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FAQ.How to make double clicks on a canvas?

Update: Newer Xojo versions support DoubleClick event, so you don't need this code.

Here's my tip from the tips list on how to add a double-click event to the Canvas control. The technique could easily be used for a window or any Rectcontrol:

Because of its built-in drawing methods, the Canvas control is often used to create custom interface controls. But while the Canvas control has event handlers for most mouse events, it doesn't have an event handler for DoubleClick events. Fortunately, you can add a double-click event handler to a Canvas control easily. Basically, you're going to create a new class based on Canvas and add a double-click event to that. You can then use the new class anytime you need a Canvas with a double-click event.

To create a new Canvas class with a DoubleClick event handler, do this:

1. Add a new class to your project.
2. Set the Super property of the new class to "Canvas".
3. Change the name of this new class to "DoubleClickCanvas".

A double-click occurs when two clicks occur within the users double-click time (set in the Mouse control panel on both Macintosh and Windows) and within five pixels of each other. So, you'll need a few properties to store when and where the last click occurred.

4. Add a new property with the following declaration and mark it as private: lastClickTicks as Integer
5. Add a new property with the following declaration and mark it as private: lastClickX as Integer
6. Add a new property with the following declaration and mark it as private: lastClickY as Integer

Since the Canvas control doesn't have a DoubleClick event, you will need to add one.

7. Add a new event to your class by choosing New Event from the Edit menu and enter "DoubleClick" as the event name.

Double-clicks occur on MouseUp. In order for the mouseUp event to fire, you must return True in the MouseDown event.

8. In the MouseDown event, add the following code:
Return True

In the MouseUp event, you will need to determine what the users double-click time is. This value is represented on both the Mac and Windows in ticks. A tick is 1/60th of a second. Since there isn't a built-in function for this, you'll need to make a toolbox call. The mouseUp event code below makes the appropriate toolbox call for both Macintosh and Windows. It then compares the time of the users last click to the time of the current click and compares the location of the users last click to the location of the current click.

9. Add the following code to the MouseUp event:

dim doubleClickTime, currentClickTicks as Integer

#if targetMacOS then
Declare Function GetDblTime Lib "Carbon" () as Integer
doubleClickTime = GetDblTime()

#if targetWin32 then
Declare Function GetDoubleClickTime Lib "User32.DLL" () as Integer
doubleClickTime = GetDoubleClickTime()/60 // convert to ticks from milliseconds

currentClickTicks = ticks
//if the two clicks happened close enough together in time
if (currentClickTicks - lastClickTicks) <= doubleClickTime then
//if the two clicks occured close enough together in space
if abs(X - lastClickX) <= 5 and abs(Y - LastClickY) <= 5 then
DoubleClick //a double click has occured so call the event
end if
end if
lastClickTicks = currentClickTicks
lastClickX = X
lastClickY = Y

10. Now to test out your new DoubleClickCanvas, drag the class from the Project window to a window in your project to create an instance of it.

11. Double-click on the canvas you just added to your window to open the Code Editor. Notice that the canvas has a DoubleClick event handler. In this event handler, add the following code:

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