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PhidgetSpatialMBS class

Super class: PhidgetMBS

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
class Phidgets MBS Phidgets Plugin 22.1 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ❌ No Desktop, Console & Web
The Spatial class simultaneously gathers data from the acceleromter, gyroscope and magnetometer on a Phidget board.

You can also use the individual classes for these sensors if you want to handle the data in separate events.
Subclass of the PhidgetMBS class.

Filter Types

Constant Value Description
kFilterTypeLogicLevel 2 Logic level
kFilterTypeZeroCrossing 1 Zero crossing

Input Modes

Constant Value Description
kInputModeNPN 1 For interfacing NPN digital sensors.
kInputModePNP 2 For interfacing PNP digital sensors.

Power Supply

Constant Value Description
kPowerSupply12V 2 The sensor is provided with 12 volts
kPowerSupply24V 3 The sensor is provided with 24 volts
kPowerSupplyOff 1 Switch the sensor power supply off.

Spatial Algorithm

Constant Value Description
kSpatialAlgorithmAHRS 1 AHRS algorithm, incorporating magnetometer data for yaw correction.
kSpatialAlgorithmIMU 2 IMU algorithm, using gyro and accelerometer, but not magnetometer.
kSpatialAlgorithmNone 0 No AHRS algorithm is used.

Super class PhidgetMBS

This class has no sub classes.

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