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XMPFilesMBS constants


Constant Value Description
kAEFilterPresetFile &h46465820 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kAEProjectFile &h41455020 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kAEProjTemplateFile &h41455420 One of the constants to specify a file type. After Effects Project Template
kAIFFFile &h41494646 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kAllowsOnlyXMP &h00000020 One of the option bit flags for GetFormatInfo Allows access to just the XMP, ignoring other forms.
kAllowsSafeUpdate &h00000200 One of the option bit flags for GetFormatInfo The file handler allows crash-safe file updates.
kArrayLastItem -1 The index constant for the last item.
kAVCHDFile &h41564844 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kAVIFile &h41564920 One of the constants to specify a file type. Cineon
kCanExpand 2 One of the option bit flags for GetFormatInfo Can expand XMP or other metadata in an existing file.
kCanInjectXMP 1 One of the option bit flags for GetFormatInfo Can inject first-time XMP into an existing file.
kCanReconcile &h00000010 One of the option bit flags for GetFormatInfo Supports reconciliation between XMP and other forms.
kCanRewrite 4 One of the option bit flags for GetFormatInfo Can copy one file to another, writing new metadata.
kCELFile &h43454C20 One of the constants to specify a file type. Audition loop
kChar16BitBig 2 One of the constants to define the character format. 16-bit big-endian
kChar16BitLittle 3 One of the constants to define the character format. 16-bit little-endian
kChar16BitMask 2 One of the constants to define the character format.
kChar32BitBig 4 One of the constants to define the character format. 32-bit big-endian
kChar32BitLittle 5 One of the constants to define the character format. 32-bit little-endian
kChar32BitMask 4 One of the constants to define the character format.
kChar8Bit 0 One of the constants to define the character format. 8-bit
kCharLittleEndianMask 1 One of the constants to define the character format.
kCharUnknown 1 One of the constants to define the character format. Variable or not-yet-known cases
kCINFile &h43494E20 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kEncoreProjectFile &h4E434F52 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kEPSFile &h45505320 One of the constants to specify a file type. encapsulated PostScript
kFLAFile &h464C4120 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kFLVFile &h464C5620 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kFolderBasedFormat &h00001000 One of the option bit flags for GetFormatInfo The format is folder oriented, for example the P2 video format.
kGIFFile &h47494620 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kHandlerOwnsFile &h00000100 One of the option bit flags for GetFormatInfo The file handler does the file open and close.
kHTMLFile &h48544D4C One of the constants to specify a file type.
kIllustratorFile &h41492020 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kInDesignFile &h494E4444 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kJPEG2KFile &h4A505820 One of the constants to specify a file type. JPEG 2000, ISO 15444-1
kJPEGFile &h4A504547 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kMOVFile &h4D4F5620 One of the constants to specify a file type. Quicktime
kMP3File &h4D503320 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kMPEG2File &h4D503220 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kMPEG4File &h4D503420 One of the constants to specify a file type. ISO 14494-12 and -14
kMPEGFile &h4D504547 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kNeedsReadOnlyPacket &h00000400 One of the option bit flags for GetFormatInfo The file format needs the XMP packet to be read-only.
kNoOptions 0 The constant to specify to use no options.
kOpenCacheTNail 8 One of the option bit flags for OpenFile(). Cache thumbnail if possible, TXMPFiles::GetThumbnail() will be called.
kOpenForRead 1 One of the option bit flags for OpenFile(). Open for read-only access.
kOpenForUpdate 2 One of the option bit flags for OpenFile(). Open for reading and writing.
kOpenInBackground &h10000000 One of the option bit flags for OpenFile(). Set if calling from background thread.
kOpenLimitedScanning &h00000080 One of the option bit flags for OpenFile(). Only packet scan files "known" to need scanning.
kOpenOnlyXMP 4 One of the option bit flags for OpenFile(). Only the XMP is wanted, allows space/time optimizations.
kOpenRepairFile &h00000100 One of the option bit flags for OpenFile(). Attempt to repair a file opened for update, default is to not open (throw an exception).
kOpenStrictly &h00000010 One of the option bit flags for OpenFile(). Be strict about locating XMP and reconciling with other forms.
kOpenUsePacketScanning &h00000040 One of the option bit flags for OpenFile(). Force packet scanning, do not use a smart handler.
kOpenUseSmartHandler &h00000020 One of the option bit flags for OpenFile(). Require the use of a smart handler.
kP2File &h50322020 One of the constants to specify a file type. a collection not really a single file
kPDFFile &h50444620 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kPhotoshopFile &h50534420 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kPNGFile &h504E4720 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kPostScriptFile &h50532020 One of the constants to specify a file type. general PostScript following DSC conventions
kPrefersInPlace 8 One of the option bit flags for GetFormatInfo Can expand, but prefers in-place update.
kPremiereProjectFile &h5052504A One of the constants to specify a file type.
kPremiereTitleFile &h5052544C One of the constants to specify a file type.
kReturnsRawPacket &h00000040 One of the option bit flags for GetFormatInfo File handler returns raw XMP packet information.
kReturnsTNail &h00000080 One of the option bit flags for GetFormatInfo File handler returns native thumbnail.
kSESFile &h53455320 One of the constants to specify a file type. Audition session
kSonyHDVFile &h53484456 One of the constants to specify a file type. a collection not really a single file
kSWFFile &h53574620 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kTextFile &h74657874 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kTIFFFile &h54494646 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kUCFFile &h55434620 One of the constants to specify a file type. Universal Container Format
kUnknownFile &h20202020 One of the constants to specify a file type. Unknown file format constant
kUnknownLength -1 Constant for an unknown packet length within a file.
kUnknownOffset -1 Constant for an unknown packet offset within a file.
kUpdateSafely 1 One of the constants for the option bit flags for CloseFile(). Write into a temporary file and swap for crash safety.
kUseNullTermination 0 The length constants for a string to determinate the length automatically.
kUsesSidecarXMP &h00000800 One of the option bit flags for GetFormatInfo The file handler uses a "sidecar" file for the XMP.
kWAVFile &h57415620 One of the constants to specify a file type.
kWMAVFile &h574D4156 One of the constants to specify a file type. Windows Media Audio and Video
kXDCAM_EXFile &h58444358 One of the constants to specify a file type. a collection not really a single file
kXDCAM_FAMFile &h58444346 One of the constants to specify a file type. a collection not really a single file
kXDCAM_SAMFile &h58444353 One of the constants to specify a file type. a collection not really a single file
kXMLFile &h584D4C20 One of the constants to specify a file type.

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