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Authorization Options
UNUserNotificationCenterMBS.AuthorizationOptionAlert = 4
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version |
const | User Notifications | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 19.1 |
The ability to display alerts.
UNUserNotificationCenterMBS.AuthorizationOptionAnnouncement = 128
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version |
const | User Notifications | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 20.5 |
The ability for Siri to automatically read out messages over AirPods.
UNUserNotificationCenterMBS.AuthorizationOptionBadge = 1
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version |
const | User Notifications | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 19.1 |
The ability to update the app’s badge.
UNUserNotificationCenterMBS.AuthorizationOptionCarPlay = 8
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version |
const | User Notifications | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 19.1 |
The ability to display notifications in a CarPlay environment.
UNUserNotificationCenterMBS.AuthorizationOptionCriticalAlert = 16
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version |
const | User Notifications | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 19.1 |
The ability to play sounds for critical alerts.
Critical alerts ignore the mute switch and Do Not Disturb; the system plays a critical alert's sound regardless of the device's mute or Do Not Disturb settings. You can specify a custom sound and volume.
Critical alerts require a special entitlement issued by Apple.
UNUserNotificationCenterMBS.AuthorizationOptionNone = 0
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version |
const | User Notifications | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 19.1 |
No options.
UNUserNotificationCenterMBS.AuthorizationOptionProvidesAppNotificationSettings = 32
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version |
const | User Notifications | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 19.1 |
An option indicating the system should display a button for in-app notification settings.
UNUserNotificationCenterMBS.AuthorizationOptionProvisional = 64
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version |
const | User Notifications | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 19.1 |
The ability to post noninterrupting notifications provisionally to the Notification Center.
UNUserNotificationCenterMBS.AuthorizationOptionSound = 2
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version |
const | User Notifications | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 19.1 |
The ability to play sounds.
Notification Presentation
UNUserNotificationCenterMBS.NotificationPresentationOptionAlert = 4
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version |
const | User Notifications | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 19.1 |
Display the alert using the content provided by the notification.
UNUserNotificationCenterMBS.NotificationPresentationOptionBadge = 1
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version |
const | User Notifications | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 19.1 |
Apply the notification's badge value to the app’s icon.
for MacOS 11.0 or newer, please use NotificationPresentationOptionBanner + NotificationPresentationOptionList + NotificationPresentationOptionBadge.
UNUserNotificationCenterMBS.NotificationPresentationOptionBanner = 16
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version |
const | User Notifications | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 20.5 |
New for macOS 11.0
UNUserNotificationCenterMBS.NotificationPresentationOptionList = 8
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version |
const | User Notifications | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 20.5 |
New for macOS 11.0
UNUserNotificationCenterMBS.NotificationPresentationOptionNone = 0
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version |
const | User Notifications | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 19.1 |
No alert.
Specify this constant when you want to silence any user interactions for a notification.
UNUserNotificationCenterMBS.NotificationPresentationOptionSound = 2
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version |
const | User Notifications | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 19.1 |
Play the sound associated with the notification.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MacFrameworks Plugin.