Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform


Required plugins for this example: MBS Audio Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /Audio/PortAudio

This example is the version from Tue, 28th Oct 2019.

Project "PortAudio.xojo_binary_project"
MenuBar Menu
MenuItem UntitledMenu3 = ""
MenuItem UntitledMenu2 = "File"
MenuItem FileQuit = "Quit"
MenuItem UntitledMenu7 = ""
MenuItem UntitledMenu0 = "Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "Undo"
MenuItem UntitledMenu1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cut"
MenuItem EditCopy = "Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "Clear"
MenuItem UntitledMenu6 = ""
MenuItem UntitledMenu5 = ""
MenuItem UntitledMenu4 = ""
End MenuBar
Class App Inherits Application
EventHandler Sub Open() dim f as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("test.log") if PortAudioMBS.SetDebugLogFile(f) then else Break end if End EventHandler
End Class
Class InfoWindow Inherits Window
Control ListBox1 Inherits Listbox
ControlInstance ListBox1 Inherits Listbox
EventHandler Sub ExpandRow(row As Integer) dim o as Object dim h as PortAudioHostApiInfoMBS dim d as PortAudioDeviceInfoMBS dim i,c as integer o=me.CellTag(row,0) if o=nil then Return end if if o isa PortAudioHostApiInfoMBS then h=PortAudioHostApiInfoMBS(o) me.AddRow "deviceCount: "+str(h.deviceCount) me.AddRow "defaultInputDevice: "+str(h.defaultInputDevice) me.AddRow "defaultOutputDevice: "+str(h.defaultOutputDevice) me.AddRow "type: "+str(h.type) c=h.deviceCount-1 for i=0 to c d=p.DeviceInfo(p.HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(h.Index, i)) if d<>Nil then ListBox1.AddFolder ListBox1.CellTag(ListBox1.LastIndex,0)=d end if next elseif o isa PortAudioDeviceInfoMBS then d=PortAudioDeviceInfoMBS(o) me.AddRow "DefaultLowInputLatency: "+str(d.DefaultLowInputLatency) me.AddRow "DefaultHighInputLatency: "+str(d.DefaultHighInputLatency) me.AddRow "DefaultLowOutputLatency: "+str(d.DefaultLowOutputLatency) me.AddRow "DefaultHighOutputLatency: "+str(d.DefaultHighOutputLatency) me.AddRow "DefaultSampleRate: "+str(d.DefaultSampleRate) me.AddRow "HostApiIndex: "+str(d.HostApiIndex) me.AddRow "maxInputChannels: "+str(d.maxInputChannels) me.AddRow "maxOutputChannels: "+str(d.maxOutputChannels) me.AddRow "Index: "+str(d.index) end if End EventHandler
End Control
EventHandler Sub Open() dim i,c as integer dim host as PortAudioHostApiInfoMBS p=new PortAudioMBS ListBox1.AddRow "DefaultHostApiIndexd: "+str(p.DefaultHostApiIndexd) ListBox1.AddRow "DefaultInputDeviceID: "+str(p.DefaultInputDeviceID) ListBox1.AddRow "DefaultOutputDeviceID: "+str(p.DefaultOutputDeviceID) c=p.HostApiCount ListBox1.AddRow "HostApiCount: "+str(p.HostApiCount) for i=0 to c host=p.HostApiInfo(i) if host<>Nil then ListBox1.AddFolder ListBox1.CellTag(ListBox1.LastIndex,0)=host end if next End EventHandler
Property Protected p As PortAudioMBS
End Class
Class StartWindow Inherits Window
Control PushButton1 Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance PushButton1 Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() InfoWindow.Show End EventHandler
End Control
Control PushButton2 Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance PushButton2 Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() PlayWindow.Show End EventHandler
End Control
Control StaticText1 Inherits Label
ControlInstance StaticText1 Inherits Label
End Control
Control PushButton4 Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance PushButton4 Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() PlayWindowTimer.Show End EventHandler
End Control
Control PushButton5 Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance PushButton5 Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() InputLevelWindow.Show End EventHandler
End Control
Control PushButton6 Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance PushButton6 Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() InputLevelWindowTimer.Show End EventHandler
End Control
Control PushButton3 Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance PushButton3 Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() PlaybackWindow.Show End EventHandler
End Control
Control PushButton7 Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance PushButton7 Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() PlayBufferedWindow.Show End EventHandler
End Control
Control PushButton8 Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance PushButton8 Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() RecorderWindow.init End EventHandler
End Control
EventHandler Sub Open() if TargetMacOS THEN if TargetMachO then 'ok else MsgBox "PEF targets are not supported for the PortAudio plugin. Please switch to MachO." end if end if End EventHandler
End Class
Module Util
Function Str(H as PortAudioHosterrorInfoMBS) As string Return str(h.ErrorCode)+" "+h.ErrorText End Function
End Module
Class PlayWindowTimer Inherits Window
Control ListBox1 Inherits ListBox
ControlInstance ListBox1 Inherits ListBox
End Control
Control Timer1 Inherits Timer
ControlInstance Timer1 Inherits Timer
EventHandler Sub Action() #pragma DisableBackgroundTasks #pragma DisableBoundsChecking const delta=0.01000 dim FrameCount,n,c,i,e,size as integer dim f as single dim m as MemoryBlock FrameCount=s.WriteAvailable if FrameCount>0 then size=FrameCount*8 if lastm=nil or lastm.size<>size then m = New MemoryBlock(size) lastm=m else m=lastm // reuse end if c=FrameCount-1 for i=0 to c f= 0.25 * sin( timeIndex * 2.0 * 3.1415926 * 920.0 / 48000.0) timeIndex=timeIndex+1 m.SingleValue(n)=f // left n=n+4 m.SingleValue(n)=f // right n=n+4 next e=s.Write(m,FrameCount) if e=-9980 then ListBox1.AddRow "Write: "+str(e)+" = Buffer Underflow" elseif e<>0 then ListBox1.AddRow "Write: "+str(e) end if end if End EventHandler
End Control
EventHandler Sub Close() dim e as integer if s<>nil then e=s.Stop e=s.Close end if End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Open() run End EventHandler
Sub run() const paFloat32 = 1 const paInt32 = 2 const paInt24 = 4 const paInt16 = 8 const paInt8 = 16 const paUInt8 = 32 #if TargetMacOS const rate = 44100 #else const rate=48000 // My Linux does not like 8000! #endif dim e as integer p=new PortAudioMBS s=new PortAudioStreamMBS e=s.OpenDefaultStream(0,2,paFloat32, rate, 0, 0) ListBox1.AddRow "OpenDefaultStream: "+str(e) if e=0 then e=s.Start ListBox1.AddRow "Start: "+str(e) e=s.IsStreamActive ListBox1.AddRow "Active: "+str(e) else // On Linux 8000 is not supported? ListBox1.AddRow "Host Error: "+str(s.HostError) end if End Sub
Property Protected LastM As memoryBlock
Property Protected p As PortAudioMBS
Property Protected s As PortAudioStreamMBS
Property Protected timeIndex As integer
End Class
Class InputLevelWindowTimer Inherits Window
Control ListBox1 Inherits ListBox
ControlInstance ListBox1 Inherits ListBox
End Control
Control OutCanvas Inherits Canvas
ControlInstance OutCanvas Inherits Canvas
EventHandler Sub Paint(g As Graphics, areas() As REALbasic.Rect) #Pragma unused areas If out <> Nil Then g.DrawPicture out, 0, 0, g.Width, g.Height, 0, 0, out.Width, out.Height End If End EventHandler
End Control
Control Timer1 Inherits Timer
ControlInstance Timer1 Inherits Timer
EventHandler Sub Action() work End EventHandler
End Control
EventHandler Sub Close() If sr <> Nil Then Call sr.stop End If End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Open() run End EventHandler
Protected Sub run() const paFloat32 = 1 const paInt32 = 2 const paInt24 = 4 const paInt16 = 8 const paInt8 = 16 const paUInt8 = 32 const paStereo = 2 const paMono = 1 const paNoDevice=-1 Dim e As Integer p=new PortAudioMBS sr=new PortAudioStreamMBS e=sr.OpenDefaultStream(paMono, 0, paFloat32, 44100,10240,0) ListBox1.AddRow "OpenStream record: "+str(e) if e=0 then e=sr.Start ListBox1.AddRow "Start record: "+str(e) e=sr.IsStreamActive ListBox1.AddRow "Active record: "+str(e) else Return end if End Sub
Protected Sub work() dim n,e as integer dim m as MemoryBlock dim size as integer dim i as integer dim sum,f as Single dim FrameCount,y,h,w as integer dim g as Graphics FrameCount=400 size=FrameCount*4 m = New MemoryBlock(size) e=sr.Read(m,FrameCount) if e=0 then n=0 for i=1 to FrameCount f=m.SingleValue(n) if f>0 then sum=sum+f else sum=sum-f end if n=n+4 next If out = Nil Or out.Width <> OutCanvas.Width Or out.Height <> OutCanvas.Height Then out = New Picture(OutCanvas.Width, OutCanvas.Height, 32) End If g = out.Graphics h = g.Height-1 w = g.Width-1 y=h-sum*h/FrameCount if y<0 then y=0 elseif y>h then y=h end if g.ForeColor=&c00FF00 g.DrawLine pos,y-1,pos,y+2 g.ForeColor=&c000000 g.DrawLine pos,0,pos,y g.ForeColor=&c0000FF g.DrawLine pos,y,pos,h pos=pos+1 if pos=w then pos=0 end if g.ForeColor=&cFF0000 g.DrawLine pos,0,pos,h OutCanvas.Invalidate End If End Sub
Property Out As Picture
Property Protected p As PortAudioMBS
Property Protected pos As integer
Property Protected sr As PortAudioStreamMBS
End Class
Class PlaybackWindow Inherits Window
Control PushButton1 Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance PushButton1 Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() Record End EventHandler
End Control
Control playbutton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance playbutton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() play End EventHandler
End Control
Control ListBox1 Inherits ListBox
ControlInstance ListBox1 Inherits ListBox
End Control
Control Timer1 Inherits Timer
ControlInstance Timer1 Inherits Timer
EventHandler Sub Action() if sp<>nil then if sp.IsStreamActive=1 then ListBox1.AddRow "Playing..." end if end if if sr<>nil then if sr.IsStreamActive=1 then ListBox1.AddRow "Recording... "+str(sr.SpaceLeft) end if end if End EventHandler
End Control
EventHandler Sub Open() p=new PortAudioMBS End EventHandler
Sub Record() const paFloat32 = 1 const paInt32 = 2 const paInt24 = 4 const paInt16 = 8 const paInt8 = 16 const paUInt8 = 32 const paStereo = 2 const paMono = 1 const paNoDevice=-1 channelCount= paMono dim e as integer if sp<>nil then call sp.Abort sp=nil end if samples=10*44100*channelCount // 10 Seconds at 44100 samples per second size=4*samples // bytes needed data = New MemoryBlock(size+1024) // buffer a bit bigger sr=new MyPortAudioRecordStreamMBS sr.channelCount=channelCount sr.size=size sr.SpaceLeft=samples sr.offset=0 sr.UseSafeThreading=false e=sr.OpenDefaultStream(channelCount, 0, paFloat32, 44100,0,0) ListBox1.AddRow "OpenStream record: "+str(e) if e=0 then e=sr.Start ListBox1.AddRow "Start record: "+str(e) e=sr.IsStreamActive ListBox1.AddRow "Active record: "+str(e) else Return end if playbutton.enabled=True End Sub
Sub play() const paFloat32 = 1 const paInt32 = 2 const paInt24 = 4 const paInt16 = 8 const paInt8 = 16 const paUInt8 = 32 const paNoDevice=-1 dim e as integer if sr<>nil then // stop recording call sr.Abort sr=nil end if sp=new MyPortAudioPlaybackStreamMBS sp.channelCount=channelCount sp.SampleCount=samples sp.UseSafeThreading=false e=sp.OpenDefaultStream(0,channelCount, paFloat32, 44100,0,0) ListBox1.AddRow "OpenStream playback: "+str(e) if e=0 then e=sp.Start ListBox1.AddRow "Start playback: "+str(e) e=sp.IsStreamActive ListBox1.AddRow "Active playback: "+str(e) else Return end if End Sub
Property channelCount As Integer = 1
Property data As memoryBlock
Property p As portaudiombs
Property samples As integer
Property size As integer
Property sp As MyPortAudioPlaybackStreamMBS
Property sr As MyPortAudioRecordStreamMBS
End Class
Class MyPortAudioInputLevelStreamMBS Inherits PortAudioStreamMBS
EventHandler Function Callback(InputBuffer as memoryblock, outputBuffer as memoryblock, FrameCount as integer, inputBufferAdcTime as double, currentTime as double, outputBufferDacTime as double, statusFlags as integer) As integer Dim n As Integer dim m as MemoryBlock dim size as integer dim i as integer dim sum,f as Single dim y,h,w as integer if g<>nil then size=FrameCount*4 m=InputBuffer n=0 for i=1 to FrameCount f=m.SingleValue(n) if f>0 then sum=sum+f else sum=sum-f end if n=n+4 next h=g.Height-1 w=g.Width-1 y=h-sum*h/FrameCount if y<0 then y=0 elseif y>h then y=h end if g.ForeColor=&c00FF00 g.DrawLine pos,y-1,pos,y+2 g.ForeColor=&c000000 g.DrawLine pos,0,pos,y g.ForeColor=&c0000FF g.DrawLine pos,y,pos,h pos=pos+1 if pos=w then pos=0 end if g.ForeColor=&cFF0000 g.DrawLine pos,0,pos,h OutCanvas.Invalidate End If End EventHandler
Property OutCanvas As Canvas
Property g As graphics
Property pos As integer
End Class
Class InputLevelWindow Inherits Window
Control ListBox1 Inherits ListBox
ControlInstance ListBox1 Inherits ListBox
End Control
Control OutCanvas Inherits Canvas
ControlInstance OutCanvas Inherits Canvas
EventHandler Sub Paint(g As Graphics, areas() As REALbasic.Rect) #Pragma unused areas If out <> Nil Then g.DrawPicture out, 0, 0, g.Width, g.Height, 0, 0, out.Width, out.Height End If End EventHandler
End Control
EventHandler Sub Close() If sr <> Nil Then Call sr.stop End If End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Open() run End EventHandler
Protected Sub run() const paFloat32 = 1 const paInt32 = 2 const paInt24 = 4 const paInt16 = 8 const paInt8 = 16 const paUInt8 = 32 const paStereo = 2 const paMono = 1 const paNoDevice=-1 Dim e As Integer p=new PortAudioMBS sr=new MyPortAudioInputLevelStreamMBS e=sr.OpenDefaultStream(paMono, 0, paFloat32, 44100,0,0) ListBox1.AddRow "OpenStream record: "+str(e) if e=0 then e=sr.Start ListBox1.AddRow "Start record: "+str(e) e=sr.IsStreamActive ListBox1.AddRow "Active record: "+str(e) else Return end if out = New Picture(OutCanvas.Width, OutCanvas.Height, 32) sr.OutCanvas = self.OutCanvas sr.g = Out.Graphics End Sub
Protected Sub work() End Sub
Property Out As Picture
Property Protected p As PortAudioMBS
Property Protected pos As integer
Property Protected sr As MyPortAudioInputLevelStreamMBS
End Class
Class PlayWindow Inherits Window
Control ListBox1 Inherits Listbox
ControlInstance ListBox1 Inherits Listbox
End Control
EventHandler Sub Close() dim e as integer if s<>nil then e=s.Stop e=s.Close end if End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Open() run End EventHandler
Sub run() const paFloat32 = 1 const paInt32 = 2 const paInt24 = 4 const paInt16 = 8 const paInt8 = 16 const paUInt8 = 32 const rate=48000 // My Linux does not like 8000! dim e as integer p=new PortAudioMBS s=new MyPortAudioGenerateStreamMBS e=s.OpenDefaultStream(0,2,paFloat32, rate, 0, 0) ListBox1.AddRow "OpenDefaultStream: "+str(e) if e=0 then e=s.Start ListBox1.AddRow "Start: "+str(e) e=s.IsStreamActive ListBox1.AddRow "Active: "+str(e) s.UseSafeThreading=false else // On Linux 8000 is not supported? ListBox1.AddRow "Host Error: "+str(s.HostError) end if End Sub
Property Protected p As PortAudioMBS
Property Protected s As PortAudioStreamMBS
End Class
Class MyPortAudioGenerateStreamMBS Inherits PortAudioStreamMBS
EventHandler Function Callback(InputBuffer as memoryblock, outputBuffer as memoryblock, FrameCount as integer, inputBufferAdcTime as double, currentTime as double, outputBufferDacTime as double, statusFlags as integer) As integer #pragma StackOverflowChecking false #pragma DisableBackgroundTasks #pragma DisableBoundsChecking const delta=0.01000 dim n,c,i as integer dim f as single System.DebugLog str(FrameCount)+" frames" c=FrameCount-1 for i=0 to c f= 0.25 * sin( timeIndex * 2.0 * 3.1415926 * 920.0 / 48000.0) timeIndex=timeIndex+1 outputBuffer.SingleValue(n)=f // left n=n+4 outputBuffer.SingleValue(n)=f // right n=n+4 next End EventHandler
Property Protected leftphase As single
Property Protected rightphase As single
Property Protected timeIndex As integer
End Class
Class MyPortAudioRecordStreamMBS Inherits PortAudioStreamMBS
EventHandler Function Callback(InputBuffer as memoryblock, outputBuffer as memoryblock, FrameCount as integer, inputBufferAdcTime as double, currentTime as double, outputBufferDacTime as double, statusFlags as integer) As integer #pragma DisableBackgroundTasks #pragma DisableBoundsChecking #pragma StackOverflowChecking false // Using unsafe threading requires all the pragmas above and // you are now allowed to call a function // not even object locking, so no strings! const paComplete=1 const paContinue=0 dim n,i,o as integer dim f as Single FrameCount=FrameCount*channelCount // mono or stereo? o=0 n=SpaceLeft if n>FrameCount then n=FrameCount end if for i=1 to n f=InputBuffer.SingleValue(o) o=o+4 data.SingleValue(offset)=f offset=offset+4 SpaceLeft=SpaceLeft-1 next if SpaceLeft<=0 then call me.Abort Return paComplete else Return paContinue end if End EventHandler
Property SpaceLeft As integer
Property channelCount As Integer
Property data As memoryBlock
Property offset As integer
Property size As integer
End Class
Class MyPortAudioPlaybackStreamMBS Inherits PortAudioStreamMBS
EventHandler Function Callback(InputBuffer as memoryblock, outputBuffer as memoryblock, FrameCount as integer, inputBufferAdcTime as double, currentTime as double, outputBufferDacTime as double, statusFlags as integer) As integer #pragma DisableBackgroundTasks #pragma DisableBoundsChecking #pragma StackOverflowChecking false // Using unsafe threading requires all the pragmas above and // you are now allowed to call a function // not even object locking, so no strings! const paComplete=1 const paContinue=0 dim n,i,o as integer dim f as Single FrameCount=FrameCount*channelCount // mono or stereo? n=FrameCount if n>SampleCount then n=SampleCount end if o=0 for i=1 to n f=data.SingleValue(Offset) Offset=Offset+4 SampleCount=SampleCount-1 outputBuffer.SingleValue(o)=f o=o+4 next if SampleCount<1 then Return paComplete else Return paContinue end if End EventHandler
Property Offset As integer
Property SampleCount As integer
Property channelCount As Integer
Property data As memoryBlock
End Class
Class PlayBufferedWindow Inherits Window
Control PushButton1 Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance PushButton1 Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() dim timeIndex,totaltime,n,p as integer dim rate as Single dim f as single dim audioBuffer as MemoryBlock dim c as PortAudioStreamBufferedMBS dim lastp as integer dim e as integer dim started as Boolean timeIndex = 0 rate = 8000.0 totalTime = rate * 10 // 10 seconds f = 440.0 po=new PortAudioMBS c = new PortAudioStreamBufferedMBS dim pasp as new PortAudioStreamParametersMBS pasp.ChannelCount = 1 pasp.Device = po.DefaultOutputDeviceID pasp.SampleFormat = 1 pasp.SuggestedLatency = 0.2 // e = c.OpenDefaultStream(1,rate) e = c.OpenStream(pasp,rate,0,0) ListBox1.AddRow "OpenDefaultStream: "+str(e) system.DebugLog "OpenDefaultStream: "+str(e) if e=0 then else // On Linux 8000 is not supported? ListBox1.AddRow "Host Error: "+str(c.HostError) Return end if const BUFSIZE=4000 started=false audioBuffer = New MemoryBlock(BUFSIZE*4) while (timeIndex < totalTime) or c.IsStreamActive=1 // Output sound until our ten seconds are up p=300.0*c.OutputPosition/totaltime if p<>lastp then lastp=p ProgressBar1.Value=p ProgressBar1.Refresh // System.DebugLog "Last percent: "+str(p) end if if (timeIndex < totalTime) and (c.FreeSpace>0) then p=0 for n = 1 to BUFSIZE audioBuffer.SingleValue(p) = 0.25 * sin(timeIndex * 2.0 * 3.1415926 * f / rate) p=p+4 timeIndex=timeIndex+1 next if not c.AddFloatAudio(audioBuffer) then MsgBox "Failed to play audio!" Return else System.DebugLog "AddFloatAudio ok" if not started then started=true e=c.Start System.DebugLog "Start: "+str(e) ListBox1.AddRow "Start: "+str(e) e=c.IsStreamActive System.DebugLog "Active: "+str(e) ListBox1.AddRow "Active: "+str(e) end if end if end if wend while c.IsStreamActive=1 app.DoEvents wend End EventHandler
End Control
Control ProgressBar1 Inherits ProgressBar
ControlInstance ProgressBar1 Inherits ProgressBar
End Control
Control ListBox1 Inherits ListBox
ControlInstance ListBox1 Inherits ListBox
End Control
Property po As PortAudioMBS
End Class
Class RecorderWindow Inherits Window
Const Frequency = 8000
Control outCanvas Inherits Canvas
ControlInstance outCanvas Inherits Canvas
EventHandler Sub Paint(g As Graphics, areas() As REALbasic.Rect) #pragma unused areas If out <> Nil Then g.DrawPicture out, 0, 0, g.Width, g.Height, 0, 0, out.Width, out.Height End If End EventHandler
End Control
Control Timer1 Inherits Timer
ControlInstance Timer1 Inherits Timer
EventHandler Sub Action() dim l as integer // we ask for samples in the buffer l=p.ReadFrames(m, m.Size) if l>0 then // process the l frames we got ProcessFrames m, l if SaveToFile then AddMemory M, l end if end if End EventHandler
End Control
EventHandler Sub Close() Timer1.Mode = 0 if SaveToFile then save end if End EventHandler
Sub AddMemory(m as MemoryBlock, samples as integer) dim p,q,c,i as integer dim x as MemoryBlock x = New MemoryBlock(samples*2) x.LittleEndian=true p=0 q=0 c=samples-1 for i=0 to c x.Short(q)=m.SingleValue(p)*32767.0 p=p+4 q=q+2 next data.Append x End Sub
Sub ProcessFrames(m as MemoryBlock, l as integer) dim b as Double dim c as integer = l-1 dim mi,ma as Double // just find min and max and display it here b=m.SingleValue(0) ma=b mi=b for i as integer=0 to c b=m.SingleValue(4*i) if b>ma then ma=b end if if b<mi then mi=b end if next // scale so we see more ma=ma*2 mi=mi*2 ma = abs(ma) mi = abs(mi) // draw to the screen directly Dim w As Integer = OutCanvas.width Dim h As Integer = OutCanvas.Height Dim h2 As Integer = h/2 If out = Nil Or out.Width <> w Or out.Height <> h Then out = New Picture(w, h, 32) End If dim g as Graphics = out.Graphics g.ForeColor=&cFFFFFF g.DrawLine index, 0, index, h g.ForeColor=&cFF0000 g.DrawLine index, h2, index, h2-ma*h2 g.ForeColor=&c00FF00 g.DrawLine index, h2, index, h2+mi*h2 OutCanvas.Invalidate // move to the next line index=index+1 if index=w then index=0 end if End Sub
Shared Sub init() Dim d as New MessageDialog //declare the MessageDialog object Dim b as MessageDialogButton //for handling the result d.icon=MessageDialog.GraphicCaution //display warning icon d.ActionButton.Caption="Save" d.CancelButton.Visible=True //show the Cancel button d.AlternateActionButton.Visible=True //show the “Don’t Save” button d.AlternateActionButton.Caption="Don’t Save" d.Message="Do you want to save the recording when you close the window?" b=d.ShowModal //display the dialog Select Case b //determine which button was pressed. Case d.ActionButton RecorderWindow.initialize true Case d.AlternateActionButton RecorderWindow.initialize false //user pressed Don’t Save Case d.CancelButton Return //user pressed Cancel End select End Sub
Sub initialize(b as Boolean) SaveToFile=b m = New MemoryBlock(4*10240) // read 10240 samples per timer loop p=new PortAudioStreamRecorderMBS(1024*1024) if p.OpenDefaultStream(1, Frequency)=0 then if p.Start=0 then timer1.Mode=timer1.ModeMultiple else MsgBox "Failed to start." end if else MsgBox "Failed to initialize." end if End Sub
Sub save() // save as WAV // for more options, please use SoundFileMBS class dim size as integer=0 Dim f As FolderItem = GetSaveFolderItem(FileTypes1.AudioWav,"audio.wav") If f <> Nil Then Dim b As BinaryStream = f.CreateBinaryFile(FileTypes1.AudioWav) if b = nil then MsgBox "Failed to create file " + f.NativePath else for each m as MemoryBlock in data size = size + m.size next b.LittleEndian=true b.Write "RIFF" b.WriteInt32 6+4+16+4+Size // size of file b.Write "WAVE" b.Write "fmt " b.WriteInt32 16 // size of following data b.WriteInt16 1 // format, uncompressed b.WriteInt16 1 // 1 Channel b.WriteInt32 Frequency // Samples per Second b.WriteInt32 Frequency*2 // Bytes per Second b.WriteInt16 2 // Block align, Size of Sample in Bytes b.WriteInt16 16 // bits per sample b.Write "data" b.WriteInt32 Size for each m in data b.Write m next b.Close end if end if End Sub
Note "Frequency"
you can set frequency to 8000 for phone quality or for example to 44100 for HiFi
Property Out As Picture
Property Protected SaveToFile As Boolean
Property Protected data() As MemoryBlock
Property index As Integer
Property m As MemoryBlock
Property p As PortAudioStreamRecorderMBS
End Class
Filetype audio/wav
End FileTypes1
ExternalFile info
End ExternalFile
End Project

See also:

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Audio Plugin.

The biggest plugin in space...