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/ChartDirector/High Resolution Chart Examples/multivmeter

Required plugins for this example: MBS ChartDirector Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /ChartDirector/High Resolution Chart Examples/multivmeter

This example is the version from Sun, 17th Mar 2012.

Project "multivmeter.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "&Löschen"
Const kFileQuit = "Beenden"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
End Class
Class PicWindow Inherits Window
EventHandler Sub Open() const f=4 // scale factor, 1 for screen and 4 or more for printing // The values to display on the meter const value0 = 30.99 const value1 = 45.35 const value2 = 77.64 // Create an LinearMeter object of size 60 x 245 pixels, using silver background // with a 2 pixel black 3D depressed border. dim m as new CDLinearMeterMBS(f*60, f*245, CDBaseChartMBS.silverColor, 0, -2*F) // Set the scale region top-left corner at (25, 30), with size of 20 x 200 // pixels. The scale labels are located on the left (default - implies vertical // meter) m.setMeter(f*25, f*30, f*20, f*200) // Set meter scale from 0 - 100, with a tick every 10 units m.setScale(0, 100, 10) // Set 0 - 50 as green (99ff99) zone, 50 - 80 as yellow (ffff66) zone, and 80 - // 100 as red (ffcccc) zone call m.addZone(0, 50, &h99ff99) call m.addZone(50, 80, &hffff66) call m.addZone(80, 100, &hffcccc) // Add deep red (000080), deep green (008000) and deep blue (800000) pointers to // reflect the values dim c as CDMeterPointerMBS c=m.addPointer(value0, &h000080) c.setShape m.kPencilPointer, 0.75,2 c=m.addPointer(value1, &h008000) c.setShape m.kPencilPointer, 0.75,2 c=m.addPointer(value2, &h800000) c.setShape m.kPencilPointer, 0.75,2 call m.setLabelStyle "",8*f m.setLineWidth f,f // m.setTickLength f m.setRail 0, f*2,f*6 // Add a text box label at top-center (30, 5) using Arial Bold/8 pts/deep blue // (000088), with a light blue (9999ff) background m.addText(f*30, f*5, "Temp C", "arialbd.ttf", f*8, &h000088, CDBaseChartMBS.kTopCenter).setBackground(&h9999ff) me.Width=m.getWidth me.height=m.getheight // Output the chart Backdrop=m.makeChartPicture End EventHandler
End Class
MenuBar MenuBar1
MenuItem FileMenu = "&Ablage"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Bearbeiten"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Rückgängig"
MenuItem UntitledMenu1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "&Ausschneiden"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Kopieren"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Einfügen"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem UntitledMenu0 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "&Alles auswählen"
End MenuBar
End Project

See also:

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS ChartDirector Plugin.

The biggest plugin in space...