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PortAudioStreamParametersMBS constants


Constant Value Description
kAsioUseChannelSelectors 1 One of the ASIO flags. Set to enable channel selectors.

Stream Category

Constant Value Description
kWASAudioCategoryAlerts 4 Alert sounds.
kWASAudioCategoryCommunications 3 Real-time communications, such as VOIP or chat.
kWASAudioCategoryGameChat 8 Game chat audio. Similar to kWASAudioCategoryCommunications except that kWASAudioCategoryGameChat will not attenuate other streams.
kWASAudioCategoryGameEffects 6 Game sound effects.
kWASAudioCategoryGameMedia 7 Background audio for games.
kWASAudioCategoryMedia 11 Stream that includes audio without dialog.
kWASAudioCategoryMovie 10 Stream that includes audio with dialog.
kWASAudioCategoryOther 0 Other audio stream.
kWASAudioCategorySoundEffects 5 Sound effects.
kWASAudioCategorySpeech 9 Speech.

WAS Flags

Constant Value Description
kWASFlagExclusive 1 Puts WASAPI into exclusive mode.
kWASFlagPolling 8 selects non-Event driven method of data read/write
Note: WASAPI Event driven core is capable of 2ms latency!!!, but Polling method can only provide 15-20ms latency.
kWASFlagRedirectHostProcessor 2 Allows to skip internal PA processing completely.
kWASFlagThreadPriority 16 forces custom thread priority setting, must be used if kWasapiStreamInfo::threadPriority is set to a custom value.
kWASFlagUseChannelMask 4 Assigns custom channel mask.

Stream Options

Constant Value Description
kWASStreamOptionMatchFormat 2 Force WASAPI Audio Engine into a stream format, supported since Windows 10
kWASStreamOptionNone 0 Default
kWASStreamOptionRaw 1 Bypass WASAPI Audio Engine DSP effects, supported since Windows 8.1

Thread Priorities

Constant Value Description
kWASThreadPriorityAudio 1 Audio. Default for Shared mode.
kWASThreadPriorityCapture 2 Capture
kWASThreadPriorityDistribution 3 Distribution
kWASThreadPriorityGames 4 Games
kWASThreadPriorityNone 0
kWASThreadPriorityPlayback 5 Playback
kWASThreadPriorityProAudio 6 ProAudio. Default for Exclusive mode.
kWASThreadPriorityWindowManager 7 Window Manager

Windows Channel Mask

Constant Value Description
kWinChannelMask5Point1 63 5.1 Speakers without side speakers.
kWinChannelMask5Point1Surround 1551 5.1 Speakers with side speakers.
kWinChannelMask7Point1 255 7.1 Speakers without side speakers.
kWinChannelMask7Point1Surround 1599 7.1 Speakers with side speakers.
kWinChannelMaskAll 2147483648 Used to specify that any possible permutation of speaker configurations
kWinChannelMaskBackCenter 256 Back Center.
kWinChannelMaskBackLeft 16 Back Left.
kWinChannelMaskBackRight 32 Back Right.
kWinChannelMaskDirectout 0 no speakers
kWinChannelMaskFrontCenter 4 Front center.
kWinChannelMaskFrontLeft 1 Front left
kWinChannelMaskFrontLeftOfCenter 64 Front Left or Center.
kWinChannelMaskFrontRight 2 Front right.
kWinChannelMaskFrontRightOfCenter 128 Front Right or Center.
kWinChannelMaskGroundFrontCenter 4 DVD Speaker Positions: Ground Front Center
kWinChannelMaskGroundFrontLeft 1 DVD Speaker Positions: Ground Front Left
kWinChannelMaskGroundFrontRight 2 DVD Speaker Positions: Ground Front Right
kWinChannelMaskGroundRearLeft 16 DVD Speaker Positions: Ground Rear Left
kWinChannelMaskGroundRearRight 32 DVD Speaker Positions: Ground Rear Right
kWinChannelMaskLowFrequency 8 Low frequency speaker (bass)
kWinChannelMaskMono 4 Mono goes to center speaker, or if not available to left and right.
kWinChannelMaskQuad 51 Left and right in front and back.
kWinChannelMaskReserved 2147221504 Bit mask locations reserved for future use.
kWinChannelMaskSideLeft 512 Side speaker on left
kWinChannelMaskSideRight 1024 Side speaker on right.
kWinChannelMaskStereo 3 Left and right speakers.
kWinChannelMaskSuperWoofer 8 DVD Speaker Positions: Super Woofer
kWinChannelMaskSurround 263 Front left and right, front and back center.
kWinChannelMaskTopBackCenter 65536 Top back center.
kWinChannelMaskTopBackLeft 32768 Top back left.
kWinChannelMaskTopBackRight 131072 Top back right.
kWinChannelMaskTopCenter 2048 Top center
kWinChannelMaskTopFrontCenter 8192 Top front center
kWinChannelMaskTopFrontLeft 4096 Top front left.
kWinChannelMaskTopFrontRight 16384 Top front right.
kWinChannelMaskTopMiddle 2048 DVD Speaker Positions: Top Middle

Direct Sound Flags

Constant Value Description
kWinDirectSoundUseChannelMask 4 The flag indicates that the WinDirectSoundChannelMask field is set.
kWinDirectSoundUseLowLevelLatencyParameters 1 Indicates WinDirectSoundFramesPerBuffer field is set.

Win MME Flags

Constant Value Description
kWinMmeDontThrottleOverloadedProcessingThread 8 By default, the mme implementation drops the processing thread's priority to THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL and sleeps the thread if the CPU load exceeds 100% This flag disables any priority throttling. The processing thread will always run at THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL.
kWinMmeUseChannelMask 4 Use channel mask.
kWinMmeUseLowLevelLatencyParameters 1 Use low level latency.
kWinMmeUseMultipleDevices 2 Use multiple devices.
kWinMmeWaveFormatDolbyAc3Spdif 16 Flags for non-PCM spdif passthrough.
kWinMmeWaveFormatWmaSpdif 32 Flags for non-PCM spdif passthrough.

Flags for Win WDM/KS

Constant Value Description
kWinWDMKSOverrideFramesize 1 Makes WDMKS use the supplied latency figures instead of relying on the frame size reported by the WaveCyclic device. Use at own risk!
kWinWDMKSUseGivenChannelMask 2 Makes WDMKS (output stream) use the given channelMask instead of the default.

Sample Formats

Constant Value Description
paCustomFormat 65536 Custom format. Not supported by plugin.
paFloat32 1 Uses +1.0 and -1.0 as the maximum and minimum respectively.
paInt16 8 Signed 16 bit.
paInt24 4 Packed 24 bit format
paInt32 2 Signed 32 bit.
paInt8 16 8 bit integer.
paNonInterleaved &h80000000 Non interleaved. more
paNonInterleavedFloat32 &h80000001 Non interleaved, Uses +1.0 and -1.0 as the maximum and minimum respectively.
paNonInterleavedInt16 &h80000008 Non interleaved, signed 16 bit.
paNonInterleavedInt24 &h80000004 Non interleaved, Packed 24 bit format
paNonInterleavedInt32 &h80000002 Non interleaved, signed 32 bit.
paNonInterleavedInt8 &h80000010 Non interleaved, 8 bit integer.
paNonInterleavedUInt8 &h80000020 Non interleaved, unsigned 8 bit format where 128 is considered "ground".
paUInt8 32 unsigned 8 bit format where 128 is considered "ground"

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