New in version 25.0
New in Version 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 25.0 25.1
Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
New classes in version 25.0:
- class AVPlaybackSpeedMBS
- class AVPlayerViewControllerMBS
- class DocumentBuilderMBS
- class ImagePlaygroundMBS
- class MPMediaItemArtworkMBS
- class MPNowPlayingInfoCenterMBS
- class NSMenuPopupEventsMBS
- class PhidgetMotorVelocityControllerMBS
- class SaxonExceptionMBS
- class SaxonProcessorMBS
- class SchemaValidatorMBS
- class WindowsDeviceInformationCustomPairingMBS
- class WindowsDevicePairingRequestedEventArgsMBS
- class XdmArrayMBS
- class XdmAtomicValueMBS
- class XdmFunctionItemMBS
- class XdmItemMBS
- class XdmMapMBS
- class XdmNodeMBS
- class XdmValueMBS
- class XLCorePropertiesMBS
- class XPathProcessorMBS
- class XQueryProcessorMBS
- class Xslt30ProcessorMBS
- class XsltExecutableMBS
New modules in version 25.0:
New class events in version 25.0:
- CoreTextMBS.RequestFontsCompleted(unresolvedFontDescriptors() as CTFontDescriptorMBS, tag as variant)
- DesktopWebView2ControlMBS.BasicAuthenticationRequested(URL as string, Challenge as String, byref UserName as String, byref Password as String, byref Cancel as boolean)
- PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS.ExpectedPositionChanged(expectedPosition as double)
- WebView2ControlMBS.BasicAuthenticationRequested(URL as string, Challenge as String, byref UserName as String, byref Password as String, byref Cancel as boolean)
New class methods in version 25.0:
- CallDelegateCrashSafeMBS.PrintBacktraceMBS
- CoreTextMBS.RequestFonts(descriptors() as CTFontDescriptorMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- CURLMBS.GetInfoEarlyDataSent as integer
- CURLNMBS.GetInfoEarlyDataSent as integer
- CURLSMBS.GetInfoEarlyDataSent as integer
- DynaPDFMBS.CheckEmbeddedFileCheckSum(Handle as integer) as Integer
- DynaPDFMBS.ConvToFreeTextCallout(Handle as Integer, StartX as double, StartY as double, KneeOffset as double, EndStyle as integer) as Boolean
- DynaPDFMBS.GetFontSize as Double
- DynaPDFMBS.GetLastTextPosXAbs as double
- DynaPDFMBS.GetLastTextPosYAbs as double
- NSApplicationMBS.showWritingTools
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSWritingToolsExclusionAttributeName as string
- NSHTTPCookieMBS.NSHTTPCookieSetByJavaScript as string
- NSMenuItemMBS.PerformAction(delay as double = 0)
- NSMenuItemMBS.writingToolsItems as NSMenuItemMBS()
- NSMenuMBS.items as NSMenuItemMBS()
- NSToolbarItemMBS.NSToolbarWritingToolsItemIdentifier as string
- PhidgetHubMBS.PortMaxSpeed(Port as Integer) as UInt32
- PhidgetHubMBS.setPortAutoSetSpeed(Port as Integer, State as Integer)
- PhidgetSpatialMBS.getEulerAngles(byref pitch as double, byref roll as double, byref heading as double)
- PhidgetSpatialMBS.getQuaternion(byref x as double, byref y as double, byref z as double, byref w as double)
- PhidgetSpatialMBS.MaxAcceleration as Double()
- PhidgetSpatialMBS.MaxAngularRate as Double()
- PhidgetSpatialMBS.MaxMagneticField as Double()
- PhidgetSpatialMBS.MinAcceleration as Double()
- PhidgetSpatialMBS.MinAngularRate as Double()
- PhidgetSpatialMBS.MinMagneticField as Double()
- TagLibFileRefMBS.ID3v2Tags as Dictionary
- UTTypeMBS.kUTTypeHEIC as string
- UTTypeMBS.kUTTypeHEIF as string
- UTTypeMBS.kUTTypeJPEGXL as string
- WindowsDeviceInformationMBS.Close
- XLBookMBS.CoreProperties as XLCorePropertiesMBS
- XLBookMBS.RemoveAllPhonetics
- XLSheetMBS.ColFormat(col as integer) as XLFormatMBS
- XLSheetMBS.RowFormat(row as integer) as XLFormatMBS
New class properties in version 25.0:
- AVPlayerItemMBS.nowPlayingInfo as Dictionary
- NSApplicationMBS.WritingToolsAvailable as Boolean
- NSMenuMBS.automaticallyInsertsWritingToolsItems as boolean
- NSMenuMBS.debugItems as Variant
- NSTextFieldMBS.allowsWritingTools as Boolean
- PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS.ActiveCurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS.BrakingEnabled as Boolean
- PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS.CurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS.DriveMode as Integer
- PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS.FailsafeBrakingEnabled as Boolean
- PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS.FailsafeCurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS.Inductance as Double
- PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS.MaxCurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS.MaxInductance as Double
- PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS.MaxSurgeCurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS.MinCurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS.MinInductance as Double
- PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS.MinSurgeCurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS.SurgeCurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetDCMotorMBS.ActiveCurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetDCMotorMBS.BrakingEnabled as Boolean
- PhidgetDCMotorMBS.DriveMode as Integer
- PhidgetDCMotorMBS.FailsafeBrakingEnabled as Boolean
- PhidgetDCMotorMBS.FailsafeCurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetDCMotorMBS.Inductance as Double
- PhidgetDCMotorMBS.MaxInductance as Double
- PhidgetDCMotorMBS.MaxSurgeCurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetDCMotorMBS.MinInductance as Double
- PhidgetDCMotorMBS.MinSurgeCurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetDCMotorMBS.SurgeCurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetHubMBS.PortMode(Port as Integer) as Integer
- PhidgetHubMBS.PortPower(Port as Integer) as Integer
- PhidgetLCDMBS.AutoFlush as Boolean
- PhidgetMBS.DataRate as Double
- PhidgetMBS.HubPortSpeed as UInt32
- PhidgetMBS.HubPortSupportsAutoSetSpeed as Boolean
- PhidgetMBS.HubPortSupportsSetSpeed as Boolean
- PhidgetMBS.IsOpen as Boolean
- PhidgetMBS.MaxDataInterval as UInt32
- PhidgetMBS.MaxDataRate as Double
- PhidgetMBS.MaxHubPortSpeed as UInt32
- PhidgetMBS.MinDataInterval as UInt32
- PhidgetMBS.MinDataRate as Double
- PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS.ActiveCurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS.EnableExpectedPosition as Boolean
- PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS.ExpectedPosition as Double
- PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS.FailsafeBrakingEnabled as Boolean
- PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS.FailsafeCurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS.Inductance as Double
- PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS.MaxInductance as Double
- PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS.MaxSurgeCurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS.MinInductance as Double
- PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS.MinSurgeCurrentLimit as Double
- PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS.NormalizePID as Boolean
- PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS.PositionType as Integer
- PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS.SurgeCurrentLimit as Double
- ShellMBS.MergeErrorAndOutput as Boolean
- WindowsDeviceInformationMBS.Device as WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS
- WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS.CustomPairing as WindowsDeviceInformationCustomPairingMBS
- XMLXPathResultMBS.Document as XMLDocumentMBS
- ZxingBarcodeMBS.Version as String
724 new items including 25 new classes one new module 36 new methods 4 new events 61 new properties for existing classes and 0 new global methods.