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CIFilterQRCodeGeneratorMBS class
Super class: CIFilterMBS
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | CoreImage | MBS MacCI Plugin | 17.4 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ✅ Yes | All |
Details for this filter:
FilterName: | CIQRCodeGenerator |
DisplayName English: | QR Code Generator |
DisplayName German: | QR-Code-Generator |
DisplayName French: | Générateur de code QR |
DisplayName Italian: | Generatore codice QR |
DisplayName Spanish: | Generador de códigos QR |
- CICategoryGenerator: Generator
- CICategoryStillImage: Still Image
- CICategoryBuiltIn: Built-In
- inputMessage: Message
- inputCorrectionLevel: Correction Level
- outputImage
- outputCGImage
- 4 properties
- property AttributeinputCorrectionLevel as CIAttributeMBS
- property AttributeinputMessage as CIAttributeMBS
- property inputCorrectionLevel as String
- property inputMessage as Memoryblock
- method Constructor
Super class CIFilterMBS
- 15 properties
- property AttributesCount as Integer
- property description as String
- property DisplayName as string
- property Enabled as Boolean
- property FilterName as string
- property Handle as Integer
- property Name as String
- property outputImage as CIImageMBS
- property ValueAsAffineTransform(key as string) as NSAffineTransformMBS
- property ValueAsCIColor(key as string) as CIColorMBS
- property ValueAsCIImage(key as string) as CIImageMBS
- property ValueAsCIVector(key as string) as CIVectorMBS
- property ValueAsData(key as string) as memoryblock
- property ValueAsNumber(key as string) as Double
- property ValueAsString(key as string) as String
- 10 methods
- method attributesDictionary as dictionary
- method AttributesItem(index as Integer) as CIAttributeMBS
- method AttributesItem(name as string) as CIAttributeMBS
- method AttributesName(index as Integer) as string
- method Categories as string()
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method copy as CIFilterMBS
- method InputKeys as string()
- method OutputKeys as string()
- method SetDefaults
- 134 shared methods
- shared method filterArrayFromSerializedXMP(xmpData as MemoryBlock, extent as CGRectMBS, byref NSError as Variant) as CIFilterMBS()
- shared method FilterNamesInCategories(categories() as String) as string()
- shared method FilterNamesInCategory(category as String) as string()
- shared method FilterWithHandle(handle as Integer) as CIFilterMBS
- shared method filterWithImageData(Data as MemoryBlock, options as Dictionary) as CIFilterMBS
- shared method filterWithImageFile(File as FolderItem, options as Dictionary) as CIFilterMBS
- shared method filterWithImageURL(URL as String, options as Dictionary) as CIFilterMBS
- shared method FilterWithName(name as String) as CIFilterMBS
- shared method FilterWithName(name as String, options as Dictionary) as CIFilterMBS
- shared method kCIActiveKeys as String
- shared method kCIApplyOptionColorSpace as String
- shared method kCIApplyOptionDefinition as String
- shared method kCIApplyOptionExtent as String
- shared method kCIApplyOptionUserInfo as String
- shared method kCIAttributeClass as String
- shared method kCIAttributeDefault as String
- shared method kCIAttributeDescription as String
- shared method kCIAttributeDisplayName as String
- shared method kCIAttributeFilterAvailable_iOS as String
- shared method kCIAttributeFilterAvailable_Mac as String
- shared method kCIAttributeFilterCategories as String
- shared method kCIAttributeFilterDisplayName as String
- shared method kCIAttributeFilterName as String
- shared method kCIAttributeIdentity as String
- shared method kCIAttributeMax as String
- shared method kCIAttributeMin as String
- shared method kCIAttributeName as String
- shared method kCIAttributeReferenceDocumentation as String
- shared method kCIAttributeSliderMax as String
- shared method kCIAttributeSliderMin as String
- shared method kCIAttributeType as string
- shared method kCIAttributeTypeAngle as String
- shared method kCIAttributeTypeBoolean as String
- shared method kCIAttributeTypeColor as String
- shared method kCIAttributeTypeCount as String
- shared method kCIAttributeTypeDistance as String
- shared method kCIAttributeTypeGradient as String
- shared method kCIAttributeTypeImage as String
- shared method kCIAttributeTypeInteger as String
- shared method kCIAttributeTypeOffset as String
- shared method kCIAttributeTypeOpaqueColor as String
- shared method kCIAttributeTypePosition as String
- shared method kCIAttributeTypePosition3 as String
- shared method kCIAttributeTypeRectangle as String
- shared method kCIAttributeTypeScalar as String
- shared method kCIAttributeTypeTime as String
- shared method kCIAttributeTypeTransform as String
- shared method kCICategoryBlur as String
- shared method kCICategoryBuiltIn as String
- shared method kCICategoryColorAdjustment as String
- shared method kCICategoryColorEffect as String
- shared method kCICategoryCompositeOperation as String
- shared method kCICategoryDistortionEffect as String
- shared method kCICategoryFilterGenerator as String
- shared method kCICategoryGenerator as String
- shared method kCICategoryGeometryAdjustment as String
- shared method kCICategoryGradient as String
- shared method kCICategoryHalftoneEffect as String
- shared method kCICategoryHighDynamicRange as String
- shared method kCICategoryInterlaced as String
- shared method kCICategoryNonSquarePixels as String
- shared method kCICategoryReduction as String
- shared method kCICategorySharpen as String
- shared method kCICategoryStillImage as String
- shared method kCICategoryStylize as String
- shared method kCICategoryTileEffect as String
- shared method kCICategoryTransition as String
- shared method kCICategoryVideo as String
- shared method kCIInputAllowDraftModeKey as String
- shared method kCIInputAngleKey as String
- shared method kCIInputAspectRatioKey as String
- shared method kCIInputBackgroundImageKey as String
- shared method kCIInputBaselineExposureKey as String
- shared method kCIInputBiasKey as String
- shared method kCIInputBoostKey as String
- shared method kCIInputBoostShadowAmountKey as String
- shared method kCIInputBrightnessKey as String
- shared method kCIInputCenterKey as String
- shared method kCIInputColorKey as String
- shared method kCIInputColorNoiseReductionAmountKey as String
- shared method kCIInputContrastKey as String
- shared method kCIInputDecoderVersionKey as String
- shared method kCIInputDepthImageKey as String
- shared method kCIInputDisableGamutMapKey as String
- shared method kCIInputDisparityImageKey as String
- shared method kCIInputEnableChromaticNoiseTrackingKey as String
- shared method kCIInputEnableSharpeningKey as String
- shared method kCIInputEnableVendorLensCorrectionKey as String
- shared method kCIInputEVKey as String
- shared method kCIInputExtentKey as String
- shared method kCIInputGradientImageKey as String
- shared method kCIInputIgnoreImageOrientationKey as String
- shared method kCIInputImageKey as String
- shared method kCIInputImageOrientationKey as String
- shared method kCIInputIntensityKey as String
- shared method kCIInputLinearSpaceFilter as String
- shared method kCIInputLuminanceNoiseReductionAmountKey as String
- shared method kCIInputMaskImageKey as String
- shared method kCIInputMoireAmountKey as String
- shared method kCIInputNeutralChromaticityXKey as String
- shared method kCIInputNeutralChromaticityYKey as String
- shared method kCIInputNeutralLocationKey as String
- shared method kCIInputNeutralTemperatureKey as String
- shared method kCIInputNeutralTintKey as String
- shared method kCIInputNoiseReductionAmountKey as String
- shared method kCIInputNoiseReductionContrastAmountKey as String
- shared method kCIInputNoiseReductionDetailAmountKey as String
- shared method kCIInputNoiseReductionSharpnessAmountKey as String
- shared method kCIInputRadiusKey as String
- shared method kCIInputRefractionKey as String
- shared method kCIInputSaturationKey as String
- shared method kCIInputScaleFactorKey as String
- shared method kCIInputScaleKey as String
- shared method kCIInputShadingImageKey as String
- shared method kCIInputSharpnessKey as String
- shared method kCIInputTargetImageKey as String
- shared method kCIInputTimeKey as String
- shared method kCIInputTransformKey as String
- shared method kCIInputVersionKey as String
- shared method kCIInputWeightsKey as String
- shared method kCIInputWidthKey as String
- shared method kCIOutputImageKey as String
- shared method kCIOutputNativeSizeKey as String
- shared method kCISupportedDecoderVersionsKey as String
- shared method kCIUIParameterSet as String
- shared method kCIUISetAdvanced as String
- shared method kCIUISetBasic as String
- shared method kCIUISetDevelopment as String
- shared method kCIUISetIntermediate as String
- shared method localizedDescriptionForFilterName(filterName as String) as String
- shared method LocalizedNameForCategory(name as String) as String
- shared method LocalizedNameForFilterName(name as String) as String
- shared method localizedReferenceDocumentationForFilterName(filterName as String) as String
- shared method serializedXMPFromFilters(filters() as CIFilterMBS, extent as CGRectMBS) as Memoryblock
This class has no sub classes.
Some examples using this class:
Blog Entries
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MacCI Plugin.
CIFilterPointillizeMBS - CIFilterRadialGradientMBS