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SmartCardContextMBS constants

Error Codes

Constant Value Description
kErrorBadSeek &H80100029 An error occurred in setting the smart card file object pointer.
kErrorCancelled &H80100002 The action was canceled by an Cancel request.
kErrorCancelledByUser &H8010006E The action was canceled by the user.
kErrorCantDispose &H8010000E The system could not dispose of the media in the requested manner.
kErrorCardNotAuthenticated &H8010006F No PIN was presented to the smart card.
kErrorCardUnsupported &H8010001C The smart card does not meet minimal requirements for support.
kErrorCertificateUnavailable &H8010002D The requested certificate could not be obtained.
kErrorChvBlocked &H8010006C The card cannot be accessed because the maximum number of PIN entry attempts has been reached.
kErrorCommDataLost &H8010002F A communications error with the smart card has been detected.
kErrorCommError &H80100013 An internal communications error has been detected.
kErrorDirNotFound &H80100023 The specified directory does not exist in the smart card.
kErrorDuplicateReader &H8010001B The reader driver did not produce a unique reader name.
kErrorEof &H8010006D The end of the smart card file has been reached.
kErrorFileNotFound &H80100024 The specified file does not exist in the smart card.
kErrorIccCreateorder &H80100021 The requested order of object creation is not supported.
kErrorIccInstallation &H80100020 No primary provider can be found for the smart card.
kErrorInsufficientBuffer &H80100008 The data buffer for returned data is too small for the returned data.
kErrorInternalError &H80100001 An internal consistency check failed.
kErrorInvalidAtr &H80100015 An ATR string obtained from the registry is not a valid ATR string.
kErrorInvalidChv &H8010002A The supplied PIN is incorrect.
kErrorInvalidHandle &H80100003 The supplied handle was not valid.
kErrorInvalidParameter &H80100004 One or more of the supplied parameters could not be properly interpreted.
kErrorInvalidTarget &H80100005 Registry startup information is missing or not valid.
kErrorInvalidValue &H80100011 One or more of the supplied parameter values could not be properly interpreted.
kErrorNoAccess &H80100027 Access is denied to the file.
kErrorNoDir &H80100025 The supplied path does not represent a smart card directory.
kErrorNoFile &H80100026 The supplied path does not represent a smart card file.
kErrorNoKeyContainer &H80100030 The requested key container does not exist on the smart card.
kErrorNoMemory &H80100006 Not enough memory available to complete this command.
kErrorNoReadersAvailable &H8010002E No smart card reader is available.
kErrorNoService &H8010001D The smart card resource manager is not running.
kErrorNoSmartcard &H8010000C The operation requires a smart card, but no smart card is currently in the device.
kErrorNoSuchCertificate &H8010002C The requested certificate does not exist.
kErrorNotReady &H80100010 The reader or card is not ready to accept commands.
kErrorNotTransacted &H80100016 An attempt was made to end a nonexistent transaction.
kErrorPciTooSmall &H80100019 The PCI receive buffer was too small.
kErrorProtoMismatch &H8010000F The requested protocols are incompatible with the protocol currently in use with the card.
kErrorReaderUnavailable &H80100017 The specified reader is not currently available for use.
kErrorReaderUnsupported &H8010001A The reader driver does not meet minimal requirements for support.
kErrorRemovedCard &H80100069 The smart card has been removed, so further communication is not possible.
kErrorResetCard &H80100068 The smart card was reset.
kErrorSecurityViolation &H8010006A Access was denied because of a security violation.
kErrorServerTooBusy &H80100031 The smart card resource manager is too busy to complete this operation.
kErrorServiceStopped &H8010001E The smart card resource manager has shut down.
kErrorSharingViolation &H8010000B The smart card cannot be accessed because of other outstanding connections.
kErrorShutdown &H80100018 The operation has been aborted to allow the server application to exit.
kErrorSuccess 0 No error.
kErrorSystemCancelled &H80100012 The action was canceled by the system, presumably to log off or shut down.
kErrorTimeout &H8010000A The user-specified time-out value has expired.
kErrorUnexpected &H8010001F An unexpected card error has occurred.
kErrorUnknownCard &H8010000D The specified smart card name is not recognized.
kErrorUnknownError &H80100014 An internal error has been detected, but the source is unknown.
kErrorUnknownReader &H80100009 The specified reader name is not recognized.
kErrorUnknownResMng &H8010002B An unrecognized error code was returned.
kErrorUnpoweredCard &H80100067 Power has been removed from the smart card, so that further communication is not possible.
kErrorUnresponsiveCard &H80100066 The smart card is not responding to a reset.
kErrorUnsupportedCard &H80100065 The reader cannot communicate with the card, due to ATR string configuration conflicts.
kErrorUnsupportedFeature &H80100022 This smart card does not support the requested feature.
kErrorWaitedTooLong &H80100007 An internal consistency timer has expired.
kErrorWriteTooMany &H80100028 An attempt was made to write more data than would fit in the target object.
kErrorWrongChv &H8010006B The card cannot be accessed because the wrong PIN was presented.

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