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XLSheetMBS constants

Cell Type Constants

Constant Value Description
CellTypeBlank 4 blank
CellTypeBoolean 3 boolean value
CellTypeEmpty 0 empty
CellTypeError 5 error
CellTypeNumber 1 number value
CellTypeStrictDate 6 strict date
CellTypeString 2 string value

Error Type Constants

Constant Value Description
ErrorTypeDiv0 7 DIV/0!
ErrorTypeNA &h2A N/A
ErrorTypeName &h1D NAME?
ErrorTypeNoError &hFF No Error.
ErrorTypeNull 0 NULL!
ErrorTypeNum &h24 NUM!
ErrorTypeRef &h17 REF!
ErrorTypeValue &h0F VALUE!

Ignore Errors

Constant Value Description
IgnoreErrorDataValidation 128 Ignore errors when a cell's value in a Table does not comply with the Data Validation rules specified.
IgnoreErrorEmptyCellref 2 Ignore errors when formulas refer to empty cells.
IgnoreErrorEvalError 1 Ignore errors when cells contain formulas that result in an error.
IgnoreErrorInconsistFormula 16 Ignore errors when a formula in a region of your worksheet differs from other formulas in the same region.
IgnoreErrorInconsistRange 8 Ignore errors when formulas omit certain cells in a region.
IgnoreErrorNoError 0 No error.
IgnoreErrorNumberStoredAsText 4 Ignore errors when numbers are formatted as text or are preceded by an apostrophe.
IgnoreErrorTwodigTextyear 32 Ignore errors when formulas contain text formatted cells with years represented as 2 digits.
IgnoreErrorUnlockFormula 64 Ignore errors when unlocked cells contain formulas.

Paper Format Constants

Constant Value Description
Paper10X11 45
Paper10X14 16 10 x 14 in
Paper10X17 17 11 x 17 in
Paper12X11 90
Paper15X11 46
Paper9X11 44
PaperA2 66
PaperA3 8 A3 297 x 420 mm
PaperA3Extra 63
PaperA3ExtraTransverse 68
PaperA3Rotated 76
PaperA3Transverse 67
PaperA4 9 A4 210 x 297 mm
PaperA4Extra 53
PaperA4Plus 60
PaperA4Rotated 77
PaperA4Small 10 A4 Small 210 x 297 mm
PaperA4Transverse 55
PaperA5 11 A5 148 x 210 mm
PaperA5Extra 64
PaperA5Rotated 78
PaperA5Transverse 61
PaperA6 70
PaperA6Rotated 83
PaperB4 12 B4 (JIS) 250 x 354
PaperB4Iso 42
PaperB4Rotated 79
PaperB5 13 B5 (JIS) 182 x 257 mm
PaperB5Extra 65
PaperB5Rotated 80
PaperB5Transverse 62
PaperB6 88
PaperB6Rotated 89
PaperCSize 24 C size sheet
PaperDefault 0 Default paper size
PaperDoubleJapanesePostcardRotated 82
PaperDSize 25 D size sheet
PaperEnvelope 36 Envelope 110 x 230 mm
PaperEnvelope10 20 US Envelope #10 4 1/8 x 9 1/2
PaperEnvelope11 21 US Envelope #11 4 1/2 x 10 3/8
PaperEnvelope12 22 US Envelope #12 4 3/4 x 11
PaperEnvelope14 23 US Envelope #14 5 x 11 1/2
PaperEnvelope9 19 US Envelope #9 3 7/8 x 8 7/8
PaperEnvelopeB4 33 Envelope B4 250 x 353 mm
PaperEnvelopeB5 34 Envelope B5 176 x 250 mm
PaperEnvelopeB6 35 Envelope B6 176 x 125 mm
PaperEnvelopeC3 29 Envelope C3 324 x 458 mm
PaperEnvelopeC4 30 Envelope C4 229 x 324 mm
PaperEnvelopeC5 28 Envelope C5 162 x 229 mm
PaperEnvelopeC6 31 Envelope C6 114 x 162 mm
PaperEnvelopeC65 32 Envelope C65 114 x 229 mm
PaperEnvelopeDL 27 Envelope DL 110 x 220mm
PaperEnvelopeInvite 47
PaperEnvelopeMonarch 37 US Envelope Monarch 3.875 x 7.5 in
PaperESize 26 E size sheet
PaperExecutive 7 US Executive 7 1/4 x 10 1/2 in
PaperFanfold 39 US Std Fanfold 14 7/8 x 11 in
PaperFolio 14 Folio 8 1/2 x 13 in
PaperGermanLegalFanfold 41 German Legal Fanfold 8 1/2 x 13 in
PaperGermanStdFanfold 40 German Std Fanfold 8 1/2 x 12 in
PaperJapaneseDoublePostcard 69
PaperJapaneseEnvelopeChou3 73
PaperJapaneseEnvelopeChou3Rotated 86
PaperJapaneseEnvelopeChou4 74
PaperJapaneseEnvelopeChou4Rotated 87
PaperJapaneseEnvelopeKaku2 71
PaperJapaneseEnvelopeKaku2Rotated 84
PaperJapaneseEnvelopeKaku3 72
PaperJapaneseEnvelopeKaku3Rotated 85
PaperJapaneseEnvelopeYou4 91
PaperJapaneseEnvelopeYou4Rotated 92
PaperJapanesePostcard 43
PaperJapanesePostcardRotated 81
PaperLedger 4 US Ledger 17 x 11 in
PaperLegal 5 US Legal 8 1/2 x 14 in
PaperLetter 1 US Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in
PaperLetterExtraTransverse 56
PaperLetterRotated 75
PaperLetterSmall 2 US Letter Small 8 1/2 x 11 in
PaperLetterTransverse 54
PaperNote 18 US Note 8 1/2 x 11 in
PaperPrc16K 93
PaperPrc16KRotated 106
PaperPrc32K 94
PaperPrc32KBig 95
PaperPrc32KbigRotated 108
PaperPrc32KRotated 107
PaperPrcEnvelope1 96
PaperPrcEnvelope10 105
PaperPrcEnvelope10Rotated 118
PaperPrcEnvelope1Rotated 109
PaperPrcEnvelope2 97
PaperPrcEnvelope2Rotated 110
PaperPrcEnvelope3 98
PaperPrcEnvelope3Rotated 111
PaperPrcEnvelope4 99
PaperPrcEnvelope4Rotated 112
PaperPrcEnvelope5 100
PaperPrcEnvelope5Rotated 113
PaperPrcEnvelope6 101
PaperPrcEnvelope6Rotated 114
PaperPrcEnvelope7 102
PaperPrcEnvelope7Rotated 115
PaperPrcEnvelope8 103
PaperPrcEnvelope8Rotated 116
PaperPrcEnvelope9 104
PaperPrcEnvelope9Rotated 117
PaperQuatro 15 Quarto 215 x 275 mm
PaperStatement 6 US Statement 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 in
PaperSupera 57
PaperSuperb 58
PaperTabloid 3 US Tabloid 11 x 17 in
PaperUSEnvelope 38 US Envelope 3 5/8 x 6 1/2 in
PaperUSLegalExtra 51
PaperUSLetterExtra 50
PaperUSLetterPlus 59
PaperUSTabloidExtra 52

Protection Levels

Constant Value Description
ProtectAll 0 Nothing is allowed except cell selections.
ProtectAutofilter 4096 Autofilters are allowed when the sheet is protected.
ProtectDefault -1 Default protection.
ProtectDeleteColumns 256 Deleting columns is allowed when the sheet is protected.
ProtectDeleteRows 512 Deleting rows is allowed when the sheet is protected.
ProtectFormatCells 4 Formatting cells is allowed when the sheet is protected.
ProtectFormatColumns 8 Formatting columns is allowed when the sheet is protected.
ProtectFormatRows 16 Formatting rows is allowed when the sheet is protected.
ProtectInsertColumns 32 Inserting columns is allowed when the sheet is protected.
ProtectInsertHyperlinks 128 Inserting hyperlinks is allowed when the sheet is protected.
ProtectInsertRows 64 Inserting rows is allowed when the sheet is protected.
ProtectObjects 1 Objects are locked when the sheet is protected.
ProtectPivottables 8192 Pivot tables are allowed when the sheet is protected.
ProtectScenarios 2 Scenarios are locked when the sheet is protected.
ProtectSelLockedCells 1024 Selection of locked cells is locked when the sheet is protected.
ProtectSelUnlockedCells 16384 Selection of unlocked cells is locked when the sheet is protected.
ProtectSort 2048 Sorting is allowed when the sheet is protected.


Constant Value Description
ScopeUndefined -2 Undefined scope
ScopeWorkbook -1 Workbook scope.

Visible State Constants

Constant Value Description
SheetStateHidden 1 Sheet is hidden, but can be shown via the user interface.
SheetStateVeryHidden 2 Sheet is hidden and cannot be shown in the user interface.
SheetStateVisible 0 Sheet is visible

Data Validation Error Styles

Constant Value Description
ValidationErrstyleInformation 2 This data validation error style uses an information icon in the error alert.
ValidationErrstyleStop 0 This data validation error style uses a stop icon in the error alert.
ValidationErrstyleWarning 1 This data validation error style uses a warning icon in the error alert.

Validation Operations

Constant Value Description
ValidationOpBetween 0 Data validation which checks if a value is between two other values.
ValidationOpEqual 2 Data validation which checks if a value is equal to a specified value.
ValidationOpGreaterthan 6 Data validation which checks if a value is greater than a specified value.
ValidationOpGreaterthanorequal 7 Data validation which checks if a value is greater than or equal to a specified value.
ValidationOpLessthan 4 Data validation which checks if a value is less than a specified value.
ValidationOpLessthanorequal 5 Data validation which checks if a value is less than or equal to a specified value.
ValidationOpNotbetween 1 Data validation which checks if a value is not between two other values.
ValidationOpNotequal 3 Data validation which checks if a value is not equal to a specified value.

Data Validation Types

Constant Value Description
ValidationTypeCustom 7 Data validation which uses a custom formula to check the cell value.
ValidationTypeDate 4 Data validation which checks for date values satisfying the given condition.
ValidationTypeDecimal 2 Data validation which checks for decimal values satisfying the given condition.
ValidationTypeList 3 Data validation which checks for a value matching one of list of values.
ValidationTypeNone 0 No data validation.
ValidationTypeTextLength 6 Data validation which checks for text values, whose length satisfies the given condition.
ValidationTypeTime 5 Data validation which checks for time values satisfying the given condition.
ValidationTypeWhole 1 Data validation which checks for whole number values satisfying the given condition.

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