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NSURLSessionMBS.AuthChallengeCancelAuthenticationChallenge = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Networking MBS MacFrameworks Plugin 20.2
One of the authentication challenge disposition modes.

The entire request will be canceled; the credential parameter is ignored.

NSURLSessionMBS.AuthChallengePerformDefaultHandling = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Networking MBS MacFrameworks Plugin 20.2
One of the authentication challenge disposition modes.

Default handling for the challenge - as if this delegate were not implemented; the credential parameter is ignored.

NSURLSessionMBS.AuthChallengeRejectProtectionSpace = 3

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Networking MBS MacFrameworks Plugin 20.2
One of the authentication challenge disposition modes.

This challenge is rejected and the next authentication protection space should be tried; the credential parameter is ignored.

NSURLSessionMBS.AuthChallengeUseCredential = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Networking MBS MacFrameworks Plugin 20.2
One of the authentication challenge disposition modes.

Use the specified credential, which may be nil

NSURLSessionMBS.DelayedRequestCancel = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Networking MBS MacFrameworks Plugin 20.2
One of the disposition options for delayed requests.

Cancel the task; the request parameter is ignored.

NSURLSessionMBS.DelayedRequestContinueLoading = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Networking MBS MacFrameworks Plugin 20.2
One of the disposition options for delayed requests.

Use the original request provided when the task was created; the request parameter is ignored.

NSURLSessionMBS.DelayedRequestUseNewRequest = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Networking MBS MacFrameworks Plugin 20.2
One of the disposition options for delayed requests.

Use the specified request, which may not be nil.

NSURLSessionMBS.ResponseAllow = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Networking MBS MacFrameworks Plugin 20.2
One of the constants indicating how a data or upload session should proceed after receiving the initial headers.

Allow the load operation to continue.

NSURLSessionMBS.ResponseBecomeDownload = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Networking MBS MacFrameworks Plugin 20.2
One of the constants indicating how a data or upload session should proceed after receiving the initial headers.

Convert the response for this request to use a NSURLSessionDownloadTaskMBS.

NSURLSessionMBS.ResponseBecomeStream = 3

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Networking MBS MacFrameworks Plugin 20.2
One of the constants indicating how a data or upload session should proceed after receiving the initial headers.

Convert the response for this request to use a NSURLSessionStreamTaskMBS.

NSURLSessionMBS.ResponseCancel = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Networking MBS MacFrameworks Plugin 20.2
One of the constants indicating how a data or upload session should proceed after receiving the initial headers.

Cancel the load.

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MacFrameworks Plugin.

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