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CoreTextMBS constants

Font Class Constants

Constant Value Description
kCTFontClassClarendonSerifs &H040000000 Clarendon Serifs
kCTFontClassFreeformSerifs &H070000000 Freeform Serifs
kCTFontClassMaskShift 28 The font class shift.
This is used to shift the font class to the upper most 4 bits of the symbolic traits.
kCTFontClassModernSerifs &H030000000 Modern Serifs
kCTFontClassOldStyleSerifs &H010000000 OldStyleSerifs
kCTFontClassOrnamentals &H090000000 Ornamentals
kCTFontClassSansSerif &H080000000 Sans Serif
kCTFontClassScripts &H0A0000000 Scripts
kCTFontClassSlabSerifs &H050000000 Slab Serifs
kCTFontClassSymbolic &H0C0000000 Symbolic
kCTFontClassTransitionalSerifs &H020000000 Transitional Serifs
kCTFontClassUnknown &H000000000 Unknown

Font Auto-Activation Settings

Constant Value Description
kCTFontManagerAutoActivationDefault 0 Default auto-activation setting. When specified, the application uses the global setting.
kCTFontManagerAutoActivationDisabled 1 Disables auto-activation.
kCTFontManagerAutoActivationEnabled 2 Enables auto-activation.
kCTFontManagerAutoActivationPromptUser 3 Requires user input for auto-activation. A dialog is presented to the user to confirm auto-activation of the font.

Font Registration Errors

Constant Value Description
kCTFontManagerErrorAlreadyRegistered 105 The file has already been registered in the specified scope.
kCTFontManagerErrorFileNotFound 101 The file does not exist at the specified URL.
kCTFontManagerErrorInsufficientPermissions 102 Cannot access the file due to insufficient permissions.
kCTFontManagerErrorInvalidFontData 104 The file contains invalid font data that could cause system problems.
kCTFontManagerErrorUnrecognizedFormat 103 The file is not a recognized or supported font file format.

Font Unregistration Errors

Constant Value Description
kCTFontManagerErrorInUse 202 The font file is actively in use and cannot be unregistered.
kCTFontManagerErrorNotRegistered 201 The file is not registered in the specified scope.
kCTFontManagerErrorSystemRequired 202 The file is required by the system and cannot be unregistered.

Font Registration Scope

Constant Value Description
kCTFontManagerScopeNone 0 No scope is defined.
kCTFontManagerScopeProcess 1 The font is available to the current process for the duration of the process unless directly unregistered.
kCTFontManagerScopeSession 3 The font is available to the current user session but will not be available in subsequent sessions.
kCTFontManagerScopeUser 2 The font is available to all processes for the current user session and will be available in subsequent sessions unless unregistered.

Font Traits

Constant Value Description
kCTFontTraitBold 2 Bold.
Additional detail available via kCTFontWeightTrait
kCTFontTraitClassMask 4026531840 Mask for the font class
kCTFontTraitColorGlyphs 8192 Color bitmap glyphs are available.
kCTFontTraitComposite 16384 Composite
The font is a CFR (Composite font reference), a cascade list is expected per font.
kCTFontTraitCondensed 64 Condensed
Additional detail available via kCTFontWidthTrait
kCTFontTraitExpanded 32 Expanded
Expanded and condensed traits are mutually exclusive
kCTFontTraitItalic 1 Italic
Additional detail available via kCTFontSlantTrait
kCTFontTraitMonoSpace 1024 MonoSpace
Use fixed-pitch glyphs if available. May have multiple glyph advances (most CJK glyphs may contain two spaces)
kCTFontTraitUIOptimized 4096 UI optimized
Synthesize appropriate attributes for UI rendering such as control titles if necessary
kCTFontTraitVertical 2048 Vertical
Use vertical glyph variants and metrics.

Underline Pattern

Constant Value Description
kCTUnderlinePatternDash &h0200 Dash
kCTUnderlinePatternDashDot &h0300 Dash Dot
kCTUnderlinePatternDashDotDot &h0400 Dash Dot Dot
kCTUnderlinePatternDot &h0100 Dot
kCTUnderlinePatternSolid &h0000 Solid

Underline style specifiers.

Constant Value Description
kCTUnderlineStyleDouble 9 Double underlined.
kCTUnderlineStyleNone 0 Not underlined.
kCTUnderlineStyleSingle 1 Single underlined.
kCTUnderlineStyleThick 2 Thick underlined.

Version Constants

Constant Value Description
kCTVersionNumber10_5 &h00020000 Mac OS X 10.5
kCTVersionNumber10_5_2 &h00020001 Mac OS X 10.5.2
kCTVersionNumber10_5_3 &h00020002 Mac OS X 10.5.3
kCTVersionNumber10_5_5 &h00020003 Mac OS X 10.5.5
kCTVersionNumber10_6 &h00030000 Mac OS X 10.6
kCTVersionNumber10_7 &h00040000 Mac OS X 10.7
kCTVersionNumber10_8 &h00050000 Mac OS X 10.8
kCTVersionNumber10_9 &h00060000 Mac OS X 10.9

Writing Directions

Constant Value Description
kCTWritingDirectionEmbedding 0
kCTWritingDirectionOverride 1

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