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SCNFloorMBS class
Super class: SCNGeometryMBS
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | SceneKit | MBS Mac64bit Plugin | 19.1 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ✅ Yes | Desktop & iOS |
Subclass of the SCNGeometryMBS class.
- 7 properties
- property length as Double
- property reflectionCategoryBitMask as Integer
- property reflectionFalloffEnd as Double
- property reflectionFalloffStart as Double
- property reflectionResolutionScaleFactor as Double
- property reflectivity as Double
- property width as Double
- method Constructor
- shared method floor as SCNFloorMBS
Super class SCNGeometryMBS
- 10 properties
- property edgeCreasesElement as SCNGeometryElementMBS
- property edgeCreasesSource as SCNGeometrySourceMBS
- property firstMaterial as SCNMaterialMBS
- property geometryElementCount as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property Name as String
- property shaderModifiers as Dictionary New in 24.4
- property subdivisionLevel as Integer
- property tessellator as SCNGeometryTessellatorMBS
- property wantsAdaptiveSubdivision as Boolean
- 14 methods
- method Constructor
- method copy as SCNGeometryMBS
- method geometryElementAtIndex(index as Integer) as SCNGeometryElementMBS
- method geometryElements as SCNGeometryElementMBS()
- method geometrySources as SCNGeometrySourceMBS()
- method geometrySourcesForSemantic(semantic as String) as SCNGeometrySourceMBS()
- method insertMaterial(Material as SCNMaterialMBS, Index as Integer)
- method levelsOfDetail as SCNLevelOfDetailMBS()
- method materials as SCNMaterialMBS()
- method materialWithName(name as string) as SCNMaterialMBS
- method removeMaterial(Index as Integer)
- method replaceMaterial(Index as Integer, Material as SCNMaterialMBS)
- method setLevelsOfDetail(LevelsOfDetails() as SCNLevelOfDetailMBS = nil)
- method setMaterials(materials() as SCNMaterialMBS)
- 2 shared methods
- shared method geometry as SCNGeometryMBS
- shared method geometryWithSources(sources() as SCNGeometrySourceMBS, elements() as SCNGeometryElementMBS) as SCNGeometryMBS
This class has no sub classes.
Blog Entries
Release notes
- Version 19.1
- Added SCNBoxMBS, SCNCapsuleMBS, SCNConeMBS, SCNCylinderMBS, SCNFloorMBS, SCNPlaneMBS, SCNPyramidMBS, SCNShapeMBS, SCNSphereMBS, SCNTextMBS, SCNTorusMBS and SCNTubeMBS classes.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Mac64bit Plugin.
SCNetworkReachabilityMBS - SCNGeometryElementMBS