New in version 24.3
New in Version 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 25.0 25.1
Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
New classes in version 24.3:
- class DarwinHostVMStatisticsMBS
- class PythonExceptionMBS
- class PythonMBS
- class UIDeviceMBS
- class WindowsDeviceInformationMBS
- class WindowsDeviceInformationUpdateMBS
- class WindowsDeviceWatcherMBS
New class methods in version 24.3:
- BZip2CompressMBS.Constructor(BufferPtr as Ptr, BufferSize as Integer)
- BZip2CompressMBS.SetInput(data as ptr, Size as Integer) as boolean
- BZip2DecompressMBS.Constructor(BufferPtr as Ptr, BufferSize as Integer)
- BZip2DecompressMBS.SetInput(data as ptr, Size as Integer) as boolean
- CGImageMBS.AsNSImageMBS as variant
- CIImageMBS.normalizeCIImageOrientation(startDeviceOrientation as Integer, isFrontCamera as Boolean = false) as CIImageMBS
- Database.AddRow(TableName as String, row as DatabaseRow, idColumnName as string = "") as Integer
- DynaPDFMBS.EnableImageCache(MaxImageCount as UInt32, Size as UInt32) as Boolean
- DynaPDFMBS.SetLineAnnotPoints(Handle as UInt32, P1 as DynaPDFPointMBS, P2 as DynaPDFPointMBS) as Boolean
- JSONMBS.isValidJSON(JSON as string) as Boolean
- NSLocaleMBS.localeWithLocaleIdentifier(LocaleIdentifier as String) as NSLocaleMBS
- NSLocaleMBS.localizedStringForCalendarIdentifier(CalendarIdentifier as String) as String
- NSLocaleMBS.localizedStringForCollationIdentifier(CollationIdentifier as String) as String
- NSLocaleMBS.localizedStringForCollatorIdentifier(CollatorIdentifier as String) as String
- NSLocaleMBS.localizedStringForCountryCode(CountryCode as String) as String
- NSLocaleMBS.localizedStringForCurrencyCode(CurrencyCode as String) as String
- NSLocaleMBS.localizedStringForLanguageCode(LanguageCode as String) as String
- NSLocaleMBS.localizedStringForLocaleIdentifier(LocaleIdentifier as String) as String
- NSLocaleMBS.localizedStringForScriptCode(ScriptCode as String) as String
- NSLocaleMBS.localizedStringForVariantCode(VariantCode as String) as String
- NSLocaleMBS.NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotification as String
- SystemInformationMBS.isSequoia(orHigher as boolean = true) as boolean
- XMLValidatorMBS.CanonicalXML(XML as String, Mode as Integer = 0) as String
- ZLibCompressMBS.Constructor(BufferPtr as Ptr, BufferSize as Integer)
- ZLibCompressMBS.SetInput(data as ptr, Size as Integer) as boolean
- ZLibDecompressMBS.Constructor(BufferPtr as Ptr, BufferSize as Integer)
- ZLibDecompressMBS.SetInput(data as ptr, Size as Integer) as boolean
New class properties in version 24.3:
- BZip2CompressMBS.OutputPtr as Ptr
- BZip2CompressMBS.OutputUsedSize as Integer
- BZip2DecompressMBS.OutputPtr as Ptr
- BZip2DecompressMBS.OutputUsedSize as Integer
- NamedMutexMBS.Locked as Boolean
- NSLocaleMBS.alternateQuotationBeginDelimiter as String
- NSLocaleMBS.alternateQuotationEndDelimiter as String
- NSLocaleMBS.calendarIdentifier as String
- NSLocaleMBS.collatorIdentifier as String
- NSLocaleMBS.languageIdentifier as String
- NSLocaleMBS.quotationBeginDelimiter as String
- NSLocaleMBS.quotationEndDelimiter as String
- NSLocaleMBS.regionCode as String
- NSPrintInfoMBS.Duplex as Integer
- VNDocumentCameraViewControllerMBS.title as String
- ZLibCompressMBS.OutputPtr as Ptr
- ZLibCompressMBS.OutputUsedSize as Integer
- ZLibDecompressMBS.OutputPtr as Ptr
- ZLibDecompressMBS.OutputUsedSize as Integer
222 new items including 7 new classes 27 new methods 19 new properties for existing classes and 0 new global methods.