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Required plugins for this example: MBS ChartDirector Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /ChartDirector/heatmapcellsymbols

This example is the version from Fri, 9th Feb 2023.

Project "heatmapcellsymbols.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "&Delete"
Const kFileQuit = "&Quit"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
End Class
Class MainWindow Inherits Window
EventHandler Sub Open() // The x-axis and y-axis labels Dim xLabels() As String = Array("Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Delta", "Epsilon", "Zeta", "Eta", "Theta", "Iota", "Kappa") Dim xLabels_size As Integer = xLabels.Ubound + 1 Dim yLabels() As String = Array("Ant", "Bear", "Cat", "Dog", "Elephant", "Fox", "Goat", "Horse", "Insect", "Jellyfish") Dim yLabels_size As Integer = yLabels.Ubound + 1 // Random data for the 10 x 10 cells Dim rand As New CDRanSeriesMBS(2) Dim zData() As Double = rand.getSeries(xLabels_size * yLabels_size, 0, 10) // The coordinates for the first set of scatter symbols Dim symbolX() As Double = Array(2.5, 6.5, 3.5, 8.5) Dim symbolY() As Double = Array(4.5, 7.5, 9.5, 8.5) // The coordinates for the second set of scatter symbols Dim symbol2X() As Double = Array(6.5, 3.5, 7.5, 1.5) Dim symbol2Y() As Double = Array(0.5, 7.5, 3.5, 2.5) // Create an XYChart object of size 600 x 500 pixels. Dim c As New CDXYChartMBS(600, 500) // Set the plotarea at (80, 80) and of size 400 x 400 pixels. Set the background, border, and // grid lines to transparent. Dim p As CDPlotAreaMBS = c.setPlotArea(80, 80, 400, 400, -1, -1, CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent, CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent) // Add the first set of scatter symbols. Use grey (&h555555) cross shape symbols. Call c.addScatterLayer(symbolX, symbolY, "Disputed", CDBaseChartMBS.Cross2Shape(0.2), 15, &h555555) // Add the first set of scatter symbols. Use yellow (&hffff66) star shape symbols. Call c.addScatterLayer(symbol2X, symbol2Y, "Audited", CDBaseChartMBS.StarShape(5), 19, &hffff66) // Create a discrete heat map with 10 x 10 cells Dim layer As CDDiscreteHeatMapLayerMBS = c.addDiscreteHeatMapLayer(zData, xLabels_size) // Set the x-axis labels. Use 10pt Arial Bold font rotated by 90 degrees. Set axis stem to // transparent, so only the labels are visible. Set 0.5 offset to position the labels in between // the grid lines. Position the x-axis at the top of the chart. Call c.xAxis.setLabels(xLabels) Call c.xAxis.setLabelStyle("Arial Bold", 10, CDBaseChartMBS.kTextColor, 90) c.xAxis.setColors(CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent, CDBaseChartMBS.kTextColor) c.xAxis.setLabelOffset(0.5) c.setXAxisOnTop // Set the y-axis labels. Use 10pt Arial Bold font. Set axis stem to transparent, so only the // labels are visible. Set 0.5 offset to position the labels in between the grid lines. Reverse // the y-axis so that the labels are flowing top-down instead of bottom-up. Call c.yAxis.setLabels(yLabels) Call c.yAxis.setLabelStyle("Arial Bold", 10) c.yAxis.setColors(CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent, CDBaseChartMBS.kTextColor) c.yAxis.setLabelOffset(0.5) c.yAxis.setReverse // Set the color stops and scale Dim colorScale() As Double = Array(0.0, &hff0000, 1, &hff8800, 3, &h4488cc, 7, &h99ccff, 9, &h00ff00, 10) Dim colorLabels() As String = Array("Poor", "Fair", "Good", "Very Good", "Excellent") Dim colorLabels_size As Integer = colorLabels.Ubound + 1 layer.colorAxis.setColorScale(colorScale) // Position the legend box 20 pixels to the right of the plot area. Use 10pt Arial Bold font. // Set the key icon size to 15 x 15 pixels. Set vertical key spacing to 8 pixels. Dim b As CDLegendBoxMBS = c.addLegend(p.getRightX + 20, p.getTopY, True, "Arial Bold", 10) b.setBackground(CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent, CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent) b.setKeySize(15, 15) b.setKeySpacing(0, 8) // Add the color scale label to the legend box For i As Integer = colorLabels_size - 1 DownTo 0 Dim n As Integer = colorScale(i * 2 + 1) b.addKey(colorLabels(i), n) Next // 2x for higher DPI displays c.setOutputOptions("bmpscale=2") // Output the chart pic = c.makeChartPicture // drawn in paint event End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Paint(g As Graphics, areas() As REALbasic.Rect) If pic <> Nil Then // scale to window g.DrawPicture pic, 0, 0, g.Width, g.Height, 0, 0, pic.Width, pic.Height End If End EventHandler
Property pic As Picture
End Class
MenuBar MainMenuBar
MenuItem FileMenu = "&File"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Undo"
MenuItem EditSeparator1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cu&t"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem EditSeparator2 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "Select &All"
End MenuBar
End Project

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