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The plugin part MBS MacCF Plugin:ColorSyncNew:
Partly Console safe, 137 entry points.
- class CSManagementModuleMBS
- class CSMutableProfileMBS
- class CSProfileMBS
- method Verify(byref errors as CFErrorMBS, byref warnings as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- method Constructor(profileSequence() as dictionary, options as dictionary)
- method Constructor(data as string, byref error as CFErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(file as folderitem, byref error as CFErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(file as folderitem)
- method Constructor(DisplayID as integer)
- method Constructor(name as string)
- method TagSignatures as string()
- method EstimateGamma as double
- method EstimateGamma(byref error as CFErrorMBS) as double
- method MD5 as string
- method Data as string
- method Header as string
- method URL as string
- method File as folderitem
- method URL(byref error as CFErrorMBS) as string
- method File(byref error as CFErrorMBS) as folderitem
- method RawTag(signature as string) as string
- method ContainsTag(signature as string) as boolean
- method Edit as CSMutableProfileMBS
- property MD5String as String
- property Description as String
- shared method CreateDeviceProfile(deviceClass as string, deviceID as CFUUIDMBS, profileID as variant) as CSProfileMBS
- shared method EstimateGammaWithDisplayID(displayID as integer) as double
- shared method EstimateGammaWithDisplayID(displayID as integer, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as double
- shared method CreateLink(profileSequence() as dictionary, options as dictionary) as CSProfileMBS
- shared method CreateWithData(data as string, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as CSProfileMBS
- shared method CreateWithData(data as string) as CSProfileMBS
- shared method CreateWithFile(file as folderitem, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as CSProfileMBS
- shared method CreateWithFile(file as folderitem) as CSProfileMBS
- shared method CreateWithURL(url as string, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as CSProfileMBS
- shared method CreateWithURL(url as string) as CSProfileMBS
- shared method CreateWithDisplayID(DisplayID as integer) as CSProfileMBS
- shared method CreateWithName(name as string) as CSProfileMBS
- shared method kColorSyncGenericGrayProfile as string
- shared method kColorSyncGenericGrayGamma22Profile as string
- shared method kColorSyncGenericRGBProfile as string
- shared method kColorSyncGenericCMYKProfile as string
- shared method kColorSyncSRGBProfile as string
- shared method kColorSyncAdobeRGB1998Profile as string
- shared method kColorSyncGenericLabProfile as string
- shared method kColorSyncGenericXYZProfile as string
- shared method kColorSyncProfileHeader as string
- shared method kColorSyncProfileClass as string
- shared method kColorSyncProfileColorSpace as string
- shared method kColorSyncProfilePCS as string
- shared method kColorSyncProfileURL as string
- shared method kColorSyncProfileDescription as string
- shared method kColorSyncProfileMD5Digest as string
- shared method InstalledProfiles as dictionary()
- class CSTransformMBS
- method Constructor(profileSequence() as dictionary, options as dictionary)
- method GetProperty(key as variant) as variant
- method SetProperty(key as variant, value as variant)
- method Convert(width as integer, height as integer, dst as memoryblock, dstDepth as integer, dstLayout as integer, dstBytesPerRow as integer, src as memoryblock, srcDepth as integer, srcLayout as integer, srcBytesPerRow as integer, options as dictionary) as boolean
- method Convert(dest as picture, src as picture, options as dictionary) as boolean
- method Convert(dst as memoryblock, dstDepth as integer, dstLayout as integer, dstBytesPerRow as integer, src as picture, options as dictionary) as boolean
- method Convert(dest as picture, src as memoryblock, srcDepth as integer, srcLayout as integer, srcBytesPerRow as integer, options as dictionary) as boolean
- shared method kColorSyncProfile as string
- shared method kColorSyncRenderingIntent as string
- shared method kColorSyncRenderingIntentPerceptual as string
- shared method kColorSyncRenderingIntentRelative as string
- shared method kColorSyncRenderingIntentSaturation as string
- shared method kColorSyncRenderingIntentAbsolute as string
- shared method kColorSyncRenderingIntentUseProfileHeader as string
- shared method kColorSyncTransformTag as string
- shared method kColorSyncTransformDeviceToPCS as string
- shared method kColorSyncTransformPCSToPCS as string
- shared method kColorSyncTransformPCSToDevice as string
- shared method kColorSyncTransformDeviceToDevice as string
- shared method kColorSyncTransformGamutCheck as string
- shared method kColorSyncBlackPointCompensation as string
- shared method kColorSyncPreferredCMM as string
- shared method kColorSyncConvertQuality as string
- shared method kColorSyncBestQuality as string
- shared method kColorSyncNormalQuality as string
- shared method kColorSyncDraftQuality as string
- shared method kColorSyncTransformCreator as string
- shared method kColorSyncTransformSrcSpace as string
- shared method kColorSyncTransformDstSpace as string
- shared method kColorSyncTransformFullConversionData as string
- shared method kColorSyncTransformSimplifiedConversionData as string
- shared method kColorSyncTransformParametricConversionData as string
- shared method kColorSyncConversionMatrix as string
- shared method kColorSyncConversionParamCurve0 as string
- shared method kColorSyncConversionParamCurve1 as string
- shared method kColorSyncConversionParamCurve2 as string
- shared method kColorSyncConversionParamCurve3 as string
- shared method kColorSyncConversionParamCurve4 as string
- shared method kColorSyncConversion1DLut as string
- shared method kColorSyncConversionGridPoints as string
- shared method kColorSyncConversionChannelID as string
- shared method kColorSyncConversion3DLut as string
- shared method kColorSyncConversionInpChan as string
- shared method kColorSyncConversionOutChan as string
- shared method kColorSyncConversionBPC as string
- shared method PrintClasses
- module CSDeviceMBS
- method kColorSyncDeviceID as string
- method kColorSyncDeviceClass as string
- method kColorSyncCameraDeviceClass as string
- method kColorSyncDisplayDeviceClass as string
- method kColorSyncPrinterDeviceClass as string
- method kColorSyncScannerDeviceClass as string
- method kColorSyncDeviceProfileURL as string
- method kColorSyncDeviceDescription as string
- method kColorSyncDeviceDescriptions as string
- method kColorSyncFactoryProfiles as string
- method kColorSyncCustomProfiles as string
- method kColorSyncDeviceModeDescription as string
- method kColorSyncDeviceModeDescriptions as string
- method kColorSyncDeviceDefaultProfileID as string
- method kColorSyncDeviceHostScope as string
- method kColorSyncDeviceUserScope as string
- method kColorSyncProfileHostScope as string
- method kColorSyncProfileUserScope as string
- method kColorSyncDeviceProfileIsFactory as string
- method kColorSyncDeviceProfileIsDefault as string
- method kColorSyncDeviceProfileIsCurrent as string
- method kColorSyncDeviceProfileID as string
- method kColorSyncDeviceRegisteredNotification as string
- method kColorSyncDeviceUnregisteredNotification as string
- method kColorSyncDeviceProfilesNotification as string
- method kColorSyncDisplayDeviceProfilesNotification as string
- method DeviceProfiles as dictionary()
- method SetCustomProfiles(deviceClass as string, deviceID as CFUUIDMBS, profileInfo as dictionary) as boolean
- method UnregisterDevice(deviceClass as string, deviceID as CFUUIDMBS) as boolean
- method RegisterDevice(deviceClass as string, deviceID as CFUUIDMBS, deviceInfo as dictionary) as boolean
- method DeviceInfo(deviceClass as string, deviceID as CFUUIDMBS) as dictionary
Blog Entries
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 19.3pr1
- Colorspaces in Xojo
- Features to be removed
- MBS REALbasic Plugins, version 10.5pr5