator(schemaNS as string, propName as string, options as Integer) as XMPIteratorMBS

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
Creates an iterator for the properties within an XMP object.

Returns nil on failure.

schemaNS: Optional schema namespace URI to restrict the iteration. Omitted (visit all schema) by passing "".
propName: Optional property name to restrict the iteration. May be an arbitrary path expression. Omitted (visit all properties) by passing "". If not empty a schema URI must also be provided.
options: Option flags to control the iteration.

The available option flags are:

kXMP_IterJustChildren= &h100Just visit the immediate children of the root, default is subtree.
kXMP_IterJustLeafNodes= &h200Just visit the leaf nodes, default visits all nodes.
kXMP_IterJustLeafName= &h400Return just the leaf part of the path, default is the full path.
kXMP_IterOmitQualifiers= &h1000Omit all qualifiers.

XMPMetaMBS.MergeFromJPEG(extendedXMP as XMPMetaMBS)

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 9.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
merges standard and extended XMP retrieved from a JPEG file.

When an extended partition stores properties that do not fit into the JPEG file limitationof 64K bytes, this function integrates those properties back into the same XMP object with those from the standard XMP packet.

self: An XMP object which the caller has initialized from the standard XMP packet in a JPEG file. The extended XMP is added to this object.

extendedXMP: An XMP object which the caller has initialized from the extended XMP packet in a JPEG file.

XMPMetaMBS.Name as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
property XMP MBS XMP Plugin 6.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
The object name.

(Read and Write computed property)

XMPMetaMBS.PackageForJPEG(byref standardXMP as string, byref extendedXMP as string, byref extendedDigest as string)

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
method XMP MBS XMP Plugin 9.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
creates XMP serializations appropriate for a JPEG file.

The standard XMP in a JPEG file is limited to 64K bytes. This function serializes the XMP metadata in an XMP object into a string of RDF (see \c SerializeToBuffer) the data does not fit into the 64K byte limit, it creates a second packet string with the extended data.

self: The XMP object containing the metadata.
standardXMP: A string object in which to return the full standard XMP packet.

extendedXMP: A string object in which to return the serialized extended XMP, empty if not needed.

extendedDigest: A string object in which to return an MD5 digest of the serialized extended XMP, empty if not needed.

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