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/Mac64bit/SceneKit/Triangle Demo

Required plugins for this example: MBS Mac64bit Plugin, MBS MacBase Plugin, MBS MacCG Plugin, MBS Main Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /Mac64bit/SceneKit/Triangle Demo

This example is the version from Tue, 8th Apr 2024.

Project "Triangle Demo.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "&Delete"
Const kFileQuit = "&Quit"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
End Class
Class Window1 Inherits Window
Control MyControl Inherits SCNControlMBS
ControlInstance MyControl Inherits SCNControlMBS
EventHandler Sub Open() MyView = Me.View MyScene = New SCNSceneMBS MyView.scene = MyScene 'MyScene.fogStartDistance=500 'MyScene.fogEndDistance=1000 'MyScene.fogColor = NSColorMBS.blackColor myView.backgroundColor = NSColorMBS.blackColor MyView.autoenablesDefaultLighting = True BuildDefaultCamera RenderScene buildATriangle End EventHandler
End Control
Control x Inherits TextField
ControlInstance x(0) Inherits TextField
ControlInstance x(1) Inherits TextField
ControlInstance x(2) Inherits TextField
EventHandler Sub TextChange(index as Integer) buildATriangle End EventHandler
End Control
Control y Inherits TextField
ControlInstance y(0) Inherits TextField
ControlInstance y(1) Inherits TextField
ControlInstance y(2) Inherits TextField
EventHandler Sub TextChange(index as Integer) buildATriangle End EventHandler
End Control
Control z Inherits TextField
ControlInstance z(0) Inherits TextField
ControlInstance z(1) Inherits TextField
ControlInstance z(2) Inherits TextField
EventHandler Sub TextChange(index as Integer) buildATriangle End EventHandler
End Control
Control PushButton1 Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance PushButton1 Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() buildATriangle End EventHandler
End Control
Control Blended Inherits CheckBox
ControlInstance Blended Inherits CheckBox
EventHandler Sub Action() buildATriangle End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Open() me.Value = true End EventHandler
End Control
Control Label1 Inherits Label
ControlInstance Label1 Inherits Label
End Control
Control Label2 Inherits Label
ControlInstance Label2 Inherits Label
End Control
Control Label3 Inherits Label
ControlInstance Label3 Inherits Label
End Control
Control Label4 Inherits Label
ControlInstance Label4 Inherits Label
End Control
Control Label5 Inherits Label
ControlInstance Label5 Inherits Label
End Control
Control Label6 Inherits Label
ControlInstance Label6 Inherits Label
End Control
Private Sub BuildDefaultCamera() Var MyCamera As New SCNCameraMBS CameraNode = New SCNNodeMBS CameraNode.Camera = MyCamera CameraNode.Position = New SCNVector3MBS(0, 100, 200) MyCamera.zNear = 10 MyCamera.zFar = 12000 myview.pointOfView = CameraNode Myview.allowsCameraControl = True myscene.rootNode.addChildNode CameraNode End Sub
Private Sub RenderScene() Var geometry As SCNGeometryMBS Var node As SCNNodeMBS Var col As Color Var Color As NSColorMBS AxisNode = New SCNNodeMBS MyScene.rootNode.addChildNode AxisNode // background light var ambientLight As New SCNLightMBS ambientLight.type = SCNLightMBS.SCNLightTypeAmbient ambientLight.Color = NSColorMBS.colorWithRGB( .60, 0.6, 0.6, 1) Var ambientnode As New SCNNodeMBS ambientnode.Light = ambientLight MyScene.rootNode.addChildNode ambientnode // spot light var light As New SCNLightMBS light.type = SCNLightMBS.SCNLightTypeSpot light.spotInnerAngle = 30 light.spotOuterAngle = 70 light.castsShadow = True light.zFar = 400 var lightNode As New SCNNodeMBS lightNode.light = light lightNode.position = SCNVector3MBS.Vector(0, 380, 0) MyScene.rootNode.addChildNode lightNode Var axis As New SCNTubeMBS(0.25,0.5,256) geometry = axis geometry.firstMaterial.diffuse.contents = NSColorMBS.colorWithCalibratedRGB(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.8) node = New SCNNodeMBS(geometry) node.Position = SCNVector3MBS.Vector( 0,0,0) AxisNode.addChildNode( node) axis = New SCNTubeMBS(0.25,0.5,256) geometry = axis geometry.firstMaterial.diffuse.contents = NSColorMBS.colorWithCalibratedRGB(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.8) node = New SCNNodeMBS(geometry) node.Position = SCNVector3MBS.Vector( 0,0,0) node.rotateBy New SCNVector4MBS(0, 0, 0.7071, 0.7071), node.Position AxisNode.addChildNode( node) axis = New SCNTubeMBS(0.25,0.5,128) geometry = axis geometry.firstMaterial.diffuse.contents = NSColorMBS.colorWithCalibratedRGB(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.8) node = New SCNNodeMBS(geometry) node.Position = SCNVector3MBS.Vector( 0,0,0) node.rotateBy New SCNVector4MBS( 0.7071, 0, 0, 0.7071), node.Position AxisNode.addChildNode( node) // limit moving var constraint As New SCNLookAtConstraintMBS(AxisNode) constraint.gimbalLockEnabled = True cameraNode.setConstraints Array(constraint) lightNode.setConstraints Array(constraint) End Sub
Private Sub buildATriangle() ' get rid of the last triangle to keep the display clean. If triangle <>Nil Then triangle.removeFromParentNode Var p() As VectorC ' add the three vertex in counter clockwise order ' this informs SceneKit which way the triangle is facing For i As Integer = 2 DownTo 0 Var xx, yy, zz As Double xx = Val(x(i).Text) yy = Val(y(i).Text) zz =Val(z(i).Text) ' random values for show here. ' replace with approriate colors for each vertex Var c As Color = RGB(Rnd*255, Rnd*255, Rnd*255) p.AddRow New VectorC( xx, yy, zz, c) Next ' checking blended makes the triangle set the colour to blend from each of the three vertex ' turning off blending averages the three vertex colours Var t As New Triangle3D( p, blended.value) triangle = t.node MyScene.rootNode.addChildNode t.node End Sub
Property Private AxisNode As SCNNodeMBS
Property Private CameraNode As SCNNodeMBS
Property Private MyScene As SCNSceneMBS
Property Private MyView As SCNViewMBS
Property Private triangle As SCNNodeMBS
End Class
MenuBar MainMenuBar
MenuItem FileMenu = "&File"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Undo"
MenuItem EditSeparator1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cu&t"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem EditSeparator2 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "Select &All"
End MenuBar
Class Triangle3D
Sub Constructor(pts() as vectorC, MultiColour as boolean) node = New SCNNodeMBS Var positions(2) As SCNVector3MBS For i As Integer = 0 To 2 positions(i) = pts(i).VectorValue Next ' describe the triangle var indices() As Integer = Array(0,1,2) 'for setting up the vertex specific colour ' modify these to set Var channelSize As Integer = 4 ' Var Channels As Integer = 3 ' Var coloursize As Integer = channelSize*channels Var memColour As MemoryBlock If MultiColour Then memColour = New memoryBlock(ColourSize*indices.Count) var mem As New MemoryBlock(4*indices.count) ' for referencing the vertex var offset As Integer For row As Integer = 0 To 2 If MultiColour Then ' **** i have tried setting this to single and double and using and not using an alpha. memColour.SingleValue( row*coloursize )= pts(row).red memColour.SingleValue( row*coloursize+channelsize )= pts(row).Green memColour.SingleValue( row*coloursize+channelsize*2 )= pts(row).blue End If mem.Int32Value(offset) = indices(row) offset = offset + 4 Next Var normals(0) As SCNVector3MBS normals(0)=GetSurfaceNormal( positions(0), positions(1), positions(2)) //Construction of a geometry source from the corner coodinates var vertexSource As SCNGeometrySourceMBS = SCNGeometrySourceMBS.geometrySourceWithVertices(positions) //Construction of a geometry source from the normal vectors var normalSource As SCNGeometrySourceMBS = SCNGeometrySourceMBS.geometrySourceWithNormals(normals) Const SCNGeometryPrimitiveTypeTriangles = 0 //Construction of the geometry element with : the memory block of the coordinates of each triangle, the indication that the geometry is triangular, Specify how many triangles there are and the size of the blocks of information var element As SCNGeometryElementMBS = SCNGeometryElementMBS.geometryElementWithData(mem, SCNGeometryPrimitiveTypeTriangles, 1, 4) //The actual geometry then consists of the two geometry sources of the vertices and the normal vectors, //as well as the geometry element from the triangles var geometry As SCNGeometryMBS If MultiColour Then Var colourSource As SCNGeometrySourceMBS =SCNGeometrySourceMBS.geometrySourceWithData( memColour, SCNGeometrySourceMBS.SCNGeometrySourceSemanticColor,3, True, channels,channelsize,0,coloursize) geometry = SCNGeometryMBS.geometryWithSources(Array(vertexSource, normalSource, colourSource), Array(element)) Else Geometry = SCNGeometryMBS.geometryWithSources(Array(vertexSource, normalSource), Array(element)) End If If MultiColour=False Then ' render the triangle from an average of it's three associated colours Var rr, gg, bb As Double rr = (pts(0).red+pts(1).red+pts(2).red)/3 gg = (pts(0).green+pts(1).Green+pts(2).green)/3 bb = (pts(0).blue+pts(1).blue+pts(2).blue)/3 var theMaterial As New SCNMaterialMBS theMaterial.diffuse.contents = NSColorMBS.colorWithRGB(rr,gg,bb,1) geometry.setMaterials Array(theMaterial) ' option, the material can be set to double sided if you want it to be visible from both sides. End If var TriangleNode As New SCNNodeMBS(geometry) node.addChildNode TriangleNode End Sub
Private Function CrossProduct(V1 as SCNVector3MBS, V2 as SCNVector3MBS) As SCNVector3MBS Var cross As New SCNVector3MBS cross.x=v1.y*v2.z-v1.z*v2.y cross.y = v1.z*v2.x-v1.x*v2.z cross.z = v1.x*v2.y-v1.y*v2.x return cross End Function
Private Function GetSurfaceNormal(v1 as SCNVector3MBS, v2 as SCNVector3MBS, v3 as SCNVector3MBS) As SCNVector3MBS Var p1 As New SCNVector3MBS( v2.x-v1.x, v2.y-v1.y, v2.z-v1.z) Var p2 As New SCNVector3MBS( v3.x-v1.x, v3.y-v1.y ,v3.z-v1.z) Var cross As SCNVector3MBS= CrossProduct(p1, p2) normalize(cross) return cross End Function
Private Sub Normalize(v as SCNVector3MBS) Var l As Double = Sqrt((v.x*v.x)+(v.y*v.y)+(v.z*v.z)) v.x=v.x/l v.y=v.y/l v.z=v.z/l End Sub
Property node As SCNNodeMBS
End Class
Class VectorC
Function Blue() As double return End Function
Sub Constructor(xx as double, yy as double, zz as double, col as color) // Calling the overridden superclass constructor. x=xx y=yy z= zz Simulation=col End Sub
Function Green() As double return Simulation.Green/255 End Function
Function Red() As double return End Function
Function VectorValue() As SCNVector3MBS return new SCNVector3MBS( x, y, z) End Function
Property Simulation As Color
Property x As Double
Property y As double
Property z As double
End Class
End Sign
End Project

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