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EKEventStoreMBS.kAuthorizationStatusAuthorized = 3

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the constants to indicates the current authorization status for a specific entity type.

The app is authorized to access the service.

EKEventStoreMBS.kAuthorizationStatusDenied = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the constants to indicates the current authorization status for a specific entity type.

The user explicitly denied access to the service for the app.

EKEventStoreMBS.kAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the constants to indicates the current authorization status for a specific entity type.

The user has not yet made a choice regarding whether the app may access the service.

EKEventStoreMBS.kAuthorizationStatusRestricted = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the constants to indicates the current authorization status for a specific entity type.

The app is not authorized to access the service. The user cannot change this app’s authorization status, possibly due to active restrictions such as parental controls being in place.

EKEventStoreMBS.kEntityMaskEvent = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the entity types.


EKEventStoreMBS.kEntityMaskReminder = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the entity types.


EKEventStoreMBS.kEntityTypeEvent = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the entity types.

Entity Event

EKEventStoreMBS.kEntityTypeReminder = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the entity types.

Entity Reminder

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorAlarmGreaterThanRecurrence = 8

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The alarm interval is greater than the recurrence interval.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorAlarmProximityNotSupported = 21

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The source does not allow geofences on alarms.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorCalendarDoesNotAllowEvents = 22

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The calendar does not allow events to be added.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorCalendarDoesNotAllowReminders = 23

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The calendar does not allow reminders to be added.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorCalendarHasNoSource = 14

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The calendar cannot be saved with no source set.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorCalendarIsImmutable = 16

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The calendar is immutable and cannot be modified or deleted.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorCalendarReadOnly = 6

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The calendar is read-only and cannot have events added to it.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorCalendarSourceCannotBeModified = 15

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The calendar cannot be moved to another source.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorDatesInverted = 4

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The event’s end date occurs before its start date.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorDurationGreaterThanRecurrence = 7

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The duration of an event is greater than its recurrence interval.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorEventNotMutable = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The event is not mutable and cannot be saved or deleted.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorInternalFailure = 5

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

An internal error occurred.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorInvalidSpan = 13

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

An invalid span was passed when saving or deleting.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorInvitesCannotBeMoved = 12

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The event cannot be moved because it is an invite.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorNoCalendar = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The event is not associated with a calendar.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorNoEndDate = 3

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The event has no end date set.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorNoStartDate = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The event has no start date set.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorObjectBelongsToDifferentStore = 11

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The object belongs to a different calendar store.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorRecurringReminderRequiresDueDate = 18

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The recurring reminder requires a due date.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorReminderLocationsNotSupported = 20

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The source doesn't support locations on reminders.

EKEventStoreMBS.kErrorSourceDoesNotAllowCalendarAddDelete = 17

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Calendar MBS Mac64bit Plugin 15.3
One of the error constants.

The source doesn’t allow calendars to be added or deleted.

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