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NSURLMBS.NSURLLocalizedLabelKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

The resource’s localized label text, returned as an NSString object, or nil if the resource has no localized label text (read-only).

Available in OS X v10.6 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLLocalizedNameKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

The resource’s localized or extension-hidden name, returned as an NSString object (read-only).

Available in OS X v10.6 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLLocalizedTypeDescriptionKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

The resource’s localized type description, returned as an NSString object (read-only).
Available in OS X v10.6 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLNameKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

The resource’s name in the file system, returned as an NSString object (read-write).
Available in OS X v10.6 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLParentDirectoryURLKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

The parent directory of the resource, returned as an NSURL object, or nil if the resource is the root directory of its volume (read-only).
Available in OS X v10.6 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLPathKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

The file system path for the URL, returned as an NSString object (read-only).

Available in OS X v10.8 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLPreferredIOBlockSizeKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

The optimal block size to use when reading or writing this file's data, returned as an NSNumber object, or nil if the preferred size is not available (read-only).
Available in OS X v10.7 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLQuarantinePropertiesKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
A key for quarantine properties.

Dim f As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.UserHome.Child("Downloads").Child("Installation.pdf")
Dim n As New NSURLMBS(f)
'Dim d As Dictionary = n.QuarantineProperties

Dim d As Dictionary
Dim v As Variant
dim e as NSErrorMBS

If n.getResourceValue(v, n.NSURLQuarantinePropertiesKey, e) Then

d = v
Break // inspect in debugger

Break // failed
End If

The quarantine properties as defined in LSQuarantine.h. To remove quarantine information from a file, pass NSNull as the value when setting this property. (Read-write, value type dictionary)
Available on Mac OS X 10.10 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLTagNamesKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

The names of tags attached to the resource, returned as an array of String values (read-write).

Available in OS X v10.9 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLThumbnailDictionaryKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

A dictionary of NSImage objects keyed by size (read-write).
See Thumbnail Property Keys for a list of possible keys.
Available in OS X v10.10.

NSURLMBS.NSURLThumbnailKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

All thumbnails as a single NSImage (read-write).
Available in OS X v10.10.

NSURLMBS.NSURLTotalFileAllocatedSizeKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Keys that apply to properties of files.

Key for the total allocated size of the file in bytes, returned as an NSNumber object (read-only). This includes the size of any file metadata.

Available in OS X v10.7 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLTotalFileSizeKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Keys that apply to properties of files.

Key for the total displayable size of the file in bytes, returned as an NSNumber object (read-only). This includes the size of any file metadata.

Available in OS X v10.7 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLTypeIdentifierKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

The resource’s uniform type identifier (UTI), returned as a string (read-only).
Available in OS X v10.6 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemContainerDisplayNameKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Keys that describe the iCloud storage state of a file.

A string containing the name of the item’s container, as it is displayed to the user.

Available in OS X v10.10 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingErrorKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Keys that describe the iCloud storage state of a file.

An error object that indicates why downloading the item from iCloud failed.

Available in OS X v10.9 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusCurrent as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Values that describe the iCloud storage state of a file.

A local copy of this item exists and is the most up-to-date version known to the device.

Available in OS X v10.9 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusDownloaded as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Values that describe the iCloud storage state of a file.

A local copy of this item exists, but it is stale. The most recent version will be downloaded as soon as possible.

Available in OS X v10.9 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Keys that describe the iCloud storage state of a file.

The current download state for the item, indicating whether a local copy exists and whether that copy is the most current version of the item. The possible values for this key are described in Ubiquitous Item Downloading Status Constants.

Available in OS X v10.9 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusNotDownloaded as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Values that describe the iCloud storage state of a file.

This item has not been downloaded yet. Use startDownloadingUbiquitousItemAtURL to download it.

Available in OS X v10.9 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadRequestedKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Keys that describe the iCloud storage state of a file.

A Boolean indicating whether a call to startDownloadingUbiquitousItemAtURL has already been made to download the item. The value of this key is read-only.

Available in OS X v10.10 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemHasUnresolvedConflictsKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Keys that describe the iCloud storage state of a file.

A boolean NSNumber that contains true if this item has conflicts outstanding, false otherwise (read-only).
Available in OS X v10.7 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemIsDownloadedKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Keys that describe the iCloud storage state of a file.

A boolean NSNumber that contains true if this item’s data has been downloaded to a ubiquity container, false otherwise (read-only).

Available in OS X v10.7 and later.
Deprecated in OS X v10.9.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemIsDownloadingKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Keys that describe the iCloud storage state of a file.

A boolean NSNumber that contains true if this item is being downloaded from iCloud, false otherwise (read-only).

Available in OS X v10.7 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemIsExcludedFromSyncKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 21.5 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the resource keys.

Value is a boolean.
The item is excluded from sync, which means it is locally on disk but won't be available on the server. An excluded item is no longer ubiquitous.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemIsSharedKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 21.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

true if the ubiquitous item is shared. (Read-only, value type boolean)

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemIsUploadedKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Keys that describe the iCloud storage state of a file.

A boolean NSNumber that contains true if this item’s data has been uploaded to iCloud storage, false otherwise (read-only).

When waiting for an upload to complete, do not poll this key from within a block passed to coordinateReadingItemAtURL, because the coordinated read required to obtain this value cannot be performed until that block completes and returns. Instead, use NSMetadataQuery or an NSFilePresenter delegate to asynchronously notify your app when the status changes.

Available in OS X v10.7 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemIsUploadingKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Keys that describe the iCloud storage state of a file.

A boolean NSNumber that contains true if this item is being uploaded to iCloud, false otherwise (read-only).

Available in OS X v10.7 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemPercentDownloadedKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Keys that describe the iCloud storage state of a file.

An NSNumber in the range 0–100 that indicates the percentage of the data that has been downloaded (read-only).

Use the NSMetadataQuery class to search for NSMetadataItem objects that have the NSMetadataUbiquitousItemPercentDownloadedKey attribute instead.

Available in OS X v10.7 and later.
Deprecated in OS X v10.8.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemPercentUploadedKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Keys that describe the iCloud storage state of a file.

An NSNumber in the range 0–100 that indicates the percentage of the data that has been uploaded (read-only).

Use the NSMetadataQuery class to search for NSMetadataItem objects that have the NSMetadataUbiquitousItemPercentUploadedKey attribute instead.

Available in OS X v10.7 and later.
Deprecated in OS X v10.8.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousItemUploadingErrorKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Keys that describe the iCloud storage state of a file.

An error object that indicates why uploading the item to iCloud failed.
Available in OS X v10.9 and later.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemCurrentUserPermissionsKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 21.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

returns the permissions for the current user, or nil if not shared. (Read-only, value type string). Possible values below.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemCurrentUserRoleKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 21.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

Returns the current user's role for this shared item, or nil if not shared. (Read-only, value type string). See NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemRoleOwner and NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemRoleParticipant.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemMostRecentEditorNameComponentsKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 21.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

returns a NSPersonNameComponents for the most recent editor of the document, or nil if it is the current user. (Read-only, value type NSPersonNameComponents)

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemOwnerNameComponentsKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 21.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

returns a NSPersonNameComponents, or nil if the current user. (Read-only, value type NSPersonNameComponents)

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemPermissionsReadOnly as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 21.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

the current user is only allowed to read this item

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemPermissionsReadWrite as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 21.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

the current user is allowed to both read and write this item

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemRoleOwner as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 21.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

the current user is the owner of this shared item.

NSURLMBS.NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemRoleParticipant as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 21.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

the current user is a participant of this shared item.

NSURLMBS.NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityForImportantUsageKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 21.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

Total available capacity in bytes for "Opportunistic" resources, including space expected to be cleared by purging non-essential and cached resources. "Opportunistic" means something that the user is likely to want but does not expect to be present on the local system, but is ultimately non-essential and replaceable. This would include items that will be created or downloaded without an explicit request from the user on the current device.

Examples: A background download of a newly available episode of a TV series that a user has been recently watching, a piece of content explicitly requested on another device, or a new document saved to a network server by the current user from another device.

Value is zero if unknown. Please switch to NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityKey key in that case.

Read-only, value type number

Some examples using this method:

NSURLMBS.NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityForOpportunisticUsageKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 21.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

Total available capacity in bytes for "Important" resources, including space expected to be cleared by purging non-essential and cached resources. "Important" means something that the user or application clearly expects to be present on the local system, but is ultimately replaceable. This would include items that the user has explicitly requested via the UI, and resources that an application requires in order to provide functionality.

Examples: A video that the user has explicitly requested to watch but has not yet finished watching or an audio file that the user has requested to download.

This value should not be used in determining if there is room for an irreplaceable resource. In the case of irreplaceable resources, always attempt to save the resource regardless of available capacity and handle failure as gracefully as possible.

Value is zero if unknown. Please switch to NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityKey key in that case.

Read-only, value type number

Some examples using this method:

NSURLMBS.NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the property keys for volumes.

Key for the volume’s available capacity in bytes, returned as an Int64 (read-only).
Available in OS X v10.6 and later.

Some examples using this method:

NSURLMBS.NSURLVolumeCreationDateKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the property keys for volumes.

Key for the volume’s creation date, returned as a date, or nil if it cannot be determined (read-only).

Available in OS X v10.7 and later.

Some examples using this method:

NSURLMBS.NSURLVolumeIdentifierKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

The unique identifier of the resource’s volume, returned as an id (read-only).
This identifier can be used with the isEqual method to determine whether two file system resources are on the same volume.
The value of this identifier is not persistent across system restarts.
Available in OS X v10.7 and later.

If used with getResourceValue will give a MemoryBlock.

Some examples using this method:

NSURLMBS.NSURLVolumeIsAutomountedKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the property keys for volumes.

Key for determining whether the volume is automounted, returned as a Boolean (read-only).

Available in OS X v10.7 and later.

Some examples using this method:

NSURLMBS.NSURLVolumeIsBrowsableKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the property keys for volumes.

Key for determining whether the volume is visible in GUI-based file-browsing environments, such as the Desktop or the Finder application, returned as a Boolean (read-only).

Available in OS X v10.7 and later.

Some examples using this method:

NSURLMBS.NSURLVolumeIsEjectableKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the property keys for volumes.

Key for determining whether the volume is ejectable from the drive mechanism under software control, returned as a Boolean (read-only).

Available in OS X v10.7 and later.

Some examples using this method:

NSURLMBS.NSURLVolumeIsEncryptedKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 21.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the file system URL resource keys.

true if the volume is encrypted. (Read-only, value type boolean)

NSURLMBS.NSURLVolumeIsInternalKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the property keys for volumes.

Key for determining whether the volume is connected to an internal bus, returned as a Boolean, or nil if it cannot be determined (read-only).

Available in OS X v10.7 and later.

Some examples using this method:

NSURLMBS.NSURLVolumeIsJournalingKey as string

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
shared method Cocoa Networking MBS MacBase Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
One of the property keys for volumes.

Key for determining whether the volume is currently journaling, returned as a Boolean.
Available in OS X v10.6 and later.

Some examples using this method:

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