Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform

/MacBase/Custom NSWindows/NSWindow like AppStore/AppStore NSWindow

Required plugins for this example: MBS MacControls Plugin, MBS MacBase Plugin, MBS MacCocoa Plugin, MBS MacOSX Plugin, MBS Main Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /MacBase/Custom NSWindows/NSWindow like AppStore/AppStore NSWindow

This example is the version from Sat, 23th Mar 2012.

Project "AppStore NSWindow.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "Effacer"
Const kFileQuit = "Quitter"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
End Class
Class Window1 Inherits CustomToolbarWindow
End Class
MenuBar MenuBar1
MenuItem FileMenu = "&Fichier"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "Edition"
MenuItem EditUndo = "Annuler"
MenuItem UntitledMenu1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Couper"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Copier"
MenuItem EditPaste = "Coller"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem UntitledMenu0 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "Tout Sélectionner"
End MenuBar
Class CustomToolbarWindow Inherits Window
Event Activate() End Event
Event ContentsChanged() End Event
Event Deactivate() End Event
Event MouseDown(X As Integer, Y As Integer) As Boolean End Event
Event MouseDrag(X As Integer, Y As Integer) End Event
Event MouseUp() End Event
Event Open() End Event
Event Paint(g As Graphics) End Event
EventHandler Sub Activate() Active=True Activate() // Event End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub ContentsChanged() if winBt<>Nil then winBt.Dirty=Self.ContentsChanged winBt.needsDisplay=True end if ContentsChanged() // Event End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Deactivate() Active=False Deactivate() // Event End EventHandler
EventHandler Function MouseDown(X As Integer, Y As Integer) As Boolean // we take care of the window buttons // as they are not in the titlebar area. if x>13 and x<67 and y<18 then Return False // Moves the window elseif y>=0 and y<=22 then movePoint=New NSPointMBS clickDX=X clickDY=Self.Height-Y ScreenHeight=Screen(0).Height MoveAreaClicked=True Return True end if Return MouseDown( X,Y ) // Event End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub MouseDrag(X As Integer, Y As Integer) // Moves the window if MoveAreaClicked then movePoint.X=system.MouseX-clickDX movePoint.Y=ScreenHeight-system.MouseY-clickDY Self.NSWindowMBS.setFrameOrigin( movePoint ) end if MouseDrag( X,Y ) // Event End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub MouseUp(X As Integer, Y As Integer) MoveAreaClicked=False MouseUp() // Event End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Open() //—————————— // The current Window //—————————— // Must be a metal window (Frame=9) dim w As NSWindowMBS=Self.NSWindowMBS w.setAutorecalculatesContentBorderThickness( False, NSWindowMBS.NSMaxYEdge ) w.setContentBorderThickness( 22, NSWindowMBS.NSMaxYEdge ) w.acceptsMouseMovedEvents=True // Current window's frame dim themeFrame As NSViewMBS = w.contentView.superview dim h As Integer=themeFrame.frameHeight //———————————— // Custom window buttons //———————————— winBt=New CocoaWindowButtons( 13,h-32, Self, StandardWindowButtonsImage ) themeFrame.addSubview( winBt, NSWindowMBS.NSWindowBelow, Nil ) //—————————— // Navigation buttons //—————————— NavButtons=New NavSegmentedControl( 76,h-36,65,24 ) NavButtons.segmentCount=2 NavButtons.imageForSegment(0)=New NSImageMBS( nav_arrow_left ) NavButtons.imageForSegment(1)=New NSImageMBS( nav_arrow_right ) NavButtons.widthForSegment(0)=0 NavButtons.widthForSegment(1)=0 NavButtons.tagForSegment(0)=0 NavButtons.tagForSegment(1)=1 NavButtons.segmentStyle=NSSegmentedControlMBS.NSSegmentStyleRoundRect NavButtons.autoresizingMask=NSViewMBS.NSViewMinYMargin NavButtons.trackingMode=NavButtons.NSSegmentSwitchTrackingMomentary themeFrame.addSubview( NavButtons ) //—————————— // Toolbar SearchField //—————————— SearchField=New NSSearchFieldMBS( Self.Width-158,h-34,150,22 ) SearchField.autoresizingMask=NSViewMBS.NSViewMinXMargin+NSViewMBS.NSViewMinYMargin themeFrame.addSubview( SearchField ) Open() // Event End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Paint(g As Graphics) // Draw the content background g.ForeColor=&cEDEDED00 g.FillRect 0,22,g.Width,g.Height-22 // Top line if Active then g.ForeColor=&c6D6D6D else g.ForeColor=&cA0A0A0 g.DrawLine 0,22,g.Width,22 Paint( g ) // Event End EventHandler
Property Private Active As Boolean
Property Private MoveAreaClicked As Boolean
Property NavButtons As NavSegmentedControl
Property Private ScreenHeight As Integer
Property SearchField As NSSearchFieldMBS
Property Private clickDX As Integer
Property Private clickDY As Integer
Property Private movePoint As NSPointMBS
Property Private winBt As CocoaWindowButtons
End Class
Class CocoaWindowButtons Inherits CustomNSViewMBS
Const ButtonHorizontalPadding = 7
Const ButtonVerticalPadding = 20
Const btHeight = 16
Const btLeft = 2
Const btTop = 2
Const btTotalWidth = 54
Const btWidth = 14
EventHandler Sub DrawRect(g as NSGraphicsMBS, left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double) g.saveGraphicsState dim dx,dy As Integer Active=window.isKeyWindow if ButtonImage<>Nil then if Dirty then dx=AppearenceDX+btWidth else dx=AppearenceDX if Active and ButtonCloseEnabled then if clicked=0 then dy=btHeight*2 elseif hover=0 then dy=btHeight*3 else dy=btHeight*4 end if elseif Not Active then dy=0 else dy=btHeight end if g.drawInRect ButtonImage, btLeft,btTop, btWidth,btHeight, dx,dy, btWidth,btHeight, NSGraphicsMBS.NSCompositeSourceAtop, 1.0 dx=AppearenceDX+(btWidth*2) if Active and ButtonMiniaturizeEnabled then if clicked=1 then dy=btHeight*2 elseif hover=0 then dy=btHeight*3 else dy=btHeight*4 end if elseif Not Active then dy=0 else dy=btHeight end if g.drawInRect ButtonImage, btLeft+20,btTop, btWidth,btHeight, dx,dy, btWidth,btHeight, NSGraphicsMBS.NSCompositeSourceAtop, 1.0 dx=AppearenceDX+(btWidth*3) if Active and ButtonZoomEnabled then if clicked=2 then dy=btHeight*2 elseif hover=0 then dy=btHeight*3 else dy=btHeight*4 end if elseif Not Active then dy=0 else dy=btHeight end if g.drawInRect ButtonImage, btLeft+40,btTop, btWidth,btHeight, dx,dy, btWidth,btHeight, NSGraphicsMBS.NSCompositeSourceAtop, 1.0 end if g.restoreGraphicsState End EventHandler
EventHandler Function acceptsFirstMouse(e as NSEventMBS) As boolean Return True End EventHandler
EventHandler Function acceptsFirstResponder() As boolean Return True End EventHandler
EventHandler Function canBecomeKeyView() As boolean Return True End EventHandler
EventHandler Function mouseDown(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) As boolean if x>btLeft and x<btLeft+btWidth and y>btTop and y<btTop+btHeight then // Close button clicked=0 elseif x>btLeft+20 and x<btLeft+btWidth+20 and y>btTop and y<btTop+btHeight then // Miniaturize button clicked=1 elseif x>btLeft+40 and x<btLeft+btWidth+40 and y>btTop and y<btTop+btHeight then // Zoom button clicked=2 end if needsDisplay=True Return True End EventHandler
EventHandler Function mouseDragged(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) As boolean // Cancels clic if the mouse goes out of the clicked button if clicked=0 then if X<btLeft or X>btLeft+btWidth or y<=btTop or y>=btTop+btHeight then // Close button clicked=-1 needsDisplay=True end if elseif clicked=1 then if X<btLeft+20 or X>btLeft+btWidth+20 or y<=btTop or y>=btTop+btHeight then // Miniaturize button clicked=-1 needsDisplay=True end if elseif clicked=2 then if X<btLeft+40 or X>btLeft+btWidth+40 or y<=btTop or y>=btTop+btHeight then // Zoom button clicked=-1 needsDisplay=True end if end if Return True End EventHandler
EventHandler Function mouseMoved(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) As boolean // mouse is over the window buttons if x>btLeft and x<btTotalWidth and y>btTop and y<btTop+btHeight then hover=0 needsDisplay=True elseif hover<>-1 then hover=-1 needsDisplay=True end if End EventHandler
EventHandler Function mouseUp(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) As boolean if clicked<>-1 then dim n As Integer=clicked clicked=-1 needsDisplay=True // Perform window action Select case n case 0 window.performClose case 1 window.performMiniaturize case 2 window.performZoom End Select Return True end if End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub viewDidMoveToWindow() if window<>Nil then // Hide current window buttons dim bt As NSButtonMBS bt=window.standardWindowButton( NSWindowMBS.NSWindowCloseButton ) if bt<>Nil then bt.isHidden=True bt=window.standardWindowButton( NSWindowMBS.NSWindowMiniaturizeButton ) if bt<>Nil then bt.isHidden=True bt=window.standardWindowButton( NSWindowMBS.NSWindowZoomButton ) if bt<>Nil then bt.isHidden=True // Important to get mouse events in this view at startup window.initialFirstResponder = Self end if End EventHandler
Sub Constructor(left As double, top As double, w As Window, BtImage As Picture) // Calling the overridden superclass constructor. //——————————————————————— // Default left position: use the constant ButtonHorizontalPadding // Default top position: do superview.frameheight - ButtonVerticalPadding // The current view is 4 pixels bigger than the button size. Super.Constructor( left-2,top-2, btTotalWidth+4, btHeight+4 ) autoresizingMask=NSViewMBS.NSViewMinYMargin+NSViewMBS.NSViewNotSizable ButtonCloseEnabled=w.CloseButton ButtonMiniaturizeEnabled=w.MinimizeButton ButtonZoomEnabled=w.MaximizeButton // Appearence theme and Pictures dim s As String=CurrentAppearanceThemeMBS if s="" then AppearenceDX=56 if BtImage<>Nil then ButtonImage=New NSImageMBS( BtImage ) end if End Sub
Note "Thanks"
Thanks to David Della Rocca for providing this example.
Property Active As Boolean
Property Private AppearenceDX As Integer
Property ButtonCloseEnabled As Boolean = True
Property ButtonImage As NSImageMBS
Property ButtonMiniaturizeEnabled As Boolean = True
Property ButtonZoomEnabled As Boolean = True
Property Dirty As Boolean
Property Private clicked As Integer = -1
Property Private hover As Integer = -1
End Class
ExternalFile StandardWindowButtonsImage
End ExternalFile
Class NavSegmentedControl Inherits NSSegmentedControlMBS
EventHandler Sub Action() Select case Self.selectedTag case 0 // Left case 1// Right end select End EventHandler
End Class
ExternalFile nav_arrow_left
End ExternalFile
ExternalFile nav_arrow_right
End ExternalFile
End Project

See also:

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MacBase Plugin.

The biggest plugin in space...